Documents from the Ninth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty
This page contains documents from the Ninth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty, taking place in Geneva from 21–25 August 2023.
For documents from the two preparatory meetings that took place in March and May 2023, check out this page.
For documents from the three working groups, check out this page.
Conference documents
- CSP9 Provisional Agenda
- CSP9 Provisional Programme of Work
- CSP9 Provisional Annotated Programme of Work
- CSP9 zero draft report
- CPS9 revised draft report
- CSP9 final draft report
ATT Secretariat
- Provisional Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2024
- Report on the ATT Secretariat's Work for the Period 2022/2023
- Report on the ATT Sponsorship Programme for the Period 2022/2023
Management Committee
- Report on the ATT Management Committee's Activities for the Period 2022/2023
- Management Committee Draft Proposal on the Review of the ATT Programme of Work
CSP9 President
Working Groups
- Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation (WGETI) - Chair's Draft Report to CSP9
- Working Group on Treaty Universalization (WGTU) - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP9
- Working Group on Transparency and Reporting (WGTR) - Chairs' Draft Report to CSP9
Voluntary Trust Fund
Working papers
- Joint working paper submitted by Austria, Ireland and Mexico on "Responsible Business Conduct and the Arms Trade Treaty"
- Working paper submitted by Mexico, Spain and the Small Arms Survey on "Mitigating the risk of armed violence against people on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) through the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)"