
UNGA Disarmament Index 2010: A–G

This is an index of all references made to issues of disarmament, peace, and security, made in the 65th General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly from 23–30 September 2010. Included in this index are all references made to arms control, disarmament, multilateralism, nuclear energy, security, proliferation, the arms trade, and nuclear and conventional weapons.

A–G | H–R | S–Z

UN Secretary-General | UN General Assembly President
| Albania | Algeria | Andorra | Angola | Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan
Bahamas | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Belize | Benin | Bhutan | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Botswana | Brazil | Brunei Darussalam | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Burundi
Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cape Verde | Central African Republic | Chad | Chile | China | Colombia | Comoros | Congo | Costa Rica | Côte d'Ivoire | Croatia | Cuba | Cyprus | Czech Republic
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Denmark | Djibouti | Dominica | Dominican Republic
Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Estonia | Ethiopia | European Union
Fiji Islands
| Finland | France
Gabon | Gambia | Georgia | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Grenada | Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Guyana

Secretary-General of the United Nations
H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon
23 September 2010

DPRK's nuclear programme: “We will seek to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula and encourage the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to return to the Six-Party Talks.”

Iran's nuclear programme: “On Iran, we continue to urge the government to engage constructively with the international community and comply fully with Security Council resolutions.”

Multilateralism: “At the UN, we find the proper path in community … global common cause … mutual responsibility for a destiny we share.”

“This is a season for pulling together … for consolidating progress … for putting our shoulder to the wheel and delivering results. Real results … for people most in need … as only the UN can do.”

Nuclear disarmament: “Together, over the past three years, we embraced an ambitious agenda … framed by three over-arching ideas for our time. A more prosperous world, free of the deepest poverty. A cleaner, greener, more sustainable world for our children. A safer world, free of nuclear weapons. These are the great challenges of our era. They are not dreams. They are opportunities, within our power to grasp.”

Nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation, NPT, CTBT, START, fissile materials, CD: “On nuclear disarmament, as well, we see new momentum: A new START agreement … the Summit on Nuclear Security … a successful NPT review conference. Our role is to keep pushing … to find a path to bring the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty into force … to realize agreements on fissile materials and securing nuclear materials and facilities. Tomorrow, we are hosting a high level meeting to rejuvenate the Conference on Disarmament. I believe the next few years will be critical. Will we advance our work on non-proliferation and disarmament … or will we slide back? It is up to us.”

President of the 65th Session of the General Assembly: Opening Remarks
H.E. Mr. Joseph Deiss of Switzerland
23 September 2010

Multilateralism: “In order to succeed, we need a genuine global partnership borne out of inclusive global governance, where all stakeholders can make themselves heard. But this global partnership is needed in many other areas too. Our world is more interdependent, more interconnected than before, and it faces global challenges, which affect all countries and their citizens, whether they like it or not, and regardless of who is responsible.”

“In order for the United Nations to comprehensively fulfil its global governance role, we must press for it to be strong, inclusive and open. A close connection must be established between States and the private sector, civil society and regional actors. We must listen to other key actors and interact with them outside this Assembly.”

President of the 65th Session of the General Assembly: Closing Remarks
H.E. Mr. Joseph Deiss of Switzerland
29 September 2010

Disarmament, development, peace: “The importance of disarmament in the promotion of peace and development was highlighted.”

African Union
H.E. Mr. Bingu Wa Mutharika, President of Malawi
23 September 2010

Security: “On peace and security, I wish to underscore that the African Union considers that without peace and security, democracy, good governance and development cannot be sustainable.”

Nuclear energy: “On the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, the African Union supports the position taken by the Non-Aligned Movement calling for justice and equal treatment for all concerned nations.”

H.E. Mr. Zalmai Rassoul, Minister for Foreign Affairs
27 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Bamir Topi, President
23 September 2010

Non-proliferation, weapons of mass destruction: “The challenging agenda of the UN must be focused in the strengthening of peace and security, fight against terrorism, in issues of stable development, climate change, reduction of poverty, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, coping with the natural disasters, human rights, migration, etc.”

Peace: “Peoples have a desire to live in peace and the governments have an obligation to guarantee it.”

H.E. Mr. Mourad Medelci, Minister for Foreign Affairs
27 September 2010

Nuclear weapons, disarmament: “Countries that do not have nuclear weapons, like Algeria, have the right to ask nuclear countries to truly embrace nuclear disarmament.”

Nuclear weapon free zone: “The results of the NPT review conference are a positive step in this direction, thanks notably to the launching of a process that should give rise to a nuclear free zone in the Middle East.”

Disarmament machinery: “In order to rise to the multiple challenges for international peace and security, the disarmament conference should make the most of favorable international context and positive impetus generated by the positive results of the 8th NPT conference in 2010 to relaunch its works and comply with its mandate. It is with this aim that Algeria continues committed to the effect of the work of the disarmament conference. Algeria believes that the contents of the program of the disarmament conference in 2009 are still valid today and could be the basis for the work in upcoming sessions.”

