
UNGA Disarmament Index 2009: H–R

This is an index of all references made to issues of disarmament, peace, and security, made in the 64th General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly from 23–29 September 2009. Included in this index are all references made to arms control, disarmament, multilateralism, nuclear energy, security, proliferation, the arms trade, and nuclear and conventional weapons.

A–G | H–R | S–Z

Haiti | Holy See | Honduras | Hungary
| India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy
Jamaica | Japan | Jordan
| Kenya | Kiribati | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan
| Latvia | Lebanon | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg
Macedonia | Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius | Mexico | Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique | Myanmar
| Nauru | Nepal | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nicaragua | Niger  | Nigeria | Norway
| Palau | Palestine | Panama | Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal
Republic of Korea | Republic of Moldova | Romania | Russian Federation | Rwanda

H.E. Mr. René Préval, President
24 September 2009

No relevant references.

Holy See
H.E. Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Chairman of the Delegation
29 September 2009

Multilateralism: “It is only fitting that this year delegations have been asked to focus on effective responses to global crises: strengthening multilateralism and dialogue among civilizations for international peace, security and development.”

“Admittedly, the duty to build the United Nations as a true center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends is an extremely difficult task. The more the interdependence of peoples increases, the more the necessity of the United Nations becomes evident. The need to have an organization capable of responding to the obstacles and increasing complexity of the relations between peoples and nations thus becomes paramount.

“The United Nations will advance toward the formation of a true family of nations to the extent that it assumes the truth of the inevitable interdependence among peoples, and to the extent that it takes up the truth about the human person, in accordance with its Charter.”

“Ultimately, true multilateralism and dialogue among cultures must be based on assuming the duty of commitment for the development of all human beings. We must not forget that the sharing of reciprocal duties is a more powerful incentive to action than the mere assertion of rights.”

Security, nuclear weapons: “The mechanisms of the United Nations for addressing common security and the prevention of conflicts were developed in response to the threat of total war and nuclear destruction in the second half of the last century and for this reason alone they deserve perennial historical remembrance.”

H.E. Ms. Patricia Isabel Rodas Baca, Minister for Foreign Affairs
28 September 2009

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Péter Balázs, Minister for Foreign Affairs
28 September 2009

Multilateralism: "The ongoing changes in international politics and world economy have created a new situation for the United Nations. We welcome and strongly support the efforts aimed at strengthening its ability to adapt to the new realities and make it a more effective forum of multilateral diplomacy. We acknowledge the overall movement in the right direction and several positive developments, but we cannot be satisfied with the pace of the transformation."

Iran's nuclear programme: "The nuclear programme of Iran continues to be a matter of most serious concern. We deeply regret that the leadership of Iran has refused to abide by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. In flagrant violation of its international obligations has even increased the uranium enrichment capacities in the country. Recent revelations about the existence of a second enrichment facility underscore the legitimacy of our previous concerns. We urge Iran to engage, in substantive negotiations on its nuclear programme, without further delay. News about recent missile tests only reinforces our sense of urgency."

Nuclear Weapons / Disarmament / Non-proliferation: "The idea of a world without nuclear weapons has been cherished for long. We welcome the affirmation of the commitment to this goal at the recent summit level meeting of the Security Council along with the adoption of a comprehensive set of measures to strengthen the global non-proliferation regime. Hungary hopes that the momentum created by the summit will also have a positive impact on the 2010 NPT Review Conference."

H.E. Mr. Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs
26 September 2009

Nuclear Disarmament, Non-proliferation: “The other cause of my gratitude is the unanimous decision of the Security Council to call for global efforts to stop the spread for nuclear arms and to boost disarmament. I remember when I was a very young editor in 1986 when President Reagan and Secretary Gorbachev met in Reykjavik. I’ll never forget that for the first time in my life a world free of a nuclear nightmare became a realistic goal. This is a goal that must be vigorously pursued, it is strongly supported by my government, and I am grateful to the UN for providing the framework for that.”

H.E. Mr. S. M. Krishna, Minister for External Affairs
26 September 2009

Multilateralism: “Connectivity defines our global condition, and the challenges that we face are global. The resolution of these challenges, as we are aware, require global approaches and solutions. What may happen in one part of the world has an impact on other regions.”

“At the centre-stage of multilateralism and international cooperation is the United Nations.”

Nuclear Disarmament, Non-proliferation: “India attaches the highest priority to the goal of nuclear disarmament and has an impeccable non-proliferation record. We welcome the renewed global debate on achieving a world free of nuclear weapons. This corresponds with India’s longstanding and consistent advocacy of nuclear disarmament as one of the highest priority of the international community. We have put forward a number of proposals on nuclear disarmament in the UN, including a Working Paper in 2006, proposing elements to fashion a new consensus on disarmament and non-proliferation.”

Nuclear Disarmament: “Last year, at the 63rd UNGA, consistent with India's longstanding commitment articulated in the Rajiv Gandhi Action Plan in 1988, India reiterated its proposal for a Nuclear Weapons Convention for banning the production, development, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons and to provide for their complete elimination within a specified time-frame. The international nuclear order cannot be discriminatory. Further, states must fulfill the obligations they have undertaken. Once more, with feeling and with commitment, India reiterates that proposal.

“We will continue to engage with key countries to intensify this debate with the hope that greater international understanding could lend itself to a firm commitment for action on nuclear disarmament.”

Fissile Materials: “It was in this spirit that we supported adoption of a Programme of Work, including on a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty, in the Conference on Disarmament in May this year. This is consistent with India's position, to work with others in the Conference on Disarmament towards conclusion of a non-discriminatory, multilaterally negotiated and internationally verifiable FMCT, provided it meets India’s national security interests.”

Nuclear Testing: “We remain committed to a voluntary, unilateral moratorium on nuclear testing.”

H.E. Mr. Hassan Wirajuda, Minister for Foreign Affairs
29 September 2009

Multilateralism: “The economic and financial crisis, the challenge of climate change, the food security crisis, and the energy security crisis are problems that fed on one another so that they all grew to critical proportions. That is the reality that came about because the international community has failed to form an effective global partnership to address the large bundle of challenges that ultimately affect all humankind.

“In that sense, the root cause of this overarching crisis is a failure of multilateralism, a failure to forge a system of democratic governance at the global level. But we can rectify that failure through all-encompassing reform—reform of the relationships between and among nations in the world today.”

Multilateralism, nuclear disarmament: “If this new spirit of multilateralism and reform can pervade international socioeconomic affairs, there is no reason why it should not also find its way into the politico-security field. It can resuscitate the disarmament agenda, especially nuclear disarmament, which has been lying moribund for decades.”

Nuclear disarmament, nuclear testing, non-proliferation: “In a truly democratic world order, the nuclear powers will live by their commitment to the Non-proliferation Treaty by slashing their nuclear arsenals and abiding by the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. In turn, we non-nuclear countries continue to refrain from developing nuclear weapons.”

Nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation: “This is no longer an impossible dream: a window of opportunity has been opened with adoption of UN Security Council resolution no 1887 (2009) on Maintenance of International Peace and Security leading to a nuclear free world, and with the current process between the United States and the Russian Federation toward deeper cuts in their respective nuclear arsenals. Thus the disarmament agenda is being revived.”

Iran (Islamic Republic of)
H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President
23 September 2009

Military Spending, Non-Proliferation: “It is not acceptable that the military budget of some governments exceeds far larger than those of the entire countries of the world. They export billions of dollars of arms every year, stockpile chemical and biological weapons, establish military bases or have military presence in other countries while accusing others of militarism, and mobilize all their resources in the world to impede scientific and technological progress of other nations under the pretext of countering arms proliferation.”

Multilateralism: “Settlement of global problems and administration of justice and maintenance of peace will only be materialized with collective determination and cooperation of all nations and states. The age of polarizing the world on the premises of the hegemony or domination of a few governments is over.

