Documents from the Eighth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty
Conference documents
- CSP8 Provisional Agenda (22 June 2022)
- CSP8 Provisional Programme of Work (22 July 2022)
- CSP8 Provisional Annotated Programme of Work (22 July 2022)
- CSP8 Final report
- Report on the ATT Secretariat's Work for the Period 2021/2022 (22 July 2022)
- Report on the ATT Sponsorship Programme for the Period 2021/2022 (22 July 2022)
- Report of the ATT Management Committee's Activities for the Period 2021/2022 (22 July 2022)
Working papers
- Working Paper submitted by the President of CSP8: Post-Shipment Controls and Coordination (22 July 2022)
- ATT Provisional Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2023 (20 May 2022)
- Report on the Work of the ATT Voluntary Trust Fund (VTF) for the Period August 2021 to August 2022
Working group documents
- ATT Working Group on Effective Treaty Implementation - Chair’s Draft Report to CSP8 (22 July 2022)
- ATT Working Group on Transparency and Reporting - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP8 (22 July 2022)
- ATT Working Group on Treaty Universalization - Co-chairs' Draft Report to CSP8 (22 July 2022)
- Mr. Axel KRICKOW, BAFA, Germany: Unpacking of the Post Shipment Control "Toolbox" - context, elements, recommendations
- H.E. Mr. Simon PLÜSS, SECO, Switzerland: Opportunities and challenges of operationalising Post Shipment Controls
- Mr. Mark BROMLEY, SIPRI: The relationship between Post Shipment Controls and other practical initiatives seeking to promote responsibility in international trade in conventional arms