H.E. Mr. Jaume Bartumeu Cassany, Head of Government
27 September 2010

Militarism, disarmament, cluster munitions: “One of the characteristics of my country is that it has no army. For over 700 years, Andorra has lived in peace and without any armed conflict. Now, with the intention of demonstrating our commitment to international disarmament, we plan to ratify the Convention on Cluster Munitions.”

Antigua and Barbuda
H.E. Mr. Winston Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister
27 Setepmber 2010

Multilateralism: “In my own view, arising from the many successes of the United Nations in a wide wage of areas, one of the most enduring lessons the past 65 years has taught us as a global community the wisdom and supremacy of multilateralism.”

Nuclear weapons, disarmament: “I therefore call on this session of the assembly to develop the modalities that will enable our United Nations to be able to ... create a safer world free of nuclear weapons.”

H.E. Ms. Cristina Fernández, President
24 September 2010

Nuclear weapons: “The world situation present at the time of the signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco is different from the one have we today. The Security Council … was a Security Council where those who were seated could, with the press of a button, cause a nuclear holocaust. The Security Council found a balance in a bipolar world and was able to prevent a nuclear holocaust. But this world no longer exists.”

H.E. Mr. Edward Nalbandian, Minister for Foreign Affairs
25 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Kevin Rudd, Minister for Foreign Affairs
25 September 2010

Disarmament machinery: “On disarmament, the Conference on Disarmament has been in a state of inertia for 12 years, despite the recommendations of the recent Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference that now require urgent work. Mr. President, the United Nations has most of the essential structures in place. But for the structures to work, we must harness the political will necessary to make them work. In other words we must enable the institutions we have created to do the job for which they were created. Put even more starkly, we must do that which we say. If we have a Conference on Disarmament, it should do disarmament – not pretend.”

Iran’s nuclear programme, DPRK nuclear programme: “We must equally be concerned about the continued challenge of nuclear proliferation. Violations of the non-proliferation regime by states such as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Iran represent a potent and potential threat to us all. The international community cannot stand idly by. It is for this reason that Australia provides robust support for the UN sanctions regime against both the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Iran. These sanctions must continue, and if necessary be further enhanced, in the absence of policy change in Iran and the DPRK.”

Nuclear weapons, disarmament, non-proliferation: “The UN has played a critical role in promoting the goal of a world without nuclear weapons. Non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament are mutually reinforcing processes and cannot be separated. Australia’s activism on arms control and disarmament remains undiminished. And there remains much urgent work to be done.”

CTBT: “In 1996, Australia tabled the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in this Assembly to ensure its adoption. Since then 182 states have signed and 153 states have ratified the treaty. Nine more states are needed to ratify the treaty in order for it to enter into force. Australia welcomes recent statements by Indonesia and the United States of their intention to ratify the treaty. Australia would urge all remaining states which to date have failed to indicate their intention to ratify the treaty to enable it to enter into force.”

Non-proliferation: “The NPT Review Conference was held earlier this year. Australia and Japan had worked closely together in the lead-up to the Conference including through the jointly sponsored report prepared by former Foreign Minister of Australia, Gareth Evans, and his Japanese counterpart, Yoriko Kawaguchi. This significant report provided substantial momentum in the lead up to the Review Conference. We believe that the Evans/Kawaguchi report also represents the most comprehensive, practical, and contemporary blueprint for the international community to both consider and adopt a comprehensive arms control and non-proliferation agenda.

“The Review Conference agreed by consensus on 64 sets of actions. And Australia and Japan took the initiative this week in New York to jointly host a cross regional meeting of Foreign Ministers with the aim of working towards the implementation of these 64 actions.”

Fissile materials, disarmament machinery: “The potential catastrophe of nuclear conflict means that the status quo is not an option. We must move ahead with the negotiation of a Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty. And we must ensure the UN disarmament machinery is doing its job.”

Small arms and arms trade, arms trade treaty: “Of course, for many people around the world, the threat of small arms is more immediate than the threat posed by nuclear weapons. The former Secretary-General, Mr Kofi Annan, famously referred to small arms in Africa as weapons of mass destruction in slow motion. But they are of equal concern to our friends in the Pacific, the Caribbean and elsewhere. It is only proper that Australia is playing a leading role in the development of a proposed Arms Trade Treaty. Including by co-hosting a further meeting in Boston next week.”

H.E. Mr. Michael Spindelegger, Federal Minister for European and International Affairs
25 September 2010

Multilateralism: “Adherence to the rule of law is fundamental. All multilateral efforts and activities need to operate on the basis of clear and predictable rules which equally apply to all member states.”

Nuclear weapons, disarmament: “This past year saw the first positive developments towards nuclear disarmament in a decade. Security Council Resolution 1887 adopted just a year ago provided a powerful impetus. Although many issues are still unresolved and require our close attention, the Review Conference in May produced an outcome that restored confidence in the NPT.

“For the first time, a comprehensive Action Plan dealing with all three NPT-pillars was agreed; - and let me stress here that Austria is honoured to have contributed to that success. For the first time, a ‘world without nuclear weapons’ was accepted as the goal of all parties, who pledged to ultimately eliminate all types of nuclear weapons.

“For the first time, the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of the use of such weapons were recognized—an important step towards the eventual legal ban of nuclear weapons by means of a nuclear weapons convention or framework of legal instruments.