“Today we must rise together in a collective commitment against the present challenges; we must take change seriously and help others through collective work to return to the basic moral and human values.”

Arms Race, WMD: “Reforming the international political relations based on the promotion of lasting peace and friendship, eradication of arms race and elimination of all nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.”

Peace and Security: “We announce our commitment to participate in the process of building a durable peace and security worldwide for all nations based on justice, spirituality and human dignity, while being dedicated strongly to defending our legitimate and legal rights.”

H.E. Mr. Jalal Talabani, President
24 September 2009

WMD Free Zone, Non-proliferation: “We consider the Arab initiative to be a step in the right direction towards resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict in order to achieve security, peace and stability in the Middle East and we call for making the Middle East a zone free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction to promote peace and security opportunity. In this context, we call upon all states who have not yet done so to accede to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to do so and be bound by its provisions.”

H.E.Mr. Peter Power, Minister of State for Overseas Development
28 September 2009

Multilateralism: “Rarely have the challenges facing the global community been as formidable, or as pressing, as those of today. And rarely has the need been greater for collective action and for the facilitating framework which is uniquely provided by the UN.”

Nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation: “Our discussions in New York over the past week have highlighted some of the most urgent issues on the Organisation’s agenda at present, including climate change, global poverty and hunger, nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.”

Disarmament: “Building peace and ending conflict cannot be accomplished without also removing the means of conflict.”

Cluster Munitions: “Last year, Ireland was proud to host the diplomatic conference which adopted the Convention on Cluster Munitions - an historic agreement to ban the production and use of these most destructive of weapons. I warmly welcome the considerable progress which has been made this year towards entry into force. We now need less than ten further ratifications to achieve this and I urge all those Governments which have not yet signed and ratified the CCM to do so at the earliest opportunity.”

Nuclear non-proliferation: “Ireland has always been strongly supportive of the lead role played by the United Nations in working to promote non-proliferation and to remove the threat posed by nuclear weapons. Ireland was the first country to sign and ratify the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Next year's Review Conference will be of critical importance for efforts to help strengthen the international non-proliferation system, at a time when the threats it faces have perhaps never been greater. We encourage all Member States to work actively and constructively to achieve a successful outcome and will engage fully in that effort ourselves.”

Nuclear disarmament: “Ireland also applauds and welcomes the renewed focus on nuclear disarmament. We encourage the United States and Russia as they work towards a legally-binding follow-on arrangement to the START treaty, which expires at the end of this year.”

Iran’s nuclear programme: “It is equally urgent that Iran responds to the demands of the international community to cease uranium enrichment and to answer satisfactorily all questions regarding its nuclear activities, particularly in light of the latest revelations regarding the previously undisclosed nuclear site at Qom. The international community is ready to engage with Iran and has made generous offers. It is for Iran to decide whether it wishes to pursue the path of engagement or to opt for increasing isolation. We very much hope that the forthcoming discussions on 1 October with Iran will mark the start of a constructive engagement on the major issues of international concern.”

Multilateralism: “With each new challenge which appears, the value of common action to address it at global level becomes more apparent. There is a much clearer appreciation of this Organisation’s potential to deliver an effective response. Let us seize the moment and work together to ensure that the opportunity we have at present is transformed into real achievement.”

H.E. Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister
24 September 2009

Weapons of Mass Destruction: “But if the most primitive fanaticism can acquire the most deadly weapons, the march of history could be reversed for a time. And like the belated victory over the Nazis, the forces of progress and freedom will prevail only after an horrific toll of blood and fortune has been exacted from mankind. That is why the greatest threat facing the world today is the marriage between religious fanaticism and the weapons of mass destruction.”

Iran’s nuclear programme: “The most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Are the member states of the United Nations up to that challenge? ... Above all, will the international community stop the terrorist regime of Iran from developing atomic weapons, thereby endangering the peace of the entire world?”

H.E. Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers
23 September 2009

Non-proliferation: “L’Aquila confirmed that the G8 still has a major role to play in geopolitical, non-proliferation, and development issues.”

H.E. The Honourable Kenneth Baugh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
26 September 2009

Disarmament and Non-proliferation: “The pursuit of complete disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation, particularly weapons of mass destruction, must remain a shared goal. The 2010 Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty provides an opportunity for renewed commitment to strengthen the nonproliferation regime.”

Small Arms: “We must increase our efforts to counter transnational organized crime, narco trafficking and the illicit trade in small arms and ammunition, which threaten the rule of law and democratic governance in many countries and fuel the spread of international terrorism.”

H.E. Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, Prime Minister
24 September 2009

Nuclear Disarmament and Non-proliferation: “The third challenge is that of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

“I welcome the progress being made in the negotiations on nuclear weapons reductions between the United States and the Russian Federation. I also commend the United Kingdom and France for their initiatives. It is urgent that all nuclear-weapon holding States take concrete measures on nuclear disarmament.

“There are States currently engaged in efforts to develop nuclear weapons. Furthermore, there is an increasingly greater risk that nuclear materials and nuclear technologies will be passed on to terrorists or even actually used.

“In this area as well, Japan has the potential to become a promoter of nuclear disarmament and serve as a ‘bridge’ between States possessing nuclear weapons and those without them. Japan can speak with the greatest persuasiveness in urging nuclear-weapon-holding States towards nuclear disarmament and non-nuclear nations to avoid the temptation to acquire nuclear weapons. This is because Japan is the only country which has ever suffered the devastation of atomic bombings, and as such has never ceased to appeal for ‘no more Hiroshimas’ and ‘no more Nagasakis’. Japan has also continued to maintain the ‘Three Non-Nuclear Principles’, despite its potential capability to acquire nuclear weapons.

“In April this year in Prague, President Barack Obama articulated a vision of a ‘world without nuclear weapons’, inspiring people throughout the globe. I am one of those people.”

Nuclear Testing, Fissile Materials: “In order to ensure the success of the NPT Review Conference to be held next year in May, we must take action now towards the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and the early commencement of negotiations on a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT).”

North Korea’s nuclear programme: “The DPRK’s nuclear tests and missile launches are a threat to the peace and stability not only of the region but also of the international community as a whole, and cannot be condoned under any circumstances. It is imperative that the DPRK comply fully with the relevant Security Council resolutions and that the international community implement these resolutions. Japan will continue its efforts to realize the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula through the Six-Party Talks. Japan seeks to normalize relations with the DPRK in accordance with the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration, through the comprehensive resolution of the outstanding issues of concern with the DPRK, including the abduction, nuclear and missile issues, and by sincerely settling the ‘unfortunate past’.”

Security: “In the world in which we now live, national security and human security are becoming increasingly intertwined. The path forward that will save humanity is one which can bring about ‘shared security’, in which various nations, ethnicities, races and religions coexist while acknowledging the differences among them. In other words, it is to bring about a ‘shared security’ through the principles ofyu-ai or ‘fraternity’.”

Multilateralism: “In closing, I would like the distinguished representatives to recall that the United Nations is the forum in which ‘bridging’ diplomacy is manifested.”

H.E. Mr. Nasser Judeh, Minister for Foreign Affairs
26 September 2009

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Kanat Saudabayev, Secretary of State and Minister for Foreign Affairs
25 September 2009

Non-Proliferation: “The prospect of nuclear weapons proliferation, along with a risk of their acquisition and use by terrorist organizations remains one of the most serious threats to the mankind.”

Nuclear Testing, Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation: “As a country that has experienced the horrors of nuclear tests, shut down the world’s second largest nuclear testing site, and voluntarily renounced the world’s fourth largest nuclear and missile arsenal, Kazakhstan has an absolute moral right to call for more decisive actions in the area of disarmament and radical strengthening of the weapons of mass destruction non-proliferation regime. In particular, Kazakhstan deems it is important to ensure the soonest entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. We are encouraged by the intentions of U.S. President Barack Obama to give a new impetus to this process.”

