Statements to the 2024 NPT Preparatory Committee
Opening and General Statements
Civil Society Presentations
Cluster 1
Cluster 1 Specific Issue
Cluster 2
Cluster 2 Specific Issue
Cluster 3
Cluster 3 Specific Issue
Consideration of the draft report
Opening and General Statements
Monday, 22 July 2024
- UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu (Ms.)
- Chair of the Second Session of the NPT Preparatory Committee, Ambassador Akan Rakhmetullin of Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Chair of the Third Session of the NPT Preparatory Committee, Akosua Dedaa Okyere-Badoo of Ghana (Ms.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- International Atomic Energy Agency (Mr.)
- Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (Mr.)
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Uganda (Mr.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Initiative, delivered by the Philippines (Mr.)
- New Agenda Coalition, delivered by Aotearoa/New Zealand (Ms.)
- Baltic States, delivered by Estonia (Mr.)
- Arab Group, delivered by Iraq (Mr.)
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations, delivered by the Philippines (Mr.)
- States Parties to the Treaty on the Creation of a Union State of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, delivered by Belarus (Ms.)
- States Parties to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty, delivered by Aotearoa/New Zealand (Mr.)
- Vienna Group of Ten, delivered by Australia (Ms.)
- African Group, delivered by Sierra Leone (Mr.)
- States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, delivered by Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Group of 50 States and the European Union, delivered by Ukraine (Ms.)
- States Parties to the Treaty on a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in Central Asia, delivered by Tajikistan (Mr.)
- Joint Statement on the Legacy of Nuclear Weapons, delivered by Kiribati (Mr.)
- Thailand (Ms.)
- Iraq (Mr.)
- Austria (Ms.)
- Sweden (Ms.)
- Canada (Ms.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Cuba (Mr.)
- South Africa (Mr.)
- Portugal (Mr.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Slovenia (Mr.)
- Czechia (Mr.)
- Belgium (Mr.)
- France (Ms.)
- Bulgaria (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Russia (Mr.) - right of reply
- Iran (Mr.) - right of reply
- United States (Mr.) - right of reply
- Czechia (Mr.) - right of reply
- Belarus (Mr.) - right of reply
- Lithuania (Ms.) - right of reply
Tuesday, 23 July 2024
- Russia (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Philippines (Mr.)
- Aotearoa New Zealand (Ms.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Burkina Faso (Mr.)
- Spain (Ms.)
- Holy See (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Malaysia (Mr.)
- Syria (Mr.)
- Finland (Mr.)
- Germany (Ms.)
- Denmark (Ms.)
- Colombia (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Chile (Mr.)
- Sri Lanka (Ms.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Namibia (Ms.)
- Norway (Mr.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Samoa (Ms.)
- Türkiye (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- Ethiopia (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.) - right of reply
- Netherlands (Mr.) - right of reply
- Australia (Ms.) - right of reply
- Belgium (Mr.) - right of reply
- Iran (Mr.) - right of reply
- Lithuania (Mr.) - right of reply
- Italy (Mr.) - right of reply
- Ukraine (Ms.) - right of reply
- China (Mr.) - right of reply
- Germany (Mr.) - right of reply
- Bulgaria (Mr.) - right of reply
- Russia (Mr.) - right of reply
- Belarus (Mr.) - right of reply
- China (Mr.) - right of reply
- Germany (Mr.) - right of reply
- Lithuania (Mr.) - right of reply
Wednesday, 24 July 2024
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Venezuela (Ms.)
- Malta (Mr.)
- Tunisia (Mr.)
- Lebanon (Mr.)
- Romania (Mr.)
- Armenia (Mr.)
- Slovakia (Mr.)
- Kiribati (Mr.)
- Belarus (Mr.)
- Saudi Arabia (Mr.)
- Singapore (Mr.)
- Jordan (Mr.)
- Oman (Mr.)
- Kuwait (Mr.)