“Although the results of the Conference are positive much remains to be done: The Action Plan needs to be implemented. The Nuclear Weapon States—who promised to engage among themselves on a number of vital issues and report by 2014—must lead by example.”

Disarmament machinery: “The international disarmament structures must be reformed. I am grateful for Secretary-General Ban’s initiative in this respect.”

Disarmament, cluster munitions: “Finally, we must learn from successful disarmament initiatives. Let me underline that Austria is delighted that the Convention on Cluster Munitions entered into force last month. This Convention is a positive example of how committed Governments, International Organizations and civil society can work together to achieve real progress.”

Disarmament, non-proliferation: “In order to promote interaction in this respect also in the nuclear field, Austria supports the establishment of a Competence Center for Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in Vienna early next year. Conceived as a platform for open discussion and independent expertise, monitoring and advocacy, this Center shall facilitate understanding and cooperation among all entities involved. I hope it will contribute to further progress in nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.”

H.E. Mr. Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev, President
23 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Theodore Brent Symonette, Deputy Prime Minister
28 September 2010

Small arms and light weapons, arms trade treaty, conventional weapons: “The international traffic in illicit drugs and the related illicit trade in small arms and light weapons have for many years disrupted the lives of the peace-loving citizens of the Caribbean. Hence, we look with anticipation of the 2012 Conference whose objective is the conclusion of an Arms Trade Treaty. We fully endorse this regard calls from fellow Caricom States for the Treaty to be comprehensive in scope with provisions for all categories of weapons.”

Small arms and light weapons, disarmament: “My government also reaffirms its commitment to the Program of Action to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its aspects. I record the appreciation of my government for the technical assistance recently received from the United Nations Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament in Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-LiREC) in the area of firearms destruction and stockpile arrangement. We look forward to further assistance in the future.”

H.E. Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Minister for Foreign Affairs
27 September 2010

Iran’s nuclear programme: “As regards the Islamic Republic of Iran, we are keenly interested in its stability and the prosperity of its people. We look forward to the vital role it can play to eliminate the ghost of discord around its nuclear programme. We welcome its commitment to the peaceful nature of the programme and stress the need for transparency and full compliance with the requirements of the IAEA and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.”

H.E. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister
25 September 2010

Nuclear energy: “Other plans include ... adopting nuclear power and renewable energy.”

H.E. Mr. Steven Vanackere, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
23 September 2010

DPRK nuclear programme, Iran’s nuclear programme, non-proliferation: “The Review Conference on the Non-Proliferation Treaty has come to a substantial and balanced result. Respect for Non-Proliferation Treaty provisions and cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency is accountability in practice. Unfortunately, the non-acceptance or non-respect for these provisions by countries like North Korea and Iran threatens the international non-proliferation regime.”

Cluster munitions: “Belgium particularly welcomes the entry into force earlier this year of the convention on Cluster Munitions…….I am pleased to announce that Belgium has recently destroyed its entire stock of cluster munitions.”

Security: “Human Rights, Security and Development are at the core of the mandate of the United Nations. Former Secretary General Kofi Annan already pointed at the fact that the three are inextricably linked when he said ‘there is no development without security, no security without development, and both depend on the respect for human rights and the Rule of Law.’”

H.E. Mr. Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs
29 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Jean-Marie Ehouzou, Special Envoy of the President
23 September 2010

Small arms and light weapons: “We must put an end to the illicit trade of small arms and light weapon that leads to their proliferation and that is a cause of robbery and ongoing insecurity in our cities and countryside.”

H.E. Mr. Daw Penjo, Foreign Secretary
29 September 2010

No relevant references.

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
H.E. Mr. Evo Morales Ayma, Constitutional President
23 September 2010

Multilateralism: “Despite our difference as nations and as peoples we have the responsibility to work together to solve today’s global challenges.”

Nuclear disarmament: “Let us eliminate all nuclear arsenals, as these are a threat to human life. Let us begin with the United States and all other states.”

Militarism, military spending: “Rather than spend so much money on so-called defense and security, which is really just war and more war, we must change the mentality of all people in order to fulfill our responsibility to humanity.”

Bosnia and Herzegovina
H.E. Mr. Haris Silajdžic, President
25 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Lieutenant-General Mompati Merafhe, Vice-President
27 September 2010

Multilateralism: “Working together for a common purpose, for the common good is actually the sacredness of this, our grand institution.”

Disarmament, non-proliferation, peace, security, disarmament machinery: “On a related subject, we fully concur that disarmament and non-proliferation are essential for the promotion of international peace and security. To this end, my delegation welcomes progress made in some areas, but remains deeply concerned that the Conference on Disarmament continues to be deadlocked.”

Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation, disarmament: “I wish to seize this opportunity to re-affirm Botswana's commitment to the objectives of the Non- Proliferation Treaty, which we continue to demonstrate through effective implementation of its provisions as well as compliance with the decisions of the successive Review Conferences. Consequently, Botswana associates itself with the outcome of the 2010 Review Conference of the State Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.”