Non-Proliferation, Nuclear Disarmament: “Kazakhstan stands for the strengthening and ensuring universality of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. We have to acknowledge that the Treaty is asymmetric in providing sanctions only against non-nuclear-weapon states, although the nuclear powers themselves should set examples of reducing and renouncing their nuclear arsenals.

“In this regard, we welcome the latest initiatives of U.S. and Russia’s Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev in this field, which echo principled positions expressed more than once from this podium by President Nazarbayev, as well as in his bilateral meetings with heads of nuclear-weapon states, as well as countries that cherish such ambitions.

“Today, it is necessary to take even more decisive actions. Our President has proposed the development of a new universal Comprehensive Horizontal and Vertical Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty. The configuration of the new treaty and its contents will largely depend on the proposals of all interested states.”

Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Non-Proliferation: “An effective measure to strengthen the non-proliferation regime could be the establishment of international nuclear fuel bank under IAEA auspices, and Kazakhstan is ready to consider a possibility of locating it on our territory.”

Nuclear Weapon Free Zones, Nuclear Terrorism, Negative Security Assurances: “One of the considerable contributions made by Kazakhstan and the Central Asian states to the NPT implementation was this March's entry into force of the Treaty on the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in our region. The peculiarity of this zone is that it is located between two largest nuclear powers. The zone could play a large practical role in preventing uncontrolled proliferation of nuclear materials, as well as in fighting the nuclear terrorism. We count on the support for the Central Asian zone, firstly, from the nuclear powers, meaning a possibility of providing negative security guarantees.”

Non-proliferation: “We support the U.S. initiative to hold a global nuclear security summit next year.”

Nuclear Weapon Free Day: “I would like to draw the attention of the General Assembly to a proposal of the President of Kazakhstan on declaring 29 August as the International Day for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons. This date has a deep symbolical meaning. On this day in 1949, the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear test at the Semipalatinsk test site, and on the same day, in 1991 the test site was shut down forever by our President’s decree. We hope the General Assembly will support this initiative.”

H.E. The Honourable Raila Amollo Odinga, Prime Minister
25 September 2009

Small Arms and Light Weapons: “The continuing inflow of refugees, small arms and light weapons is the major source of insecurity in our country.”

Multilateralism: “We should strengthen and promote effective multilateralism with the United Nations at the center.”

“Multilateralism in this globalized age is the only sure way to ensure that peace, development and unity prevail at a time when the world is riven with so many divisions.”

H.E. Mr. Anote Tong, President
25 September 2009

Multilateralism: “In the face of common challenges facing the global community, it is encouraging to hear Leaders call for a new global order; one where our interests as fellow citizens of the planet override national interests, particularly where global human security and lives are under serious threat. This call reaffirms the principle of collective responsibility for the common challenges that we face.

“The United Nations will continue to play a significant role in this new world order, particularly in mobilising the political will and the necessary action and resources required to implement it.”

His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al Jaber Al-Sabah, Prime Minister
25 September 2009

Nuclear Disarmament, WMD: “With much interest we have followed the Security Council Summit which was held yesterday addressing one of the most important subjects concerning international peace and security, the subject of nuclear disarmament in order to create a world free of nuclear weapons.”

“Also, we followed with satisfaction the unanimous adoption of resolution 1887 which sets the stage for a world free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. A world that fulfills the hopes of humanity and ensures the safety and prosperity of the world's peoples.”

Nuclear Weapon Free Zones, Israel's nuclear programme: “Departing from Kuwait's belief and deep rooted conviction in the importance and the necessity of the disarmament of all weapons of mass destruction, and declare the Middle East a region free from nuclear weapons. Kuwait renews its call for dealing seriously with Israel, the only country in the region that did not joint the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and calls upon Israel to join the Treaty and subject all of its facilities to the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).”

Iran's Nuclear Programme: “While Kuwait supports the right of all states to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, it hopes negotiations between the friendly Islamic Republic of Iran and the IAEA and the concerned countries will continue with a view of reaching a peaceful solution for the Iranian nuclear file, which would dispel the fears and doubts surrounding its nature and purposes.”

H.E. Mr. Igor Chudinov, Prime Minister
26 September 2009

No relevant references.

Lao People’s Democratic Republic
H.E. Mr. Thongloun Sisoulith, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs
26 September 2009

Disarmament Machinery: “The ongoing impasse in the multilateral disarmament machinery continues to undermine international peace and security.”

Nuclear Disarmament, Non-proliferation: “The existence of nuclear weapons remains a grave threat to the existence of all mankind, and thus, it is vital to reinforce the importance of States to adhere to their nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation obligations. The upcoming 2010 Review Conference will be a great opportunity for the States Parties to the NPT to demonstrate strong political commitments and collective efforts to resolve the current stalemate in the non-proliferation and disarmament agenda. In this regard, it is encouraging that the Third PrepCom for the 2010 Review Conference successfully adopted the agenda and all significant procedural decisions, which will undoubtedly lay an important foundation for a productive and successful review Conference in 2010.”

Cluster Munitions: “In conjunction with arms reduction and nuclear disarmament, the issue of explosive remnants of war known as cluster munitions or Unexplored Ordinance (UXO) continues to threaten and pose serious obstacles to the socio-economic development and poverty eradication effort in more than 80 countries across the world. Among these, the Lao PDR is the most affected country, the cluster munitions victims in the Lao PDR accounts for 50% of the global cluster munitions victims which is about 300 victims recorded annually in the course of 30 years after the war ended.”

“In light of the adverse impact imposed by the cluster munitions, the Lao PDR attaches great importance to the Oslo Convention on banning and eradicating cluster munitions. In this context, we welcome and commend those countries which have signed and ratified the Oslo Convention and we hope that other countries which have not done so would follow suit in order to allow this Convention to enter into force as soon as possible.”

H.E. Mr. Valdis Zatlers, President
24 September 2009

WMD, Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation, Nuclear Energy: “Latvia has been steadfast in the global efforts of fighting the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. We are sure that the 2010 NPT Review Conference will be an important milestone in this process. Latvia is convinced that it will promote the aims of non-proliferation, disarmament and use of nuclear energy ultimately for peaceful purposes.”

H.E. General Michel Sleiman, President
25 September 2009

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili, Prime Minister
26 September 2009

Disarmament: "I find a linkage of this Principle [Responsibility to Protect] with other critical issues that continue to feature in our international agenda. Among these are the reform of the United Nations especially the Security Council, disarmament and the International Criminal Court (the Court)."

Multilateralism: "For as long as the Council remains undemocratic, it will continue to fail the vulnerable and the defenceless. It will continue to use double standards and remain as a tool of the foreign policies of certain states. The desired multilateral path will continue to give way to the unilateral one! It is imperative, therefore, to hasten the UN reform process."

"The theme that you have chosen for this Session of the General Assembly, Mr. President, is both timely and relevant. It is about finding effective responses to global crises and strengthening multilateralism for international peace, security and development."

Nuclear Weapons / Disarmament / Nuclear Testing / Nuclear Energy: "The United Nations was formed on the ashes of the two World Wars. Its main purpose was, and still is, to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold misery to mankind. But, the continuing possession and development of nuclear weapons casts doubts on whether this objective can indeed be realized. At the time when the world is hungering for nuclear disarmament, why should some countries be testing, modernizing and producing new generations of nuclear weapons?

"It is our obligation, as the international community, to strive for a world that is free of nuclear weapons. We remain disappointed in those countries that are engaged in the testing of nuclear weapons. We, however, must reiterate the right of every country to the development and use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Peaceful use of nuclear technology can be beneficial to all humanity.

"We are delighted that, the Third Preparatory Committee Meeting for the 2010 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), has adopted the agenda for the 2010 Review Conference. This historic achievement strengthens our optimism, that our commitment to the disarmament process will gain renewed momentum."

