Statements from First Committee 2019
General debate
Civil society presentations
GGE briefing
Thematic debate: Nuclear weapons | Other WMD | Conventional weapons | Other disarmament measures | Outer space | Regional disarmament | Disarmament machinery
Joint panel discussion
Thursday, 10 October
- Chair of the First Committee, H.E. Mr. Sacha Llorenti of Bolivia
- President of the General Assembly, H.E Mr. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande of Nigeria
- High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), delivered by Myanmar (Mr.)
- Caribbean Community (CARICOM), delivered by Trinidad and Tobago (Ms.)
- New Agenda Coalition (NAC), delivered by Egypt (Mr.)
- Group of Arab States, delivered by Tunisia (Mr.)
- Central American Integration System (SICA), delivered by El Salvador (Mr.)
- Nordic Countries, delivered by Sweden (Mr.)
- African Group, delivered by Zambia (Mr.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- Nuclear weapon states recognised by the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), delivered by United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
Friday, 11 October
- Australia (Ms.)
- Peru (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- Guatemala (Ms.)
- Yemen (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- Uruguay (Ms.)
- China (Mr.)
- Russian Federation (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Mr.)
- Finland (Ms.)
- Sri Lanka (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Ukraine (Mr.)
- Norway (Ms.)
- Estonia (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Lebanon (Mr.)
- Maldives (Mr.)
Monday, 14 October
- Thailand (Mr.)
- Singapore (Ms.)
- France (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- New Zealand (Ms.)
- Lao PDR (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Mongolia (Mr.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Brunei-Darussalam (Ms.)
- Canada (Mr.)
- Iraq (Mr.)
- India (Mr.)
- Libya (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Portugal (Mr.)
- Kuwait (Mr.)
- Botswana (Mr.)
- Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Iceland (Mr.)
- Sweden (Ms.)
- Qatar (Mr.)
- Malaysia (Mr.)
- Jamaica (Ms.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- South Africa (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Mali (Mr.)
- Honduras (Ms.)
- Colombia (Ms.)
- Kenya (Mr.)
- Bangladesh (Mr.)
- Panama (Ms.)
Tuesday, 15 October
- Turkey (Mr.)
- Georgia (Ms.)
- Zambia (Ms.)
- United Arab Emirates (Mr.)
- Guinea (Mr.)
- Oman (Mr.)
- Philippines (Ms.)
- Fiji (Mr.)
- Senegal (Mr.)
- Belarus (Mr.)
- Eritrea (Ms.)
- Cambodia (Mr.)
- Bahrain (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Hungary (Mr.)
- Chile (Mr.)
- Spain (Mr.)
- Ghana (Ms.)
- Sudan (Mr.)
- Saudi Arabia (Mr.)
- Afghanistan (Mr.)
- Liberia (Mr.)
- Malawi (Mr.)
Wednesday, 16 October
- Montenegro (Ms.)
- Samoa (Mr.)
- Pakistan (Ms.)
- Ireland (Ms.)
- Haiti (Ms.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Cameroon (Mr.)
- Nigeria (Ms.)
- Lithuania (Ms.)
- Angola (Mr.)
- Kyrgyzstan (Mr.)
- Timor-Leste (Mr.)
- Nepal (Mr.)
- Namibia (Mr.)
- San Marino (Ms.)
- Organismo para la Proscripción de las Armas Nucleares en la América Latina y el Caribe (OPANAL) (Mr.)
- Slovenia (Ms.)
Thursday, 17 October
- Ecuador (Mr.)
- Bulgaria (Ms.)
- Liechtenstein (Mr.)
- Israel (Ms.)
- Ethiopia (Mr.)
- Tanzania (Mr.)
- Tajikistan (Mr.)
- Armenia (Mr.)
- Cote d'Ivoire (Mr.)
- Nicaragua (Mr.)
- Guinea-Bissau (Mr.)
- Burkina Faso (Mr.)
- Venezuela (Mr.)
- Congo (Mr.)