Nuclear energy: “We fully support developing countries’ call for the peaceful use of nuclear technology in areas such as agriculture, the environment, water management and medicine. However, those countries which intend to embark upon such use of nuclear technology should do so in a transparent fashion and in full cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). We therefore call for increased financial support for the International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Cooperation Programme as well as in capacity building in order to share technology utilization in the relevant areas.”

H.E. Mr. Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim, Minister for External Relations
23 September 2010

Nuclear disarmament: “In order to achieve a secure world, the promise of total elimination of nuclear weapons must be fulfilled. Unilateral reductions are welcome but insufficient, especially when they occur in tandem with the modernization of nuclear arsenals.”

“We must face the challenges of nuclear disarmament, sustainable development and freer and fairer trade.”

Security: “The changes that have occurred in the world over the last few decades and the series of crises we have faced in the areas of food security, climate change, the economic and financial domain and peace and security make it urgent to redefine the rules that organize international relations.”

Iran’s nuclear programme: “Brazil has sought to live up to what is expected from all Security Council members, including non-permanent ones i.e,: that they contribute to peace. For this reason, we made a serious effort to find an instrument that could represent progress towards a solution of the Iranian nuclear question. In so doing we relied on proposals that had been presented as a “unique opportunity” to build confidence between the parties. The Tehran declaration of May 17th signed by Brazil, Turkey and Iran removed obstacles that, according to the very authors to those proposals, had previously prevented an agreement. The Tehran declaration does not exhaust the issue. It was never meant to do so. We are convinced that, once back at the negotiations table, the parties will find ways to resolve other issues, such as enrichment to 20% and the stock of enriched uranium accumulated since October 2009. In spite of the sanctions, we still hope that the logic of dialogue and understanding will prevail. ”

“The world cannot run the risk of a new conflict like the one in Iraq. We have been insisting, therefore, that the Iranian Government maintain an attitude of flexibility and openness towards negotiations. But it is necessary that all those concerned demonstrate such willingness.”

Brunei Darussalam
His Royal Highness Prince Mohamed Bolkiah, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
27 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Nickolay Mladenov, Minister for Foreign Affairs
28 September 2010

Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation: “We must reconfirm our commitment to halting the spread of nuclear weapons. This mission is above politics and diplomacy, above national ambitions and personal egos. It is our universal obligation and a joint commitment which we undertook 40 years ago.”

Weapons of mass destruction, WMD terrorism: “The uncovering of clandestine nuclear networks has brought the spectre of non-state actors equipped with weapons of mass destruction closer.”

Non-proliferation: “All nations must recognize that the nuclear non-proliferation regime is undermined if violators are allowed to act with impunity.”

“Bulgaria believes that every nation must put a strengthened Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) at the centre of its national diplomacy.”

Iran’s nuclear programme: “Justified concerns about the nuclear programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran remain. We call on Iran to deploy the necessary confidence building measures to provide for a greater transparency of its nuclear activities.”

DPRK nuclear programme: “We consider all States Parties, including the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), to be bound by their NPT obligations.”

H.E. Mr. Gervais Rufyikiri, Second Vice-President
25 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Hor Namhong, Deputy Prime Minister
28 September 2010

Multilateralism: “There is no better entity than the United Nations to address the global challenges; and multilateralism is relevant in addressing the world’s inter-connected and proliferated challenges, ranging from global economic and financial crisis, climate change, food security, international peace and security, to regional conflicts and so forth.”

DPRK nuclear programme: “The situation in the Korean Peninsula still presents a threat to peace and security in this part of the world. Cambodia earnestly calls the parties to refrain from any act that could escalate tension in the region in order to contribute to a favorable condition for the Six-Party Talks to resume as soon as possible. Peace shall prevail above all through negotiations in order to regain confidence to build a peaceful Korean Peninsular.”

H.E. Mr. Paul Biya, President
23 September 2010

Peace, security: “The ever widening gap between the rich and the poor would only exacerbate tensions and jeopardize international peace and security.”

H.E. Mr. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister
23 September 2010

No relevant remarks.

Central African Republic
H.E. General Antoine Gambi, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, and of the Francophonie
27 September 2010

Nuclear weapons, disarmament, non-proliferation, nuclear energy: “In the are of nuclear disarmament, the crises of proliferation that we are going through are at present the greatest threat to international peace and security. Nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation in all of it’s aspects, must be at the heart of our debates and we must be resolved to favor the use of nuclear energy for civilian ad peaceful purposes.”

H.E. Mr. Sebastián Piñera Echenique
23 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council
23 September 2010

Multilateralism: “China will continue to firmly support the leading role of the United Nations in international affairs. We will, as always, abide by the UN Charter and fulfill in good faith our obligations under international conventions. We will intensify cooperation with fellow developing countries, and support their greater say in international affairs. We will remain forever a good partner and brother of developing countries.”

Peace: “The world of the 21st century is far from tranquil, but gone are the days when problems were ultimately settled by war. Peace and development remain the defining features of our time.”

H.E. Mr. Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, President
24 September 2010

Small arms and light weapons, landmines: “Matters, such as security; countering terrorism and drug trafficking; the fight against the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons; the progressive eradication of anti-personnel mines; humanitarian assistance; the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of illegal armed groups; and -something particularly important- how to do it all while always protecting human rights.”