H.E. Mr. Joseph Boakai, Vice-President
25 September 2009

Disarmament: “We note with satisfaction the achievement of the national disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration (DDRR) Programme carried out in conjunction with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). This programme was successfully concluded in July of this year.”

H.E. Ms. Aurelia Frick, Minister of Foreign Affairs
26 September 2009

Multilateralism: “Since my arrival in New York a few days ago, I have been encouraged by the multiple calls for international cooperation and the renewed commitment to multilateralism. For Liechtenstein, the United Nations has always been the epitome of multilateralism. And we believe that today genuine multilateralism is needed in order to address the challenges before us.”

“The notion of sovereign equality is one of the core principles of the UN Charter - and it is indeed the main pillar of genuine multilateralism.”

“The drafters of the UN Charter understood that the inclusion of all States is a prerequisite for effective multilateralism. In today's interconnected world, we must uphold this principle more than ever. But the practice of this organization has sometimes veered away from the ideals of inclusion, transparency and legitimacy.”

“The General Assembly remains the heart of genuine multilateral work.”

Disarmament, Non-proliferation: “On disarmament and non-proliferation we seem about to enter - finally - a new era.”

Arms Trade Treaty: “Important negotiations are ahead of us. We will ... continue discussions on the Arms Trade Treaty.”

Peace: “To quote Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, 'The debate is no longer between peace and justice but between peace and what kind of justice.' Indeed, peace, development and justice go hand in hand. These tasks must be fulfilled, first and foremost, by States themselves.”

H.E. Ms. Dalia Grybauskait, President
24 September 2009

Non-proliferation: "The global financial and economic crisis is not the only problem today. Terrorism, proliferation of weapons, energy challenges, climate change, and many other issues to be met in order to make UN goals a reality."

Non-proliferation, WMD, Nuclear Energy: "Second, the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons will never be halted outside of an international consensus to do so. The United Nations must strengthen its policy against proliferation; in particular, we need to find ways to allow nations to develop civil nuclear power but not nuclear weapons. Therefore, a forthcoming review conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons next year provides with a good opportunity to seek diplomatic solutions, fully comply with international commitments and requirements."

H.E. Jean Asselborn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration
25 September 2009

Disarmament and non-proliferation: “Hence the need for taking stock and drawing lesions, taking account of the major challenges facing the international community in terms of development, human rights and the rule of law, peacekeeping and security, disarmament and non-proliferation or the fight against climate change.”

“I welcome the initiative of President Obama who engaged the Security Council in a broader discussion of questions relating to non-proliferation and disarmament, beyond the specific situations of sanctions issues. Given that in a couple of months the 8th Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons will take place, it is important to show our determination to carry out this task as regards the three pillars of the NPT, the ultimate goal being a world free of nuclear weapons.”

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: “The same goes for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), the other cornerstone of nuclear non-proliferation. As mentioned yesterday at the Conference of States having ratified the CTBT, the call of the Security Council to sign and ratify the CTBT, and the commitment of the President Obama to do everything possible to ensure such ratification in the United States, is crucial. The Treaty has to be put into force. We hope these encouraging developments, will lead others to adopt a more constructive attitude, respectful of their international obligations.”

Disarmament: “Beyond the issues of non-proliferation, disarmament must not be overlooked. One can only welcome the decision of the United States and Russia to conduct negotiations for concluding a new global agreement following the expiry of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START II) in December.”

Missile defence: “Let me add a few words about an issue which is also relevant as security and defense. I am referring to the decision by the U.S. administration to abandon the proposed establishment of a missile defense shield. It always seemed to me that the way forward in this context could not be the adoption of unilateral measures, but rather discussion and cooperation with our Russian partners to ensure our common security.”

Multilateralism: “Luxembourg remains firmly convinced of the relevance of a multilateral approach with the UN at the center, and will continue to base its policy on this conviction and to contribute to the achievement of a more just, more peaceful and more prosperous world, as enshrined in our founding Charter.”

Macedonia (The former Yugoslav Republic of)
H.E. Mr. Gjorge Ivanov, President
25 September 2009

Peace and Security: “When we address issues related to maintenance of peace and stability, unfortunately, a large majority of us, in continuity, expresses dissatisfaction regarding the current state of play. Peace and security are disturbed on a daily basis in certain regions of the world; we are faced with old and frozen conflicts, but also, with a series of new, turbulent events and tensions in several regions in the world.”

Multilateralism: “Instead of paying lip service to multilateralism, which I do not believe will help, a real approach is necessary towards its meaning, its actual effects. The Republic of Macedonia and I personally, strongly believe and strive towards effective multilateralism. We believe that strengthening multilateralism has no alternative for the further development and affirmation of the primary goals - peace, democracy and human freedoms and rights, respect of international law and principles.”

H.E. Mr. Bingu Wa Mutharika, President
24 September 2009

Multilateralism: “I believe there is no longer an excuse for reluctance of world leaders to move closer together and to stimulate the debate on how multilateralism and dialogue could be strengthened. We need to strengthen collaboration so that the international community responds effectively to global challenges such as climate change, the financial and economic crisis, food and energy crises, armed conflicts, terrorism and above all poverty reduction.”

“I believe that working together, all nations of the world, rich or poor, powerful and powerless, we can strengthen multilateralism and dialogue for lasting international peace, security and development.”

H.E. The Honourable Datuk Anifah Aman, Minister for Foreign Affairs
28 September 2009

Non-proliferation, disarmament, peace, security, nuclear energy: “Non-proliferation and disarmament are cornerstones of peace and security. We agree that at the heart of these efforts is a basic bargain comprising these elements: One, all nations have the right to peacefully use nuclear power; Two, nations that have nuclear weapons must move towards disarmament; and Three, those without nuclear weapons must disavow from acquiring them.”

Nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation, WMD: “In this regard, Malaysia draws hope from any action by the major powers such as the agreement between the US and Russia to reduce their nuclear stockpiles. We also look forward to other measures to strengthen this bargain, including by strengthening the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and other international instruments related to disarmament and non-proliferation. By the same token, we view with grave concern any attempt aimed at proliferating nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.”

Nuclear disarmament, ICJ opinion on nuclear weapons, non-proliferation: “For our own part, we have since 1996 introduced the resolution on the 'Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons', and will continue to do so at this session of the General Assembly. The resolution, among others, calls on all States to fulfill this obligation by commencing multilateral negotiations leading to an early conclusion of a nuclear weapons convention. Malaysia's efforts in this regard will not cease here. We will also participate actively in the NPT Review Conference in 2010 and play our rightful role as the President of the IAEA's Board of Governors.”

H.E. Mr. Mohamed Nasheed, President
24 September 2009

No relevant references.

H.E. Oumar Daou, Chairman of the Delegation
29 September 2009

No relevant references.

Hon. Dr. Lawrence Gonzi, Prime Minister
24 September 2009

No relevant references.

Marshall Islands
H.E. Mr. Litokwa Tomeing, President
24 September 2009

Nuclear Testing: “We are deeply encourage by the UN Security Council Session today, moderated by President Obama, on Nuclear Weapons Use and Testing. Nuclear weapon testing was conducted on our islands between 1946 and 1958, at the time when we were a ward of the UN Trusteeship System. Our first hand experience as victims of nuclear weapons testing on our islands, and the painful memories that continue to haunt us over six decades, are nightmares we would not wish on anyone. The toll on human sufferance and environmental damage has been devastating. Sixty year now since the detonation of some 67 nuclear bombs, the Marshall Islands is still grappling with their after-effects. Complete recovery in terms of restoring affected islands to full economic productivity, and adequate compensation of the victims remain uncertain.”

Nuclear Disarmament: “We call for the formulation of a new perspective by which the specter of war and the use of nuclear weapons may forever be wiped off the surface of the earth. Banning nuclear weapons alone will not remove the root cause of war. Important as it may be, it does not exert an enduring influence. People are too ingenious to invent yet other forms of warfare. The world craves for something much more deep-seated than pure pragmatism. They yearn for permanent peace that springs from an inner state supported by a moral attitude.”

