Calendar of events for First Committee 2019
All requests for the use of United Nations premises must be either sponsored by a Permanent or Observer Mission to the United Nations or by departments or offices of the United Nations. To have your event added to our calendar, please email disarm[at]
Calendar last updated 24 October 2019. See also the events calendar published by UNODA.
("CR" refers to conference rooms within the United Nations)
When | What | Where | Who |
8 October 13:15-14:30 |
Unlocking disarmament diplomacy through a step-by-step approach | CR 4 | Permanent Mission of Sweden |
8 October 13:15-14:30 |
Creating the enviroment for nuclear disarmament | CR 1 | Permanent Mission of the United States |
9 October 12:45-14:45 |
Existing and possible risk reduction initiatives in the field of missiles | CR11 | Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique and |
10 October 13:15-14:30 |
Promoting stability in the Indo-Pacific in the Context of Great Power Competition | CR 4 | Permanent Missions of the United States and the European Union |
10 October 13:15-14:30 |
Launch of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone Project | CR 11 | United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) |
10 October 13:15-14:30 |
HIBAKUSHA APPEAL for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons | CR 9 | Permanent Mission of Austria |
10 October 19:00-20:30 |
HIBAKUSHA APPEAL Atomic-Bomb Testimony and Music for Peace |
Hall of Worship, Community Church of New York | Hibakusha Appeal International Signature Campaign |
14 October 13:15-14:45 |
From paper to practice: Franco-German NuDiVe Exercise to Advance Disarmament Verification | German House, 871 UN Plaza | Permanent Missions of France and Germany and International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV) |
16 October 13:15-14:30 |
Promotion of the Chemical Weapons Convention | CR 8 | Permanent Mission of Poland |
16 October 13:15-14:45 |
Scientific and technological capacity for disarmament and non-proliferation | S-2727FC | VERTIC and the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) |
16 October 13:15-14:30 |
Nuclear weapons ban monitor 2019 | CR A | Permanent Missions of Austria, Ireland, and New Zealand |
17 October 13:15-14:30 |
Preserving the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation architecture | CR 8 | Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs and the Permanent Mission of Brazil |
17 October 13:15-14:30 |
Nuclear risk reduction: Pathways forward | CR A | Permanent Missions of Australia, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland with UNIDIR |
17 October 19:00-20:30 |
Peace in the nuclear age: Humanitarian perspectives | Fordham University Rose Hill Campus Keating 1st Auditorium 441 E Fordham RD, Bronx, NY |
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF) and Fordham University's Humanitarian Student Union |
21 October |
The urgent need to retain human control over the use of force | CR 4 | Permanent Mission of Austria and the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots |
21 October 13:15-14:30 |
The age of suicide bombing | CR E | Permanent Mission of France |
21 October 13:15-14:45 |
Developing consensus on responsible export and use of armed drones | CR 8 | Permanent Missions of the Netherlands and Germany, Stimson Center and PAX |
22 October 13:15-14:30 |
Containing the oxygen of conflict: issues and priorities for ammunition | German House, 871 First Avenue | Permanent Mission of Germany with UNIDIR |
22 October 13:15-14:30 |
Hypersonic weapons: a challenge and opportunity for strategic arms control | CR A | Permanent Missions of Poland and Switzerland, and UNODA |
22 October 13:15-14:45 |
Living up to the Arms Trade Treaty's promise: The role of the ATT in addressing gender-based violence | CR 7 | Control Arms and Permanent Mission of Ireland |
23 October 13:15-14:30 |
Digital technologies and conventional arms trade: opportunities and challenges | CR E | UNIDIR |
23 October 13:15-14:30 |
Rethinking unconstrained military spending | CR A | UNODA |
24 October 13:15-14:30 |
Capturing technology. Rethinking arms control | German House, 871 First Avenue | Permanent Missions of Germany, Netherlands, and Sweden |
24 October 13:15-14:45 |
Launch of the ATT Monitor 2019 Annual Report | TBC | Control Arms, Permanent Missions of Netherlands and Australia |
24 October 13:15-14:30 |
Disarmament that saves lives: supporting country level small arms control and violence reduction for sustainable development | CR 7 | UNODA (RSVP required: email [email protected]) |
25 October 13:15-14:30 |
Gender-responsive small arms control: from guidance to implementation | CR 8 | Permanent Missions of Canada and the EU, the Small Arms Survey and UNODA |
25 October 13:15-14:45 |
Report from the Arms Trade Treaty Fifth Conference of States Parties (CSP5) and Prospects for CSP6 | CR F | Control Arms |
28 October 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00 |
Navigating space: charting a course for a sustainable space environment | CR A | UNIDIR |
30 October 13:15-14:30 |
Promoting an open, free, stable and secure cyberspace: Capacity building and the application of international law in cyber space | CR E | Permament Mission of France PoC: Samuel Demontrond [email protected] |
31 October 13:15-14:30 |
La lutte contre le trafic transfrontalier d'ALPC dans l'espace francophone | CR F | Permament Missions of France, Mali, Romania, and Morocco PoC: Samuel Demontrond [email protected] |