H.E. Mr. Ahmed Abdallah Sambi, President
24 September 2010

Peace, security: “It is through peace, stability, and security and respect for international law that our nations will be able to obtain the development goals they have set themselves to help our peoples.”

H.E. Mr. Basile Ikouebe, Minister for Foreign Affairs
24 September 2010

Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation: “Now there are more challenges…the threat of nuclear non-proliferation and the economic crises.”

Small arms and light weapons: “The states in the sub-region should seal their commitment to combat the proliferation of small arms and light weapons by signing the convention.”

Costa Rica
H.E. Ms. Laura Chinchilla Miranda, President
23 September 2010

Nuclear weapons, military spending: “And it offends us that, even nowadays, there are women waiting to be stoned, populations drowned in the barbarism of genocide, and nuclear weapons that arebeing accumulated while the barns are being depleted.”

Arms control, arms trade treaty, nuclear weapons convention, Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: “In matters of peace and security, Costa Rica adheres to the five points on arms control that are being promoted by the General Secretary. In particular, we insist on the necessity to start the negotiations for an Arms Transference Treaty, while at the same time we advance towards the Model Convention for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and we complete the ratification process for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.”

Weapons of mass destruction, military spending, disarmament and development: “The accumulation and transference of weapons, in special nuclear, chemical and bacteriological ones, not only constitutes a threat to peace and survival. It is also an aggression to development. Each soldier who enrolls, each missile that is activated and each isotope enriched with military purposes, imply less schools and hospitals, less food programs, less roads, less wireless networks, less seeds for the farmers or less good judges to administer justice.”

Peace: “But peace must go beyond action; it should also lodge in the mind and imagination of human beings. To educate for peace is to vaccinate against war. Thirty years ago, our country promoted, and the United Nations supported, apioneer and visionary institution in the matter: the University for Peace. Its contribution reaches all bounds of the world, and our compromise with it increases every day. For this reason we proudly celebrate its anniversary.”

Security, military spending: “It is paradoxical that, while many countries waste resources in weapons, the international community has not been capable of confronting in an effective manner the lashes of drug traffic, organized crime, terrorism, traffic of weapons, and the aberrant exploitation and trafficking of human beings.”

Security: “My government has made of citizens’ security one of its major goals; our people demand it and we are not going to fail them. We are fighting crime it with energy and determination; also, with full respect for human rights, intelligent policies and the rule of law.”

Military spending: “If Costa Rica, acountry of middle income, has achieved indexes of human development comparable to countries of high income, it is because, among other things, our social investment has replaced military expenses.”

Peace: “We must also establish peace with the environment and development. It is an unavoidable task to organize the economy in a sustainable manner, in order to produce material and social welfare.”

Côte d'Ivoire
H.E. Mr. Jean-Marie Kacou Gervais, Minister for Foreign Affairs and African Integration
29 September 2010

Multilateralism: “Mr. President … by proposing that the theme for this session be to reassert the central role of the United Nations in global governance you are celebrating in the best way the primacy of multilateralism over unilateralism in the management of global affairs.”

H.E. Ms. Jadranka Kosor, Prime Minister
27 September 2010

Weapons of mass destruction: “All the serious threats with which the modem world is faced, starting with terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, humanitarian crises and climate change, to mention just a few, in terms of their consequences go far beyond the original framework within which they began, and without exception are acquiring global proportions.”

Nuclear weapons, disarmament, non-proliferation: “However much our joint action at a global level is important to find responses to the many challenges, when it is a question of an attempt to find a deterrent to the use of nuclear weapons, this becomes imperative. Over the past years we have witnessed a renewed desire in the international community for a world without nuclear weapons. The Republic of Croatia also sees in that light the historical summit of the Security Council on the prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, with President Barack Obama presiding in September last year.”

Non-proliferation, WMD terrorism: “Making its contribution to the significant efforts aimed at preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons, in June this year the Republic of Croatia successfully organized a regional workshop on the implementation of UN Resolution 1540. Of course, in Croatia we are aware that mere words and adopted documents are not sufficient, especially to prevent the direct threat posed by the possibility of terrorists getting hold of weapons of mass destruction. We welcome therefore the concrete steps being taken by the nuclear states to reduce nuclear capacities and to increase the transparency and security of nuclear reserves. At the same time we call on all states to respect their commitments aimed at preventing attempts to allow these terrifying weapons to pass into the wrong hands.”

Small arms and light weapons: “At the same time, we must not forget that in parallel with the existence of a nuclear threat, the illegal trade in small arms and light weapons has taken human lives with merciless speed.”

Peace, security: “The protection of the dignity of human life, and the dignity and identity of each nation, is the firm foundation on which the United Nations can fulfill its task to promote peace and security in today’s globalized world.”

H.E. Mr. Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister for Foreign Affairs
27 September 2010

Nuclear weapons: “Today, the children and grandchildren of that generation realize that the human species is faced with the risk of disappearing. In a few decades, the degradation of the living conditions in the planet will be irreversible. The same could happen in a few hours if only a small piece of the nuclear arsenal were to be used.”

“Those who met in San Francisco to draft the United Nations Charter could not even imagine the threat now posed by global warming or the nuclear winter.”