H.E. Mrs. Naha Mint Mouknass, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
28 September 2009

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam, Prime Minister
25 September 2009

Multilateralism: “The commitment of the entire membership of our Organization is required in forging a consensus to deal with the uncertainties of the times ahead. More than ever before, multilateralism will be the way forward.”

“Multilateralism is the cornerstone of the United Nations and should be strengthened in the face of the current global challenges.”

Peace and Security: “The United Nations Organisation is, more than ever before, the ultimate guardian of mankind’s [sic] aspiration to global peace and security. I salute its unceasing effort in resolving conflicts around the world, in particular on the African continent.”

Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation: “Mauritius nurtures the hope of a complete elimination of all nuclear weapons one day. Pending the ultimate realization of this, we support all measures aimed at halting the further spread of such weapons. In this regard, we welcome the comprehensive agenda of President Obama to achieve the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.”

H.E. Mrs. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, Secretary of Foreign Relations
28 September 2009

Multilateralism: “Since our last General Assembly, a number of crises have tested the capabilities of multilateral institutions to face them firmly and with a unified purpose. The international community understood that only through coordinated efforts, where developing countries were full-fledged participants, could give lasting responses to these emergencies.”

Non-proliferation, Nuclear Energy: “As President Felipe Calderon pointed out in the Security Council Summit, nuclear proliferation and the insufficient legal access to peaceful uses for atomic energy demand a renewed commitment for disarmament and the strengthening of the non-proliferation regime.”

Nuclear Disarmament: “I also echo the energetic call of global civil society - made on the 62nd Annual DPI/NGO conference in Mexico - so that governments from all over the globe undertake our responsibilities to achieve our goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world.”

Micronesia (Federated States of)
H.E. Mr. Emanuel Mori, President
25 September 2009

No relevant references.

Moldova (Republic of)
H.E. Mr. Alexandru Cujba, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations
25 September 2009

Disarmament, non-proliferation: “A reformed, robust and effective Organization has to deliver prompt reactions and sustainable responses to the major challenges to peace, security and development, disarmament and nonproliferation, climate change, food and energy security, spread of international terrorism.”

Disarmament, Non-proliferation, CTBT: “Building a safer world requires a greater commitment of Member States in the area of disarmament, arms control and nonproliferation. We have recently witnessed a historic Summit of the UN Security Council that vowed to stop the spread of nuclear arms and endorsed a broad framework of actions to reduce global nuclear dangers. The Republic of Moldova welcomes the results of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Article XIV Conference and looks forward to continuous positive trends in the work of the Conference on Disarmament and the Preparatory Committee of the Conference on the review of the implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.”

His Serene Highness Prince Albert II
23 September 2009

Disarmament and non-proliferation: “If since its origin, the United Nations works for the maintenance of peace and international security, thanks to the operations led under its flag, it also plays an eminent federative role in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation.”

H.E. Mr. Elbegdorj Tsakhia, President
25 September 2009

Multilateralism: “These and other global challenges require global solutions underpinned by a new multilateralism. Multilateralism that is effective, proactive and commensurate to the existing demands. Never has the world needed an effective multilateralism as we do now, as the Secretary-General has rightly put it ‘this is the ultimate multilateral moment’.”

“Mongolia highly commends the strong leadership of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon towards making the world Organization the center of the new multilateralism.”

“Marginalization and inadequate representation of the developing world in global decision-making is another drawback to the strength of the new multilateralism. Thus, the need for a reformed global governance structures. Mongolia believes that with its impartiality and universal legitimacy the United Nations is uniquely placed to serve as a centre of the new multileralism.”

Multilateralism, Disarmament, Non-proliferation: “Mongolia has continuously based its foreign policy on an active participation in multilateral cooperation through the UN. Our engagement has been ranging from nonproliferation and disarmament to promoting democracy and literacy, from addressing the special needs of LLDCs to responding to climate change and contributing to peacekeeping operations, programs and funds.”

Nuclear Weapon Free Zone: “As a Northeast Asian nation with an internationally recognized nuclear-weapon free status, Mongolia stands for a nuclear-weapon-free Korean Peninsula. Achieving comprehensive solution to the nuclear issue through dialogue is of utmost importance. We hope that all countries concerned will look into the future in the interests of peace and stability in the region. We stand ready to contribute to this effort.”

Multilateralism, Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation: “Yesterday the international community has witnessed another strong signal in strengthening multilateralism, particularly in the area of nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation. The Security Council’s summit chaired by President Obama confirmed the path towards a world free of nuclear weapons in its historic resolution.”

Multilateralism: “In conclusion, may I reiterate Mongolia’s strong resolve to continue its active participation in multilateral cooperation. We will spare no effort to ensure that the world Organization remains a center for coordination of the effort of the community of nations toward peace and development in the years to come.”

H.E. Mr. Milo Dukanovic, Prime Minister
25 September 2009

Multilateralism: “In all this, the key role belongs to the United Nations, the most important multilateral forum today.”

Peace and security: “Preserving peace and security through activities aimed at creating political, economic, social and cultural environment for the implementation and respect of international law, the rule of law and protection and promotion of fundamental human rights and freedoms, are the main principles and bases of the Montenegrin foreign policy priorities.”

Non-proliferation, WMD: “The rule of law and the protection of human rights have a crucial role in the fight against international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and organized crime.”

H.E. Mr. Taïeb Fassi-Fihri, Minister for Foreign Affairs
26 September 2009

Disarmament and Non-proliferation: “Furthermore, recent developments in Disarmament are a source of optimism. The positions expressed and declarations made at the highest levels augur well for efforts in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation.”

CTBT: “We are hopeful that all efforts will be deployed at the international and regional levels for the entry into force of the “Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty” in light of the results on article 14 of the treay.”

H.E. Mr. Oldemiro Marques Baloi, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
28 September 2009

Multilateralism: “Mozambique strongly believes in multilateralism, and that the United Nations is at the centre of it. We also believe that the United Nations is a privileged forum that congregates from universal aspirations for a peaceful, secure, stable and prosperous world.”

H.E. General Thein Sein, Prime Minister
28 September 2009

Multilateralism: "The global community must work together to meet the common challenges we face. In these trying times for our planet, multilateralism is more important than ever. Dialogue among nations of different religious and cultural backgrounds can contribute to international peace, security and development."

Nuclear Weapons / WMD / Disarmament: "The continued existence of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to mankind. Myanmar believes that the total elimination of nuclear weapons is the single absolute guarantee against the threat or use of those weapons. Accordingly, we have been calling upon nuclear weapon States to undertake the step-by-step reduction of the nuclear threat with a view to achieving the total elimination of those weapons."

Negative Security Assurances: "We consider that pending the total elimination of nuclear weapons we should pursue efforts towards the conclusion of a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument on security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon States."

Nuclear Weapons / Nuclear Energy / Non-proliferation / Disarmament : "It is our hope that all nations of the world will continue to work together to eliminate nuclear weapons so that the power of the atom can be harnessed exclusively as a tool for the benefit of mankind and not as an instrument of self-destruction. At the same time, every nation must have the right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Nuclear techniques have widespread application in such areas as food and agriculture, health, industry and science. We welcome the reaffirmation of the Summit Meeting of the Security Council on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament held last week that the international nuclear non-proliferation regime should be maintained and strengthened to ensure the effective implementation of the NPT."

H.E. Mr. Marco Hausiku, Minister for Foreign Affair
28 September 2009

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Marcus Stephen, President
25 September 2009

Multilateralism: “Now, more than ever, we must revitalize our multilateral systems of governance in order to make them more responsive and more representative.

“The challenges of the new millennium can only be overcome through multilateral cooperation and a revitalized UN system.”

“We have seen the power of multilateral cooperation around the world and close to home.”