- Mozambique (Mr.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- United Arab Emirates (Mr.)
- Bangladesh (Mr.)
- Peru (Ms.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Malawi (Mr.)
- Paraguay (Ms.)
- Dominican Republic (Ms.)
- Zimbabwe (Mr.)
- Kenya (Mr.)
- Hungary (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- Ecuador (Ms.)
- Senegal (Ms.)
- Greece (Mr.)
- Viet Nam (Mr.)
- Lao People's Democratic Republic (Mr.)
- Timor Leste (Ms.)
- Panama (Ms.)
- Ghana (Ms.)
- Costa Rica (Mx.)
- Uruguay (Mr.)
- El Salvador (Mr.)
- Vanuatu (Mr.)
- Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL) (Mr.)
- Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Mr.)
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (Mr.)
- Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) (Mr.)
- African Commission on Nuclear Energy (AFCONE) (Mr.)
Tuesday, 23 July 2024
- Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo), delivered by KODAMA Michiko (Ms.)
- Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo), delivered by Yayoi Fujita (Tsuchida) (Ms.)
- Mayors for Peace, Hiroshima, delivered by MATSUI Kazumi (Mr.)
- Mayors for Peace, Nagasaki, delivered by SUZUKI Shiro (Mr.)
- Threats to the NPT including nuclear proliferation, nuclear sharing and nuclear spending, delivered by Naomi Zoka on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) (Ms.)
- Nuclear Frontline Communities’ Statement on the Nuclear Legacy, delivered by Benetick Kabua Maddison, Marshallese Educational Initiative (Mr.)
- Breaking the Impasse on Disarmament and Implementing Article VI Obligations, delivered by Daryl Kimball, Arms Control Association (Mr.)
- Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, delivered by Ivana Nikolić Hughes (Ms.)
- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, delivered by Molly McGinty (Ms.)
- Gender and Intersectionality, delivered by Ray Acheson, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Mx.)
- Middle East Treaty Organisation, delivered by Sharon Dolev (Ms.) and Emad Kiyaei (Ms.)
- Project Ploughshares, delivered by Cesar Jaramillo (Mr.)
- Disarmament Diplomacy Reset, delivered by Jacqueline Cabasso on behalf of the Coordinating Committee of the Abolition 2000 Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons (Ms.)
- Turn Back the Doomsday Clock: Proposals for Nuclear Risk-Reduction and Disarmament, delivered by Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer, Member of the House of Lords, on behalf of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (Ms.)
- Nuclear-risk reduction, no-first-use and the inadmissibility of the threat or use of nuclear weapons, delivered by Bill Kidd MSP on behalf of NoFirstUse Global and the Abolition 2000 Working Group on Nuclear-Risk-Reduction (Mr.)
- Strengthening the Authority, Integrity and Effectiveness of NPT, delivered by Amb. CHENG Jingye, China Arms Control and Disarmament Association (Mr.)
- Joint Civil Society Statement on AUKUS, delivered by Thomas Huckans on behalf of ICAN Australia (Mr.)
- Can Common Security replace Nuclear Deterrence, delivered by Alyn Ware on behalf of the World Federalist Movement (Mr.)
- Pursuing Peace, Security and Nuclear Disarmament through our Common Humanity, delivered by Ayleen Roy, Transnational Working Group on Faith, Values-Based Perspectives and Global Governance (Ms.)
- Joint Youth Statement, delivered by Bobby Verhey (Mr.) and Pranathi Chintalapudi (Ms.), Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Reverse The Trend
- Nuclear and Radiological Disinformation, delivered by Elin Bergner on behalf of the Global Partnership Countering WMD Disinformation Initiative (Ms.)
- Indigenous World Association, delivered by Ronald Barnes (Mr.) and Petuuche Gilbert (Mr.)
Cluster 1: Nuclear Disarmament
Wednesday, 24 July 2024
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- European Union (Ms.)
- Joint Statement on Irreversibility, delivered by Norway (Mr.)