Nuclear weapons, disarmament: “The serious danger posed by nuclear weapons will only disappear if they are totally eliminated and if there is a complete ban on their use.”

Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation, nuclear energy, disarmament: “The manipulation surrounding non-proliferation based on double standards and political interests, the existence of a club of the privileged and the countries of the South denial of the right to a peaceful use of nuclear energy should cease. We urge the United States, the main nuclear power, to stop opposing the negotiation of legally binding agreements that could rid ourselves, once and for all, of such threat within a predetermined period of time.”

Iran’s nuclear programme: “While we deliberate here, as comrade Fidel has pointed out, powerful and influential forces in the United States and Israel are paving the way to launch a military attack against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Security Council, on its part, possibly under the illusion of preventing it, moves on to adopt sanctions against that country which,
together with the unilateral sanctions illegally imposed by a group of States, are seeking to suffocate the Iranian economy.”

“The recent and politically biased report issued by the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency has increased tensions and created the pretexts for a war escalation. Should this aggression in fact materializes it would become a crime against the Iranian people and an assault against peace and International Law which will burst into a conflict that will certainly be nuclear. It would take a toll on millions of lives and its impact on the environment, the economy and world stability would be incalculable.”

Security, peace: “Sanctions, sieges and confrontation are not the way to preserve international peace and security. Quite on the contrary, dialogue, negotiations and adherence to the principle of sovereign equality of States are the only way to prevent a war.”

Conventional weapons, disarmament, nuclear weapon free zones: “Given the high lethal power and the continued development of conventional weapons, we will have to struggle also for complete and general disarmament. In order to move forward in these endeavors, the Non-Aligned Movement submitted a proposal that has gone unheeded. This proposal contains a program of action that includes the creation of nuclear free zones. It is urgent to establish such zones in the Middle East, where Israel is the only country that opposes such initiative. Achieving that will truly contribute to dissipate the threats of a conflict and nuclear proliferation and achieve a lasting peace in that region.”

H.E. Mr. Demetris Christofias, President
24 September 2010

Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation, multilateralism: “...the visible threat of nuclear proliferation, especially in the Middle East ... require[s] effective regional and global action through the United Nations and other multilateral organizations.”

Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation, nuclear terrorism: “The challenges faced by the international community, are increasing.... the threat of further nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism ... require that we undertake a renewed and more effective effort to protect humanity’s achievements.”

Czech Republic
H.E. Mr. Václav Klaus, President
25 September 2010

Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation, START: “We should not resign on elementary values and principles most of us share and this brings me to the second issue I want to mention here today- nuclear non-proliferation. In April this year, my country was hosting an important event during which the President of Russia and the President of the United States signed a treaty on further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms. We see this treaty as an important step forward and as a visible sign in the efforts to make our complicated world safer. Let's hope that it will have a further continuation in the foreseeable future.”

Nuclear energy: “We do not dispute the right of any country to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes but it must do so in a responsible way. It is not possible for some countries to ignore the agreed and respected international standards, to threaten stability in their regions and increase the risks of proliferation.”

Democratic People's Republic of Korea
H.E. Mr. Pak Kil Yon, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs
29 September 2010

Miltiarism: “Power logic and power politics that negate sovereign equality still remain in sight in international relations even today after the turn of a century.... Military invasions on sovereign states, arms buildup and threats of use of force continue unchecked and even justified under a series of pretexts.”

Nuclear weapons: “Along as the US nuclear aircraft carriers sail around the seas of our country, our nuclear deterrent can never be abandoned, but should be strengthened further.”

Nuclear weapons, disarmament, non-proliferation: “There is no change in the position of the DPRK to oppose nuclear war, nuclear arms race and nuclear proliferation. The denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is the policy goal maintained consistently by the government of the DPRK for peace and security in Northeast Asia and the denuclearization of the world.”

Nuclear weapon free zone: “The denuclearization of the Korean peninsula referred to in the Joint Statement of the six party talks issued on September 19, 2005 is the process of turning the whole Korean peninsula into a nuclear-weapon-free zone on the basis of completely eliminating the real external nuclear threats on the Korean peninsula in a verifiable manner.”

DPRK nuclear programme: “As already clarified, our nuclear weapons are not a means to attack or threaten others, but a self-defensive deterrent, to all intents and purposes, to counter aggression and attack from outside. As a responsible nuclear weapon state, we are willing to join in the international efforts for nuclear non-proliferation and safe management of nuclear material on an equal footing with other nuclear weapon states.”

Democratic Republic of the Congo
H.E. Mr. Joseph Kabila Kabange, President
23 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Carsten Staur, Chairman of the Delegation
28 September 2010

Weapons of mass destruction: “The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is the most serious danger of globalisation.”

Nuclear weapons, START, non-proliferation, disarmament: “We welcome the international momentum in dealing with issue of nuclear weapons as reflected in the new US-Russian START-agreement, the Nuclear Summit and notably, the results of the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in May. It is important that all state parties commit to implementing the measures of the NPT action plan.”