- Myanmar (Mr.)
- Niger (Mr.)
- Lesotho (Mr.)
- Comoros (Mr.)
- Morocco (Mr.)
Friday, 18 October
- Syria (Mr.)
- Holy See (Mr.)
- Palestine (Mr.)
- League of Arab States (Ms.)
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (Mr.)
- Joint statement on humanitarian disarmament, delivered by Mr. David Onazi of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War - Nigeria
- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, delivered by Ms. Maria Eugenia Villareal
- Global Zero, delivered by Mr. Derek Johnson
- Joint statement on biological weapons, delivered by Ms. Katrin Geyer of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
- Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, delivered by Ms. Marta Kosmyna
- Statement on armed drones, delivered by Ms. Brittany Roser of PAX
- International Network on Explosive Weapons, delivered by Ms. Roos Boer of PAX
- Statement on incendiary weapons, delivered by Ms. Jacqulyn Kantack of Human Rights Watch
- International Campaign to Ban Landmines, delivered by Mr. Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan
- Cluster Munition Coalition, delivered by Mr. Jared Bloch
- Control Arms Coalition, delivered by Ms. Montserrat Martinez
- International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), delivered by Ms. Rose Welsch
- Joint statement on cyber and human security, delivered by Ms. Allison Pytlak of WILPF
- Joint statement on outer space, delivered by Mr. Cesar Jaramillo of Project Ploughshares
- Joint statement on gender, delivered by Ms. Arlyssa Bianca Pabotoy of the Centre for Peace Education-Miriam College
- Joint youth statement, delivered by Ms. Mary-Lynn Heam of Pace University
- Chair of the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on nuclear disarmament verification, H.E. Mr. Knut Langeland of Norway
Monday, 21 October
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- New Agenda Coalition, delivered by Egypt (Mr.)
- Caribbean Community, delivered by Jamaica (Ms.)
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations, delivered by Viet Nam (Mr.)
- Non-proliferation and Disarmament Initiative, delivered by Australia (Ms.)
- Group of states, delivered by Netherlands (Mr.)
- Group of Arab States, delivered by Tunisia (Mr.)
- European Union (Ms.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Norway (Mr.)
- Singapore (Ms.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Canada (Ms.)
Tuesday, 22 October
- Iraq (Mr.)
- Nepal (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- African Group, delivered by Zambia (M (Mr.)
- South Africa (Mr.)
- Qatar (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Ukraine (Mr.)
- Ghana (Ms.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- India (Mr.)
- Hungary (Mr.)
- Viet Nam (Mr.)
- Lao PDR (Ms.)
- Philippines (Mr.)
- El Salvador (Mr.)
- Finland (Mr.)
- Democratic People's Repubic of Korea (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Senegal (Ms.)
- Republic of Korea (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Thailand (Mr.)
- United Arab Emirates (Mr.)
- Togo (Ms.)
- Malaysia (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Slovakia (Mr.)
- Czech Republic (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- France (Mr.)
- Samoa (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- Myanmar (Mr.)
- Bangladesh (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- New Zealand (Mr.)
- Argentina (Ms.)
- Portugal (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Slovenia (Ms.)
- Sweden (Ms.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- Turkey (Mr.)
- Latvia (Mr.)
- Peru (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Saudi Arabia (Mr.)
- De-Alerting Group, delivered by New Zealand (Ms.)
- Maldives (Ms.)
- Ecuador (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Spain (Mr.)
- Bulgaria (Ms.)
- Eswatini (Mr.)
- Malawi (Mr.)
- Colombia (Ms.)
- Israel (Ms.)
- Syria (Mr.)
- Holy See (Mr.)
Tuesday, 22 October
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- Nordic Countries, delivered by Norway (Mr.)
- ASEAN, delivered by Lao PDR (Mr.)
- Group of Arab States, delivered by Egypt (Mr.)
- Partners Against Impunity for the use of Chemical Weapons, delivered by France (Mr.)
- European Union (Ms.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Pakistan (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- India (Mr.)
