
Calendar of events for First Committee 2019

All requests for the use of United Nations premises must be either sponsored by a Permanent or Observer Mission to the United Nations or by departments or offices of the United Nations. To have your event added to our calendar, please email disarm[at]wilpf.org.

Calendar last updated 24 October 2019. See also the events calendar published by UNODA.
("CR" refers to conference rooms within the United Nations)

When What Where Who
8 October
Unlocking disarmament diplomacy through a step-by-step approach CR 4 Permanent Mission of Sweden
8 October
Creating the enviroment for nuclear disarmament CR 1  Permanent Mission of the United States
9 October
Existing and possible risk reduction initiatives in the field of missiles CR11 Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique and 
10 October
Promoting stability in the Indo-Pacific in the Context of Great Power Competition CR 4 Permanent Missions of the United States and the European Union
10 October
Launch of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone Project CR 11 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
10 October
HIBAKUSHA APPEAL for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons CR 9 Permanent Mission of Austria
10 October
Atomic-Bomb Testimony and Music for Peace
Hall of Worship, Community Church of New York Hibakusha Appeal International Signature Campaign
14 October
From paper to practice: Franco-German NuDiVe Exercise to Advance Disarmament Verification German House, 871 UN Plaza Permanent Missions of France and Germany and International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV)
16 October
Promotion of the Chemical Weapons Convention CR 8 Permanent Mission of Poland
16 October
Scientific and technological capacity for disarmament and non-proliferation S-2727FC VERTIC and the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
16 October
Nuclear weapons ban monitor 2019 CR A Permanent Missions of Austria, Ireland, and New Zealand
17 October
Preserving the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation architecture CR 8 Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs and the Permanent Mission of Brazil
17 October
Nuclear risk reduction: Pathways forward CR A Permanent Missions of Australia, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland with UNIDIR
17 October
Peace in the nuclear age: Humanitarian perspectives Fordham University
Rose Hill Campus
Keating 1st Auditorium
441 E Fordham RD, Bronx, NY
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF) and Fordham University's Humanitarian Student Union

21 October

The urgent need to retain human control over the use of force CR 4 Permanent Mission of Austria and the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
21 October
The age of suicide bombing CR E Permanent Mission of France
21 October
Developing consensus on responsible export and use of armed drones CR 8 Permanent Missions of the Netherlands and Germany, Stimson Center and PAX
22 October
Containing the oxygen of conflict: issues and priorities for ammunition German House, 871 First Avenue Permanent Mission of Germany with UNIDIR
22 October
Hypersonic weapons: a challenge and opportunity for strategic arms control CR A Permanent Missions of Poland and Switzerland, and UNODA
22 October
Living up to the Arms Trade Treaty's promise: The role of the ATT in addressing gender-based violence CR 7 Control Arms and Permanent Mission of Ireland
23 October
Digital technologies and conventional arms trade: opportunities and challenges CR E UNIDIR
23 October
Rethinking unconstrained military spending  CR A UNODA
24 October
Capturing technology. Rethinking arms control  German House, 871 First Avenue Permanent Missions of Germany, Netherlands, and Sweden
24 October
Launch of the ATT Monitor 2019 Annual Report TBC Control Arms, Permanent Missions of Netherlands and Australia
24 October
Disarmament that saves lives: supporting country level small arms control and violence reduction for sustainable development  CR 7 UNODA
(RSVP required: email [email protected])
25 October
Gender-responsive small arms control: from guidance to implementation CR 8 Permanent Missions of Canada and the EU, the Small Arms Survey and UNODA
25 October
Report from the Arms Trade Treaty Fifth Conference of States Parties (CSP5) and Prospects for CSP6 CR F Control Arms
28 October
10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00
Navigating space: charting a course for a sustainable space environment  CR A UNIDIR
30 October
Promoting an open, free, stable and secure cyberspace: Capacity building and the application of international law in cyber space CR E Permament Mission of France
PoC: Samuel Demontrond 
[email protected]
31 October
La lutte contre le trafic transfrontalier d'ALPC dans l'espace francophone CR F Permament Missions of France, Mali, Romania, and Morocco
PoC: Samuel Demontrond 
[email protected]