Iran’s nuclear programme: “The issue of non-proliferation remains high on the agenda. Not least due to our deepening concerns about the alleged peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme. With the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1929, the international community has sent a clear signal to the Iranian leadership that we do not tolerate the continuous and increasingly grave violations of Iran’s international obligations.”

H.E. Mr. Nicholas Joseph Orville Liverpool, President
25 September 2010

Disarmament, non-proliferation, nuclear weapons: “In May this year the United Nations held the Review Conference of Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Dominica supports the outcome of the Conference and calls upon all Member States to adhere to the obligations of the Treaty. We call for a world free of nuclear weapons and join the calls for total disarmament.”

Small arms and light weapons: “Small arms and light weapons continue to pose a major threat to peace and security throughout the world. Dominica is very concerned over the increase in that illicit trade in the Caribbean region.... The continued demand in the North for drugs produced in South, and the growth of the related trade in small arms and light weapons, have placed us in crossfire of these illicit activities.”

Dominican Republic
H.E. Mr. Leonel Fernández Reyna, President
23 September 2010

Small arms and light weapons: “It is imperative to curb indiscriminate gun sales and human trafficking and its necessary to implement exchange and cooperation policies among the countries that produce, serve as transit points for, and consume narcotics.”

H.E. Mr. Lenín Moreno Garcés, Vice-President
27 September 2010

Nuclear energy: “We believe in the sovereign right of all states to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.”

Nuclear weapons, WMD, disarmament: “We want a world without nuclear weapons and advocate leading by example. States demanding action in this area must also take action themselves. I call upon the international community to make a final decision: dismantle nuclear arsenals. Just as we have criminalized the production and commercialization of illicit drugs, we should criminalize the production and commercialization of weapons of mass destruction.”

H.E. Mr. Ahmed Abdoul Gheit, Minister for Foreign Affairs
25 September 2010

Nuclear weapons, nuclear weapon free zone, disarmament, non-proliferation: “Questions of international peace and security, disarmament, and combating nuclear proliferation are among the priorities of Egypt’s agenda. Only a few months ago, the Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty had successfully concluded its work. It adopted an important document on the Middle East, which included a plan of action and measures to implement the resolution on the Middle East that was adopted in 1995. Egypt will follow closely all steps taken to implement this plan, including the serious preparations for the conference of 2012.

“Once again, let me reiterate Egypt’s position. Adopting double-standards on the question of non-proliferation will result in a continued threat to world stability. In the Middle East particularly, we find that there are increasing efforts to add to the commitments of non-nuclear states members of the NPT, without paying heed to the priority for the Treaty to become universal in our region and for all nuclear installations in the Middle East to be subjected to the system of comprehensive safeguards of the IAEA. This uncomfortable situation is a source of concern for us. We will work with all like-minded parties to deal with this situation and to change it in relevant fora.”

Iran’s nuclear programme: “Egypt recognizes the need to reach an urgent political settlement in the Iran nuclear file, especially that the dangerous escalation of this issue threatens an explosion of the situation in a manner that threatens peace and stability in this vital region of the world. While it is true that threats against a member state of the OICR are not acceptable, we ask Iran to refrain from any measures that could exacerbate the situation in the region and that would lead to a confrontation with different forces in the international community. All parties must adhere to the negotiations as a way to the peaceful political settlement of this issue. Such a settlement would guarantee Iran’s legitimate requirement of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and would enable the international community meanwhile to verify that Iran is not violating its obligations of the NPT. No evidence has yet been available to that effect.”

El Salvador
H.E. Mr. Carlos Mauricio Funes Cartagena, President
24 September 2010

No relevant references.

Equatorial Guinea
H.E. Mr. Pastor Micha Ondo Bile, Minister for Foreign Affairs
28 September 2010

Multilateralism, nuclear weapons, disarmament: “We all need to concentrate our efforts, energy and resources towards promoting and maintaining peace and security in the entire world, therefore encouraging a healthier environment, actively working and cooperating for the disappearance of nuclear weapons and the fight against terrorism and international organized crime.”

H.E. Mr. Osman Mohammed Saleh, Minister for Foreign Affairs
28 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President
24 September 2010

Peace, security: “The credibility of the UN in the promotion of peace and security rests on the commitment of all Member States. We equally share the responsibility to apply the principles enshrined in the Charter, including refraining from any other threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.”

H.E. Mr. Seyoum Mesfin, Minister for Foreign Affairs
29 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Commodore Josaia Bainimarama, Prime Minister
27 September 2010

Arms Trade Treaty, small arms and light weapons: “On the subject of peace and security, Fiji is proud to have been among the Member States in 2006 that voted in favor of preparations for a robust and legally-binding Arms Trade Treaty in 2012. We also remain committed to the work of the United Nations in curbing illicit trade in small arms and light weapons.”

Cluster munitions, disarmament: “Fiji has also ratified the Convention on Cluster Munitions and regards this instrument as a welcome development in humanitarianism and international disarmament.”

H.E. Ms. Tarja Halonen, President
24 September 2010

Nuclear weapons, disarmament, non-proliferation, START: “Finland is greatly encouraged by the new START agreement as well as the outcomes of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington and the Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The world community must seize the moment. Global and bilateral efforts must be continued towards a world without nuclear weapons.”