“The United Nations system of multilateral governance was born out of time of crisis and it ushered in over half a century of peace and prosperity. However, the benefits are not shared equally, and two thirds of humanity was largely left behind.”

H.E. The Right Honourable Madhav Kumar Nepal, Prime Minister
26 September 2009

Multilateralism: “International solidarity and a true spirit of global partnership are therefore indispensable. And multilateralism offers the best means and opportunity to address global problems of our times.”

Nuclear Disarmament and Non-proliferation: “Continued lack of progress in the global disarmament agenda, including on nuclear disarmament, is a worrying situation. We hope that the proposed review of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) in 2010 will provide the necessary momentum for a substantial way forward in nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament in a coordinated manner. We also view with equal seriousness the growing menace of the proliferation of small arms which threaten peace, order and human security.”

Disarmament: “Disarmament being a comprehensive issue, we are of the view that promotion of regional discourse on disarmament would be helpful in building confidence and preparing the necessary groundwork so as to arrive at the eventual goal of general and complete disarmament. In this context, we see an important role for the United Nations Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament (RCPD) which has become functional from Kathmandu since last year. We urge Member States to be generous in extending financial support to the Center in conducting its programs and activities.”

H.E. Mr. Jan Peter Balkenende, Prime Minister
26 September 2009

Iran’s nuclear programme: “The Iranian nuclear issue represents a major challenge to international peace and security, to regional stability and to the non-proliferation regime. The recent revelation of a nuclear facility which was long kept secret, is additional reason for great concern. It calls for a strong reaction by the international community and for total transparency by Iran. Iran must regain the trust of the international community, comply with relevant Security Council resolutions and contribute to peace and stability in the Middle East.”

New Zealand
H.E. Mr. John Key, Prime Minister
25 September 2009

Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation: “Yesterday I had the honour to observe the High-level Security Council meeting on disarmament and non-proliferation.

“As a country with a proud record of promoting nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, I was heartened by the expressions of support for a world free of nuclear weapons.

“We must take full advantage of this historic moment to advance the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation agenda. We owe it to our generation and to those who follow us to progress our vision for a world free from nuclear weapons.

“As a proudly nuclear-free nation, and as a country that has been at the forefront of this debate since the 1970s, New Zealand stands ready to play its part.

“We are optimistic about the prospects for progress.”

Non-Proliferation: “Last week New Zealand presided over the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons through the implementation of safeguards under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is a fundamental pillar of the Agency's work.

“Next year sees the five-yearly review conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

“New Zealand will actively work with our New Agenda Coalition partners for a meaningful outcome at that conference, to bring us closer to a truly secure world.”

Conventional Weapons: “We will also continue to address the humanitarian harm of conventional weapons.”

Landmines: “We will work for a robust, action-oriented outcome later this year at the second Review Conference of the Anti-Personnel Landmine Convention.”

Cluster Munitions: “Looking back, I am proud of the role New Zealand was able to play in the negotiation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. The government attaches priority to passing legislation to enable us to ratify this very significant treaty.”

Multilateralism: “We know that effective, collective action is in every country's long-term, national interest. That is what New Zealand believed in 1945; and I recommit now to taking action to live up to the ideals of the UN Charter, here, in this great chamber, this evening.”

H.E. Samuel Santos Lopez, Minister of Foreign Affairs
29 September 2009

Nuclear Energy: “Meanwhile, we continue to make efforts to promote the use of alternative renewable energy sources such as wind, geothermal and solar sources, and more recently the use of biomass, and also support initiatives aimed at developing civilian nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.”

H.E. Mrs. Aichatou Mindaoudou, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and African Integration
28 September 2009

Multilateralism: “Mr. President, my delegation welcomes your decision to place the current general assembly under the theme of the implementation of multilateralism and the dialogue of cultures for peace and development. And rightly so, we believe this is a theme that could encourage the member countries to take more initiatives in implementing the objectives that we are all pursuing namely those of preserving international peace and security.”

Disarmament: “Mr. President, we are completely in favor of any action which would lead to a general and complete disarmament. We were in the forefront when it came to formalizing the commitments that we made in this area. And, at our modest level, we will continue to work in this direction.”

Cluster Munitions, Small Arms and Light Weapons: “Our most recent initiative has been the ratification of the 14th of May 2009 of the cluster munitions convention in Dublin, a formality which has made Niger one of the very first countries to do so, thus accelerating it’s entry into force. We believe that this is a gesture, which, even though it may seem minor, takes on its full meaning when we look at the very difficult road toward complete disarmament. For us this initiative, along with ratification by our country of the convention on small arms and light weapons…this is an important contribution toward disarmament at our level.”

H.E. Chief Ojo Maduekwe, Minister for Foreign Affairs
28 September 2009

Nuclear Disarmament: “We are gratified and greatly encouraged by the increasing rapprochement between the United States and Russia on nuclear disarmament. The idea of a nuclear-free world, the architecture of which are now being put together, has great appeal for many of us. Such an outcome, probably achievable in our lifetime, would not only result in a safer world but would free resources for use in sectors that would better benefit humanity. Nigeria encourages all nuclear powers to identify with this great initiative, this dream, and to embrace any and all initiatives that promote the achievement of the goal of a world free of nuclear armament and the apocalyptic nightmare.”

Nuclear Weapon Free Zones: “It is in this connection that I applaud the conclusion and bringing into force of the Pelindaba Treaty (The African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone), which bans the testing, manufacturing, stockpiling, acquisition and possession of nuclear weapons in Africa. This is a commendable testimony to Africa's total rejection of the proliferation, indeed, existence, of nuclear weapons. We call on all other regions to follow suit. The NPT Review Conference coming up next year provides an opportunity that should not be missed.”

Small Arms and Light Weapons: “Let us not forget that there are weapons still being produced which have killed more people than nuclear arms. I speak, in particular, about the production and illicit export of Small Arms and Light Weapons to regions like my own, where they become weapons of mass destruction - destroying lives, property, economies and dreams - as well as the undermining of national and regional efforts at development.”

“We are all aware of the close link between small arms and organized crime, drug trafficking and, in the case of Nigeria, piracy and oil smuggling in the Niger Delta. The proliferation of small arms in West Africa is fast turning the region into a major transit point for illicit drugs, thus also facilitating the growth of criminal syndicates, some with enough fire-power to challenge a nation's military force. This is why we continue to call on the international community to demonstrate commitment to check this menace by implementing existing initiatives, as well as develop new and legally-binding ones, where necessary, geared toward achieving the goal of preventing, combating and eradicating illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, and regulating the transfer of conventional weapons in general. The full implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action on Small and Light Weapons would be a very good beginning.”

H.E. Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister for Foreign Affairs
29 September 2009

Multilateralism: “These weeks we are witnessing a resurrection of the authority of this Assembly and a new belief and commitment that multilateral cooperation can and must be made to work.”

Nuclear Disarmament, NPT, Nuclear Energy: “We stand on the threshold of a new era of nuclear disarmament. The Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty next year must set a clear and specific agenda for the elimination of the existing nuclear arsenals, and for ensuring that nuclear technologies are only applied peacefully, to the benefit of mankind.”

Iran’s nuclear programme: “Recent information cast new doubt on Iran's nuclear ambition. Iran itself has the opportunity and responsibility to remove this doubt and it is imperative that it does so.”

Small Arms, Cluster Munition, Landmines, Arms Trade: “However, while nuclear weapons pose a threat of mass destruction, actual destruction of mass proportions do indeed happen every year, by small arms, cluster munitions and landmines. Norway is committed to humanitarian disarmament, motivated by the unacceptable harm these weapons cause to civilians. We urge all states to accede to the Convention on Cluster Munitions and to join intensifying efforts to control small arms and arms trade.”