- New Agenda Coalition, delivered by Aotearoa New Zealand (Ms.)
- Arab Group, delivered by Iraq (Ms.)
- African Group, delivered by Sierra Leone (Mr.)
- Aotearoa New Zealand, Ireland, and Switzerland delivered by Switzerland (Mr.)
- Stockholm Initiative, delivered by Argentina (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- Morocco (Ms.)
- South Africa (Mr.)
- Philippines (Ms.)
- Norway (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Kiribati (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.) - right of reply
- Belarus (Mr.) - right of reply
Thursday, 25 July 2024
- Sweden (Ms.)
- Canada (Mr.)
- Germany (Ms.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Aotearoa New Zealand (Ms.)
- Belgium (Mr.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Thailand (Ms.)
- Finland (Ms.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Peru (Mr.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- France (Ms.)
- Bulgaria (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Hungary (Mr.)
- Japan (Ms.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Türkiye (Ms.)
- Spain (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Malaysia (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Kuwait (Ms.)
- China (Mr.)
- Iraq (Ms.)
- Chile (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Singapore (Mr.)
- Ukraine (Mr.)
- Saudi Arabia (Mr.)
- Panama (Ms.)
- Colombia (Mr.)
Cluster 1 Specific Issue: Nuclear disarmament and security assurances
Thursday, 25 July 2024
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- South Africa (Ms.)
- Japan (Ms.)
- China (Mr.)
- France and United Kingdom, delivered by France (Ms.)
- France (Ms.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Iraq (Ms.)
- Malaysia (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Philippines (Ms.)
- Kiribati (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Syria (Mr.)
Thursday, 25 July 2024
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- Arab Group, delivered by Iraq (Ms.)
- African Group, delivered by Sierra Leone (Mr.)
- Philippines (Mr.)
- Norway (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- Finland (Mr.) - right of reply
- Ukraine (Mr.) - right of reply
- France (Ms.) - right of reply
- Russia (Mr.) - right of reply
- United States (Ms.) - right of reply
- Canada (Mr.) - right of reply
- Denmark (Mr.) - right of reply
- Czechia (Mr.) - right of reply
- China (Mr.) - right of reply
- Russia (Mr.) - right of reply
Friday, 26 July 2024
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- South Africa (Ms.)
- Canada (Ms.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- Peru (Mr.)
- Aotearoa New Zealand (Mr.)
- Belgium (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- Thailand (Ms.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- Kiribati (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- France (Ms.)
- Joint statement addressing the North Korean nuclear challenge, delivered by France (Ms.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Hungary (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Türkiye (Ms.)
- Spain (Ms.)
- Malaysia (Ms.)
- Germany (Ms.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Kuwait (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Iraq (Ms.)
- Chile (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- Saudi Arabia (Mr.)
- Argentina (Mr.)
- Sweden (Ms.)
- Ukraine (Mr.)
- United Arab Emirates (Mr.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Panama (Ms.)
- Syria (Mr.)
- Colombia (Mr.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.) - right of reply
- Poland (Mr.) - right of reply
- Philippines (Mr.) - right of reply
- Iran (Mr.) - right of reply
- Russia (Mr.) - right of reply
- Republic of Korea (Mr.) - right of reply
- France (Ms.) - right of reply
Cluster 2 Specific Issue: Regional issues
Monday, 29 July 2024
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- Arab Group, delivered by Iraq (Ms.)
- African Group, delivered by Sierra Leone (Mr.)
- Syria (Mr.)
- Saudi Arabia (Mr.)
- Tunisia (Mr.)
- Türkiye (Ms.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Oman (Mr.)
- Kuwait (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- France (Ms.)
- Lebanon (Mr.)
- South Africa (Ms.)
- China (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Philippines (Ms.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Morocco (Ms.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Yemen (Mr.)
- United States (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Iraq (Ms.)
- Jordan (Mr.)
- Syria (Mr.)