H.E. Mr. Bernard Kouchner, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs
27 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Ali Bongo Ondimba, President
24 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Mamadou Tangara, Minister for Foreign Affairs
27 September 2010

Militarism: “We condemn indiscriminate use of banned weapons with impunity whilst the UN Security Council does nothing to punish the culprits: Combatants should legitimately engage enemy combatants, and reckless attacks on defenseless people must not be condoned.”

H.E. Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili, President
23 September 2010

Multilateralism: “In uncertain times like ours, cooperation is more necessary than ever. Unless we stand together and invent new approaches to the global challenges we are all facing, we will be torn apart by fear and self-destructive interests. Gatherings like this one, therefore, are valuable only if they allow us to shape a common vision for concrete actions towards peace, development solidarity, and justice.”

Peace: “One of our common goals, then, must be to enable those risk-takers who have the courage to defy conventional wisdom and forge new paths to peace. Peace is not an easy way. But peace is the only way.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, history has taught us that wars can erupt quickly - but also that brave leaders can secure peace where and when nobody would ever believe that conflicts could be resolved. History has taught us that regions that were torn apart by armed conflicts and contaminated by hate - starting with Europe - can achieve lasting peace through cooperation, interdependence and unity.”

Non-proliferation, nuclear terrorism: “We are fighting other common scourges, too, focusing especially on the terrible danger of nuclear trafficking. Many times over the past seven years, we have intercepted criminals who had in their possession the essential ingredients for nuclear devices. Every step of the way, we have cooperated with our allies in the international community to ensure that Georgia is doing everything possible to confront this global danger.”

H.E Mr. Guido Westerwelle, Vice-Chancellor
25 September 2010

Disarmament, non-proliferation, nuclear weapons, WMD: “Disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation are not issues of the past, but challenges of our time. Disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation are two sides of the same coin. We have to do all we possible can to ensure that weapons of mass destruction do not become the bane of globalization.

“Unlike the Conference five years ago, this May’s Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty was a success. If we work together to maintain this momentum, it will be in our power to ensure that this decade does not see a build up of arms but becomes a decade of disarmament.

“A world without nuclear weapons is a long-term vision, but even a marathon begins with the first step.

“There is now movement in the disarmament debate. The group of states founded here in New York on Wednesday to advance disarmament and arms control does not stand alone.”

Disarmament machinery: “For over ten years the Geneva Conference on Disarmament wasn’t even able to agree on an agenda. This is not the way to live up to our shared responsibility. We met yesterday at the invitation of the UN Secretary-General to break the deadlock affecting the Geneva Conference.”

CTBT, fissile materials: “Our world will be a more secure place when the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty enters into force and the production of fissile material is ended once and for all.”

Iran’s nuclear programme: “Iran, like every other country, naturally has the right to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. However, the Tehran leadership itself has sown doubt about the civilian nature of its nuclear programme. Iran, by demonstrating openness and transparency, can allay that doubt. Our offer of dialogue still stands. It’s now up to Iran to grasp our outstretched hand.”

WMD free zone: “The conference aimed at establishing a zone free of weapons of mass destructions in the Middle East, planned for 2012, is a major opportunity to strengthen peace and security in the region. Germany is encouraging all countries in the region to take part so that the conference is a success. We are committed to a nuclear-weapon-free Middle East.”

H.E. Mr. Muhammad Mumuni, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration
28 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Dimitris Droutsas, Minister for Foreign Affairs

28 September 2010

Multilateralism: “The common thread underpinning all of the aforementioned issues is the need to enhance the mechanisms necessary to ensure effective multilateral action to confront these common challenges coherently and comprehensibly. In this, the promotion of effective interaction and coordination between the UN and regional organizations must be one of our key priorities.”

H.E. Mr. Tillman Thomas, Prime Minister
27 September 2010

Multilateralism: “Our resolve is firm: dedication, creativity, renewed commitment to fellow being, unwavering commitment to multilateralism and most of all solidarity. These, Mr. President, will help us survive these trying times.”

Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation: “We are obliged to work selflessly to preserve the world for future generations. The avoidance of a nuclear confrontation is one sure way. We therefore, congratulate the Government of the United States and all other Governments who have put much time and effort towards the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.”

H.E. Mr. Gert Rosenthal, Chairman of the Delegation
28 September 2010

Small arms and light weapons: “The trafficking of persons, arms and drugs as well as money laundering have expanded in a manner that is quite worrisome, under the double banner born from organized crime's capacity to co-opt, combined with its capacity to intimidate.”

H.E. Mr. Malam Bacai Sanhá, President
25 September 2010

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo, President
24 September 2010

Multilateralism: “The notion that we can protect our national and global interests through inward-looking national responses is no longer valid. Instead, it is in all our interests for the United Nations to provide the platform that facilitates globally inter-connected responses.”

“Mr. President, distinguished delegates, the United Nations Organisation is, despite its many limitations, our best hope for the advancement of humanity. Its universality allows the organization to play a central and catalytic role in balancing the different interests of member states and in generating consensus on the issues that divide us. We must therefore commit fully to the principles and purposes of its charter and to the improvement of its structure.”