Documents from the 2023 CCW Group of Governmental Experts on lethal autonomous weapon systems
Conference documents
Draft conclusions for inclusion into the 2023 report of the GGE (25 April 2023)
Draft Report of the 2023 session of the GGE (6 May 2023)
Draft Conclusions (18 May 2023)
Additional text proposals (18 May 2023)
Final Report, Advance Version (24 May 2023)
Written submissions/proposals
Draft Protocol on Autonomous Weapon Systems (Protocol VI)
Submitted by Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Sierra Leone and Uruguay
Conference documents
Non-exhaustive compilation of definitions and characterisations
Written submissions/proposals
Proposal for the Normative and Operational Framework on Autonomous Weapon Systems
Submitted by the State of Palestine
Revised working paper
Submitted by Austria
Proposal for an international legal instrument on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS)
Submitted by Pakistan
Draft articles on autonomous weapon systems – prohibitions and other regulatory measures on the basis of international humanitarian law (“IHL”)
Submitted by Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States
Working paper
Submitted by Russia
Civil society contributions
Artificial intelligence and automated decisions: shared challenges in the civil and military spheres
Automated Decision Research
Autonomous weapons and digital dehumanisation (also available in Finnish, French and Spanish)
Automated Decision Research
ICRC position on autonomous weapon systems
International Committee of the Red Cross