- Philippines (Ms.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Slovakia (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
Wednesday, 23 October
- Nepal (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Caribbean Community (CARICOM), delivered by Saint Lucia (Mr.)
- Thailand (Ms.)
- South Africa (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- France (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- Bangladesh (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- New Zealand (Ms.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Spain (Ms.)
- Turkey (Mr.)
- Myanmar (Mr.)
- Qatar (Ms.)
- Malaysia (Mr.)
- Australia (Mr.)
- Slovenia (Ms.)
- Hungary (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Ecuador (Mr.)
- Syria (Mr.)
Wednesday, 23 October
- Community of Caribbean Community, delivered by Guyana (Ms.)
- Nordic Countries, delivered by Finland (Mr.)
- Arab Group, delivered by Tunisia (Mr.)
- European Union (Ms.)
- ASEAN, delivered by Cambodia (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- Singapore (Ms.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Jamaica (Ms.)
- Iraq (Ms.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Pakistan (Mr.)
Thursday, 24 October
Conventional weapons Exchange with the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and briefings by other high-level officials in the field of arms control and disarmament
- High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu
- Organismo para la Proscripción de las Armas Nucleares en la América Latina y el Caribe (OPANAL), delivered by H.E. Mr. Garcia Moritan of Argentina
Conventional weapons
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- African Group, delivered by Zambia (Mr.)
- Norway (Mr.)
- South Africa (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Ukraine (Mr.)
- Ghana (Mr.)
- El Salvador (Ms.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- India (Mr.)
- Philippines (Ms.)
- Israel (Mr.)
- Lao PDR (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Kuwait (Mr.)
- Cuba (Mr.)
- Thailand (Ms.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- Senegal (Ms.)
- Portugal (Mr.)
- Bangladesh (Mr.)
- Namibia (Mr.)
- Togo (Mr.)
- Joint statement on explosive weapons in populated areas, delivered by Ireland (Ms.)
- Mozambique (Mr.)
- Armenia (Mr.)
- Czech Republic (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- Samoa (Mr.)
- France (Mr.)
- Ireland (Ms.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
Friday, 25 October
- Briefing by the Chairperson of the Group of Governmental Experts on the UN Register of Conventional Arms, Ms. Mariela Fogante of Argentina
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Democractic Repubic of the Congo (Ms.)
- Netherlands (Ms.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Eritrea (Ms.)
- Burkina Faso (Ms.)
- Guatemala (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- New Zealand (Ms.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Spain (Mr.)
- Turkey (Mr.)
- Sudan (Ms.)
- Madagascar (Ms.)
- Cameroon (Ms.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Slovenia (Ms.)
- Bahamas (Ms.)
- Lithuania (Ms.)
- Cote d'Ivoire (Mr.)
- Malaysia (Ms.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Moldova (Mr.)
- Latvia (Mr.)
- Mali (Mr.)
- Colombia (Ms.)
- Syria (Mr.)
- Ecuador (Mr.)
- Sri Lanka (Mr.)
- Myanmar (Mr.)
- Holy See (Mr.)
Friday, 25 October
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- Caribbean Community, delivered by Antigua and Barbuda (Mr.)
- Arab Group, delivered by Tunisia (Mr.)
- European Union (Ms.)
Tuesday, 29 October
- Briefing from the Chair of the UN Group of Governmental Experts on advancing responsible state behaviour in cyberspace in the context of international security, H.E. Mr. Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota of Brazil
- Briefing from the Chair of the Open-ended Working Group on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security, H.E. Mr. Jurg Lauber of Switzerland
- ASEAN delivered by Singapore (Mr.)
- Singapore (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Australia (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Pakistan (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Philippines (Mr.)
- Montenegro (Ms.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- Bangladesh (Mr.)
- Estonia (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Mr.)
- France (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Ms.)
- China (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Venezuela (Ms.)
- United Kingdom (Ms.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- Slovenia (Ms.)
- Spain (Mr.)