H.E. Mr. Yousef Bin AI-Alawi Bin Abdullah, Minister for Foreign Affairs
28 September 2009

Iran's Nuclear Programme: “We welcome the continued cooperation between the friendly Islamic Republic of Iran, the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency. In this respect, we see some positive signs leading towards a diplomatic solution.”

H.E. Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President
25 September 2009

Multilateralism: “This is a world in which we all depend on one another. It demands a return to the path of the United Nations.”

Peace and Security: “All nations seek security. Peace and security are closely linked. Equal security for all is important.”

Disarmament, Non-proliferation, and Security: “We support all efforts for arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation. The principle of equal security is of fundamental importance for achieving these objectives.”

“Pakistan will continue to play a constructive role: In promoting initiatives on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation on the basis of non-discrimination.”

H.E. Mr. Johnson Toribiong, President
25 September 2009

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President
25 September 2009

Nuclear Weapons/WMD Free Zone: “Everyone agrees on the need to achieve peace in the Middle East, counter extremism and violence, and establish the region as a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.”

H.E. Mr. Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal, President
24 September 2009

Peace: "Peace is the best sentiment on Earth. Peace brings with it tranquility, stability, and growth. There is no reason in the world why neighbouring peoples should offend one another. No one wins. We all lose."

Disarmament and Development: "For weapons of war only bring poverty. They steal the bread from our mouths and rob the future from our children. Weapons are not needed and, in the end, they solve nothing."

Nuclear Testing, Non-Proliferation, WMD: "Nuclear tests, however, make us all nervous. The state of alert only serves to elevate tensions between nations whose relations are already less stable. That is why we live in constant fear and mistrust, which significantly affects the dialogue between us. In Panama we respect the use of science as a tool for human development, but we reject its use as a front to conceal nuclear proliferation and the production of weapons of mass destruction."

Arms trade: "The war on drug traffic, money laundering and arms traffic is a challenge to global peace and security."

Papau New Guinea
H.E. The Honourable Samuel Abal, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Immigration
29 September 2009

Peace and Security: “Papua New Guinea firmly believes that strengthening international peace and security is fundamental to achieving human development, progress and prosperity.”

Weapons of Mass Destruction and Nuclear Weapon Free Zones: “My country denounces weapons of mass destruction and is fully committed to the principles of a world that is free from weapons of mass terror. This is attested to by the fact that we are a State Party to the South Pacific Nuclear Free-Zone Treaty and also fully supportive of the Treaty on the South East Asia Nuclear-Weapons-Free-Zone.”

Non-proliferation, Disarmament, Nuclear Testing: “We are now working earnestly towards early ratification of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. We also look forward to contributing constructively to the United Nations peacekeeping operations Papua New Guinea therefore welcomes positive initiatives by the new US Government and other like-minded countries to enhance the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and encourage disarmament.”

Small Arms and Light Weapons: “A continuing major concern that Papua New Guinea has is the increase in global conflicts heightened by the illicit trade and use of small arms and light weapons which continue to cause untold suffering to millions around the world. Papua New Guinea is no exception!”

Arms Trade Treaty, Small Arms: “In the case of small arms, the global debate has focused on curbing their use. However, the supply side of weapons is never comprehensively discussed! We therefore support a proposed Arms Trade Treaty, which is still under negotiations and which will deal with one of key elements of the arms issue.”

Small Arms and Light Weapons: “In Papua New Guinea we have seen that the presence of small arms and light weapons threatens stability of communities. My Government has prioritized the need to comprehensively address this through commissioning the 2005 National Gun Summit Report which will be implemented soon.”

H.E. Mr. Fernando Lugo Méndez, President
24 September 2009

Militarism, Military Spending: “I would like to begin with the most important thing—I’d like to begin by talking about life. I cannot forget the Charter of the United Nations when in the first paragraph of its preamble it says that our peoples gathered together are prepared to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. Yet, the murderous onslaught of war planes continues to kill, mutilating and terrifying children in various parts of the world, civilian populations. Yet, national treasuries continue to inflate the budgets of their defence, glibly calling this defence budget. Yet, the military industries of the most powerful countries of the world continue to reap the great benefits of this trade without any politicians questioning them, without any international news channel becoming outraged at this perverse game, which is corroding our future with the disguised lie of imposed truths.

“We are very rigorous when we estimate the high world costs that will be involved in containing pandemics ... but we forget our so-called ‘defence expenditure’ promoted by the great armaments industries. They end up trading a rifle for a container of vaccine or a war plane for an important part of the public health budget. The United Nations was born to promote peace, to eradicate war. However, the ferocious traffic in arms continues to counter our countries with its onslaught of machine guns, missiles, and grenades. Select regions of the world continue to be advantageous enclaves for the trades of the merchants of death. The conflicts which kill neighbours, destroy them, mutilate them, condemn them to be wedded forever to disgrace, is at the same time an opportunity for those to prosper who instigate, produce, and monitor the trade in warfare. Who questions these bloodstained bank notes that lie untouched in the vaults of the most powerful bank?”

“If we could just for one single moment ... believe in the great tenants of equality and shared rights of the human race, would it be enough time to ask ourselves the question of how longer will the owners of arms maximize their potential income by physically eliminating human beings?

“My country, Paraguay, declares before the world that we are absolutely committed to peace. My government is not prepared to spend the cost of a crust of bread on a weapon or war equipment. Whatever investment is made in defence must be a bare minimum compared to the social expenditure of the government.

“Paraguay will not mortgage its daily bread to dance the daily blind waltz of the warlords.”

“... we need to give serious thought to a new world economic order, the aims of which will be simple and specific, such as ... 3. Promote peaceful solutions to international conflicts, ensuring with firmness and determination to reduce the levels of militarisation and arms build-up.”

“... thousands of people are dying of hunger in this world. The natural way in which television news bulletins switch between pictures of children dying of hunger to talking about the money being made by the armaments industry of the industrialised countries really lays bear the human indifference. We really do have to create and believe in a different planet that is able to recuperate its emense natural wealth and put an end to the terrible havoc wrought by aberratious interests. We must believe in a more just and equitable international economic system where these severe contrasts and differences are a thing of a past.”

“I would like to express concern about the armaments race, which cannot be justified in any way and can only be applauded by the industry of death and barbarism. We must disarm.”

H.E. Mr. Jose Antonio Garcia Belaunde, Minister for Foreign Affairs
28 September 2009

Military Spending, Arms Race: “In this context, allow me to mention that one of the critical problems we face is the huge sum dedicated to the acquisition of armaments. How can we explain to our peoples that, in the middle of one of the most serious world economic recessions and before the existence of more than 1 billion people in extreme poverty in the world, countries dedicate more than 1,464 billion dollars to military expenses in 2008, that is, while the economies decrease, armament expenditures are increased in constant terms every year.

“Recently, the President of Peru, Dr. Alan Garcia, through a communication, sent to Foreign Ministers and Defense Ministers of South America, that is being circulated as a document of this Assembly, seriously questioned this situation in the region asking why in the last five years, since the creation of UNASUR (Union of South American Nations), our countries have devoted to military expenditures a total of 156 billion dollars, besides additional 23 billion dollars in new weapons, cannons, airplanes and ships.

“This expense could increase up to 38 billion dollars in 2009. President Garcia made a call to stop this absurdity, through the creation of conditions that facilitate to strengthen security and confidence in the region.

“Because of it, I ratify in this opportunity the proposals of Peru to subscribe a Non-Aggression Pact that guarantees the commitments to consolidate a Zone of Peace in South America and to achieve its gradual reduction, as well as the creation in the future of a Peacekeeping and Interposition Force to impede any conflict in the region. The final objective is to create a regional collective security system, that complements and follows the Charter of the United Nations, aimed at allowing all our countries to stop the arms race in which South America seems to be absorbed, without any reason, being a region that is showing great maturity and respect to International Law in the management of its contentious matters. Our proposals will surely require a deeper study and consideration, having as a scenario background the experiences lived in other latitudes.”