Cluster 3: Peaceful uses of nuclear energy
Monday, 29 July 2024
- Non-Aligned Movement, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- The Arab Group, delivered by Iraq (Ms.)
- United States (Ms.)
- Morocco (Ms.)
- South Africa (Ms.)
- Philippines (Mr.)
- Norway (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Canada (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Sweden (Ms.)
- Peru (Mr.)
- France (Ms.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Czechia (Ms.)
- Belgium (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- UK (Mr.)
- Thailand (Ms.)
- Finland (Mr.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Ukraine (Ms.) - right of reply
- United States (Mr.) - right of reply
- Germany (Mr.) - right of reply
- Iran (Mr.) - right of reply
- Russia (Mr.) - right of reply
Tuesday, 30 July 2024
- Italy (Mr.)
- Bulgaria (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Hungary (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Sri Lanka (Ms.)
- Türkiye (Mr.)
- Spain (Mr.)
- Malaysia (Mr.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Kuwait (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Iraq (Mr.)
- Chile (Mr.)
- Algeria (Mr.)
- Senegal (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- Argentina (Ms.)
- Singapore (Mr.)
- Ukraine (Mr.)
- Japan (Mr.)
- Saudi Arabia (Ms.)
- Venezuela (Ms.)
- Bangladesh (Mr.)
- United Arab Emirates (Mr.)
- Syria (Ms.)
- Colombia (Mr.)
- Panama (Ms.)
- Mozambique (Mr.)
- AFCONE (Mr.)
Cluster 3 Specific Issue: Improving the effectiveness of the strengthened review process
Tuesday, 30 July 2024
- NAM, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- European Union (Mr.)
- Netherlands and Canada, delivered by Canada (Ms.)
- United States (Mr.)
- Japan (Ms.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Republic of Korea (Ms.)
- Italy (Mr.)
- Thailand (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Indonesia (Mr.)
- Aotearoa New Zealand (Ms.)
- United Kingdom (Mr.)
- France (Ms.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Norway (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- South Africa (Ms.)
- Switzerland (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Sweden (Ms.)
- Argentina (Ms.)
- Spain (Mr.)
- Canada (Mr.)
- Philippines (Ms.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Belgium (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Czechia (Mr.)
- Poland (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Mexico (Ms.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.) - right of reply
- Estonia (Ms.) - right of reply
- France (Ms.) - right of reply
- United States (Mr.) - right of reply
- Russia (Mr.) - right of reply
Wednesday, 31 July 2024
- Türkiye (Mr.)
- Kazakhstan (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Finland (Mr.)
- Syria (Mr.)
Consideration of the draft report on the results of the Preparatory Committee
Friday, 2 August 2024
- NAM, delivered by Indonesia (Mr.)
- Arab Group, delivered by Iraq (Ms.)
- Ukraine (Mr.)
- Türkiye (Ms.)
- Syria (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Egypt (Mr.)
- Ireland (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- China (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- South Africa (Mr.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- Aotearoa New Zealand (Ms.)
- Argentina (Ms.)
- Nigeria (Mr.)
- Cuba (Ms.)
- Chair (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Chair (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- UK (Mr.)
- Belarus (Mr.)
- Syria (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Chair (Mr.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- Netherlands (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Austria (Mr.)
- Brazil (Mr.)
- Group of states, delivered by Switzerland (Mr.)
- Joint statement on transparency and accountability, delivered by Aotearoa New Zealand (Ms.)
- UK (Mr.)
- US (Mr.)
- Vanuatu (Mr.)
- EU (Ms.)
- Saudi Arabia (Mr.)
- Belarus (Mr.)
- Group of states, delivered by US (Ms.)
- China (Mr.)
- France (Ms.)
- Australia (Ms.)
- Mexico (Mr.)
- ROK (Ms.)
- Russia (Mr.)
- Iran (Mr.)
- Germany (Mr.)
- Chair (Mr.)