Fourth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty
The Fourth Conference of States Parties (CSP4) of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) will be held in Tokyo, Japan from 20-24 August 2018.
Conference documents
- Preparatory process
- Statements
- Documents
- Side events
- ATT Monitor - subscribe to receive daily during the conference
Reaching Critical Will resources
- Preventing gender-based violence through effective Arms Trade Treaty implementation
- Preventing gender-based violence through arms control: tools and guidelines to implement the Arms Trade Treaty and UN Programme of Action
- Gender-based violence and the Arms Trade Treaty
- Women, weapons, war: a gendered critique of multilateral instruments
- Trading arms, bombing towns: the lethal connection between the international arms trade and the use of explosive weapons in populated areas
- Briefs on arms transfers, explosive weapons, and the rights to health, education, and adequate housing
Other resources