- Malaysia (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Ecuador (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- India (Mr.)
Tuesday, 29 October
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- Arab Group, delivered by Tunisia (Mr.)
- ASEAN, delivered by Malaysia (Ms.)
- European Union (Ms.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- South Africa (Mr.)
- Pakistan (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Sri Lanka (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Briefing by the Chairperson of GGE on further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space, H.E. Mr. Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota of Brazil
- African Group, delivered by Zambia (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Brazil (Mr,)
- Bangladesh (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- France (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Japan (Ms.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Saudi Arabia (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Community of Independent states, delivered by Russia (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Myanmar (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Malaysia (Ms.)
- Ecuador (Mr.)
- Philippines (Ms.)
- Holy See (Mr.)
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- Group of Arab States, delivered by Tunisia (Mr.)
- ASEAN, delivered by Philippines (Ms.)
- CARICOM, delivered by Bahamas (Ms.)
- European Union (Ms.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Iraq (Mr.)
- Poland (Ms.)
- Ukraine (Mr.)
- Cuba (Mr.)
- Armenia (Mr.)
- France (Mr.)
- Greece (Mr.)
- Myanmar (Mr.)
Wednesday, 30 October
- Briefing by the Chief of the Regional Disarmament, Information and Outreach Branch, Office for Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Mary Soliman
- United States (Mr.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Nepal (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Pakistan (Mr.)
- United Arab Emirates (Ms.)
- Togo (Mr.)
- Georgia (Ms.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- Peru (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Venezuela (Ms.)
- Malaysia (Ms.)
- Ecuador (Mr.)
- Israel (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
Wednesday, 30 October
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- Group of Arab States, delivered by Tunisia (Mr.)
- CARICOM, delivered by Bahamas (Ms.)
- ASEAN, delivered by Thailand (Mr.)
- The presidents of the disarmament conventions in Geneva, delivered by France (Mr.)
- The Francophone group of experts in Geneva, delivered by Austria (Ms.)
- European Union (Ms.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- United Kingdom (Ms.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Iraq (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- India (Ms.)
- Philippines (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Bangladesh (Mr.)
Joint panel discussion of the First and Fourth Committees on possible challenges to space security and sustainability
Thursday, 31 October
- Deputy of the UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Mr. Tom Markram
- Director of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo
- Representative of the United States Office of Space Commerce, Ms. Diane Howard
- Distinguished Fellow and Head of the Nuclear & Space Policy Initiative at the Observer Research Foundation, Ms. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
- Co-founder and president of Secure World and Our Secure Future, Ms. Cynda Collins Arsenault
Interactive exchange
- Philippines (Mr.)
- United Kingdom, on behalf of a group of states (Mr.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- European Union (Ms.)
- United States (Mr.)
- China (Ms.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Argentina (Ms.)
- Switzerland (Ms.)
- Pakistan (Mr.)
- Colombia (Ms.)
Disarmament machinery
- Presentation of the Report on the Conference on Disarmament, delivered by the President of the Conference on Disarmament, H.E. Mr. Taonga Mushayavanhu of Zimbabwe
- Presentation of a report on the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters and on the delivered by H.E. Mr. Steffen Kongstad of Norway
- Presentation of the Report of the Director of the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), delivered by Mr. John Borrie
- Joint statement on gender and disarmament, delivered by H.E. Ms. Penelope Beckles, Trinidad and Tobago
- South Africa (Mr.)
- Pakistan (Mr.)
- Austria (Ms.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Namibia (Ms.)
- Czech Republic (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- France (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Spain (Mr.)
- Turkey (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- Malaysia (Mr.)
- Portugal (Mr.)
- Ecuador (Mr.)
- Syria (Mr.)
Action on draft resolutions
Explanations of vote attached to specific resolutions are listed on the resolutions page. General statements are listed here.
Cluster 1
Friday, 1 November
- Austria (Ms.)
- European Union (Ms.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- New Zealand (Ms.)
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Tuesday, 5 November
United States