Statements from the Tenth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty
19 August 2024
Opening session
- Ms. Luminita-Teodora Odobescu, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Romania
- Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, Under-Secretary General and UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs
- Ms. Mirjana Spoljaric, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
- Mr. Fadi Abi Allam, Executive Director of Permanent Peace Movement, Lebanon, speaking on behalf of Control Arms
Special session on the ATT 10th anniversary
- Mr. Peter Woolcott, President of the 2013 Final UN Conference on the ATT, Australia
- Ms. Tomiko Ichikawa, Permanent Representative of the Delegation of Japan to the Conference on Disarmament
- Mr. Mxolisi Nkosi, Permanent Representative of South Africa to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva
- Mr. Ioan Tudor, Director General, Department for Export Controls (ANCEX), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania
- Mr. Carlos Foradori, Permanent Representative of Argentina to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva
- Mr. David Riley, Permanent Representative of the UK to the Conference on Disarmament
- Ms. Rachel Stohl, Senior Vice President, Stimson Center
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
Thematic discussion on interagency cooperation
- Ms. Francisca E. Mendez Escobar, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva
- Dr. Lansana Gberie, Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva
- Ms. Domina Pia S. Salazar, Officer-in-Charge and Assistant Director of the Strategic Trade Management Office at the Department of Trade and Industry, Philippines
- Mr. Roy Isbister, Team Leader, Arms Unit, Saferworld
- Dr. Paul Holtom, Programme Head, Conventional Arms & Ammunition Programme, UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
- Namibia (Ms.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- France (Ms.)
- Côte d'Ivoire (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Aotearoa New Zealand (Ms.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- Bulgaria (Ms.)
- Panama (Ms.)
- China (Ms.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Peru (Ms.)
General debate
- Gambia (Mr.)
- Malawi (Mr.)
- Organisation of Islamic Countries, delivered by Maldives (Ms.)
- African Group, delivered by Burkina Faso (Mr.)
- Joint statement on gender, delivered by Mexico (Ms.)
- Dominican Republic (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Palestine (Ms.)
- Latvia (Mr.)
- Paraguay (Ms.)
20 August 2024
- Ireland (Mr.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Uruguay (Mr.)
- France (Ms.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- Canada (Ms.)
- Niger (Mr.)
- Norway (Ms.)
- Côte d'Ivoire (Mr.)
- Bosnia Herzegovina (Mr.)
- Mozambique (Mr.)
- Luxembourg (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Aotearoa New Zealand (Ms.)
- Guatemala (Ms.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- Zambia (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- Bulgaria (Ms.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Panama (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Peru (Mr.)
- Japan (Ms.)
- Sierra Leone (Mr.)
- Finland (Ms.)
- Philippines (Mr.)
- Chile (Ms.)
- Romania (Mr.)
- Botswana (Mr.)
- South Africa (Ms.)
- Burkina Faso (Mr.)
- Belgium (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Samoa (Ms.)
- Ghana (Mr.)
- Republic of Moldova (Mr.)
- Central African Republic (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Costa Rica (Ms.)
- Singapore (Mr.)
- Malaysia (Ms.)
- Comoros (Mr.)
- Thailand (Mr.)
- Israel (Mr.)
- Türkiye (Mr.)
Treaty Universalisation
- Secretariat (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.), chair of WGTU
- Palestine (Ms.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- Australia (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- UK (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- Philippines (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Romania (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Mali (Ms.)
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (Mr.)
- Control Arms (Ms.)
- Peru (Ms.)
- National Association for Guns Rights (Mr.)
- Paraguay (Mr.)
- ASER (Mr.)
Treaty Implementation
- Costa Rica (Mr.), chair of WGETI
- Palestine (Ms.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Namibia (Mr.)
21 August 2024
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Niger (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Philippines (Ms.)
- Canada (Ms.)
- Panama (Mr.)
- Romania (Ms.)
- South Africa (Ms.)
- China (Ms.)
- ICRC (Ms.)
- Control Arms (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Peru (Ms.)
- Mines Advisory Group (Ms.)
- ASER (Mr.)
- Second Amendment Foundation (Ms.)
- Paraguay (Mr.)
Transparency and reporting
- ATT Secretariat (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.), chair of WGTR
- EU (Mr.)
- France (Mr.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Namibia (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- United Kingdom (Ms.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Philippines (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Mr.)
- China (Ms.)
- Canada (Ms.)
- Romania (Ms.)
- Sierra Leone (Mr.)
- Control Arms (Ms.)
- Peru (Ms.)
- Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons (Ms.)
- ASER (Mr.)
Diversion Information Exchange Forum (DIEF)
- France (Mr.), DIEF Chair
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Central African Republic (CAR)
- China (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
Continuation of general debate
- RECSA (Mr.)
- Amnesty International (Mr.)
- International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), WILPF and Al-Haq (Mr.)
- GENSAC (Ms.)
- China (Mr.) - right of reply
- Small Arms Survey (Mr.)
- ASER (Mr.)
- National Association for Guns Rights (Mr.)
Continuation of Diversion Information Exchange Forum (DIEF)
(open only to states parties)
22 August 2024
Sponsorship Programme
- ATT Secretariat (Mr.)
International Assistance
- ATT Secretariat (Mr.)
- Costa Rica (Ms.)
- Côte d'Ivoire (Mr.)
- Palau (Ms.)
- Zambia (Mr.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- Liberia (Ms.)
- Niger (Mr.)
- Paraguay (Mr.)
- Mines Advisory Group (MAG)
- Parliamentary Forum on SALW (Ms. and Mr.)
- IANSA (Mr.)
- Benin (Mr.)
UK’s Political Declaration
- UK (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- Gambia (Ms.)
- Japan (Ms.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Romania (Mr.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- President (Mr.)
Matters pertaining to the Secretariat
- ATT Secretariat (Mr.)
- Management Committee's Chair (Mr.)
- President (Mr.)
- EU (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- UK (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- Japan (Ms.)
- Romania (Ms.)
- Control Arms (Mr.)
Financial contributions
- ATT Secretariat (Mr.)
- EU (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- UK (Mr.)
23 August 2024
Matters pertaining to CSP11
- President (Mr.)
- UK (Mr.)
Adoption of the final report
- President (Mr.)
- MAG (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- UK (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- President (Mr.)