H.E. Mr. Alberto Romulo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs
25 September 2009

Non-proliferation: “Moreover, the peace dividend from the end of the Cold War never materialized, even as we continue to confront nuclear proliferation and violent conflict.”

Nuclear Disarmament, Non-proliferation: “And we should do so by focusing on five great challenges of our time: First: Promoting nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.”

“Nuclear weapons and their technology are a threat to international peace and security, and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is our central mechanism to contain and eventually eliminate this threat. The May 2010 NPT Review Conference, over which the Philippines will preside, provides the next opportunity for all of us to act on this in a concerted manner.

“We can be encouraged by certain recent development on this front. We have had the constructive atmosphere of the preparatory committee meetings to the Review Conference.”

Nuclear Testing: “President Obama has announced that he will lead the US to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), another key pillar of the global disarmament and NPT system.”

Nuclear Disarmament, Delivery Vehicles: “In addition, the United States and Russia are making headway under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) to reduce their deployed nuclear warheads and delivery systems beyond its pending expiry this December.”

Nuclear Weapon Free Zones: “The South-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) other regional nuclear free zones continue to reinforce the NPT system as well.”

Non-proliferation: “These positive developments inspire the Philippines, in steering the review conference, to conduct negotiations and consultations in an open and transparent manner.”

Nuclear Testing, Non-proliferation: “In this spirit, we reiterate our call for the few remaining countries that have not yet done so to accede to both the CTBT and the NPT in order to give greater hope for lasting peace and security for our world.”

H.E. Mr. Lech Kaczynski, President
23 September 2009

No relevant references.

H.E. Mr. João Gomes Cravinho, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
28 September 2009

Non-proliferation: "Terrorism and proliferation of nuclear weapons are the biggest challenges to international peace and security. In combating these threats it is essential to implement the respective international regimes and to continue to invest in international cooperation, in particular in the framework of the United Nations. All States that signed the Non-proliferation Nuclear Treaty must honor their obligations, without reservations."

Multilateralism: "Climate change, financial and economic crisis, sustainable development, human rights, threats to the international peace and security... To face such a vast array of global challenges, there is no more appropriate strategic agent than United Nations to transmit our collective response. Today, more than ever, the collective concern reflects the national concern of each of us. Today, more than ever, I underwrite Dag Hammarskjorld's vision of a United Nations as "a dynamic instrument to develop means of executive action" not solely limited to being "a machinery of static conferences for the resolution of conflicts of interests and ideologies". To assure that the multilateralism we hereby profess be truly effective; To assure that the primacy of the United Nations in international politics and the respect for International Law is not merely rhetoric; To assure that this Organization is, increasingly more, the dynamic instrument Dag
Hammarskjold glimmered; We must go further ahead in the reform of the United Nations."

His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Amir
23 September 2009

Conventional Weapons, Nuclear Weapons: “It is clear to us that the serious crises of the world have been exacerbated when influential nations in the international order decided, in previous situations, to transfer tackling the most important issues of war, peace and progress, from the United Nations framework to another setting. Such was the case with regard to the context of conventional and nuclear arms, security agreements and arrangements that cover the broad spectrum from the outer space to policy and economics.”

Security: “I would like however to emphasize to you that we consider the security of the world our security and the prosperity of the world our prosperity. There could be neither peace nor prosperity when the world civilization is threatened by an energy crisis that is far greater than any kind of war, even a nuclear one.”

Multilateralism: “But in the emerging circumstances and realities, those who have called for monopolizing the international decision-making need to realize that we live in one world. And in one world like this one, concern is equal, even though the sizes of power are not.

“This attitude represents for us a confirmation and a vindication of our view upon which we insist, namely that it is time to go back to the United Nations system as a framework that accommodates everyone, and provides a venue recognized by all and a Charter accepted by all nations of the Earth that are aware that equal rights do not run counter to the division of responsibilities which takes into account the various capabilities and capacities of the parties.

“We are aware and appreciative of the great importance of an overarching international authority as expressed by a legitimate international order, governed by a Charter, by the law, and by an experience of a bloody and tumultuous history.”

“Going back to the authority of the United Nations is not only necessary to solve intractable crises like the one of the Middle East, but is so vital to realize hopes that can be attained only by a legitimate international consensus within an order agreed on.”

Republic of Korea
H.E. Mr. Lee Myung-bak, President
23 September 2009

WMD, delivery vehicles, non-proliferation: “Today, global peace is being threatened by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their means of delivery. To respond to these challenges, strong determination and cooperation among all countries are essential in strengthening the international non-proliferation regime, including the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).”

Multilateralism: “We are confronted with diverse and complex challenges that can only be overcome with international cooperation. In meeting the expectations of the international community, we hope that a renewed and strengthened United Nations will assume a greater role.”

North Korea's nuclear programme: “The Republic of Korea will take an active part in the concerted international efforts to dismantle the nuclear programs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). We urge the DPRK to join in these efforts, and return to the Six-Party Talks right away and without any preconditions.

“The Joint Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula of 1992 of which both Koreas committed themselves must be observed. On such a basis, the Republic of Korea will increase dialogue and exchanges with the DPRK, and strengthen cooperation with the international community for the development of the DPRK.

“I want to make it clear that now is the time for the DPRK to make the decision, to achieve genuine peace on the Korean Peninsula and for its own sake as well.”

Nuclear Weapon/WMD Free Zones: “In particular, a nuclear weapons free Korean Peninsula must be realized in order to attain peace in Northeast Asia and beyond. Denuclearization is a prerequisite to paving a path toward genuine reconciliation and unification in the Korean Peninsula, which is the only remaining divided region in the world.”

H.E. Mr. Cristian Diaconescu, Minister for Foreign Affairs
26 September 2009

Multilateralism: “We need a 21st century multilateralism that is both innovative and pragmatic. Romania is devoted to such a cause and we seek to expand ourcooperation with the UN in ever more creative and pragmatic ways.”

Non-proliferation, WMD: “Among the perils that threaten us most, terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction remain of major concern. Nuclear proliferation is of particular concern, given the increasing access to technology capable of large-scale destruction. In this context, we urge those Member States that areconsidering nuclear programs to fully heed the concerns of the world community and to strictly abide by international norms and regulations.”

Disarmament, non-proliferation and nuclear testing: “Lately there have been encouraging signs in the realm of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. We highly appreciate the recent Agreement of the US and Russian Presidents for nuclear arsenal cuts, which confirms the commitments undertaken by the two States. As there are also positive indications from the United States with respect to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty ratification, we have now the confidence within the international community that the biggest nuclear powers are determined toadvance the nuclear disarmament process.”

Russian Federation
H.E. Mr. Dmitry Medvedev, President
23 September 2009

Multilateralism: “The unification agenda has been dictated by life itself. And this dictates the growing demand for the UN as a time tested mechanism of harmonization of interests of different counties.

“As never before, we are feeling the need for informal collective leadership; increased role of such formats as G8, and recently, G20, as well as other negotiation and mediation fora. These platforms act not against anyone but in favor of advancing converging interests of their participants. Their agreed approaches are being implemented through the UN system as well harmonically complementing the comprehensive efforts of this Organization as a pillar of the current world order.”

Disarmament and Multilateralism: “A highly challenging task is to move forward the process of multilateral disarmament under the UN auspices. You are aware that positive trends have emerged in overcoming the protracted crisis in this area. The Conference on Disarmament in Geneva has adapted its program of work.”

Outer Space Security and Missiles: “Let me mention the Russian-Chinese initiative regarding a treaty on the prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space as well as our proposal to universalize the Russian-American Treaty on the Elimination of the Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles.”

Nuclear Disarmament: “Russia will steadily follow the path of verifiable and irreversible reductions in nuclear weapons as an essential element of ‘the new start’ in our relations with the United States. President Obama and I signed a relevant document in Moscow last June. A mandate for further negotiations was agreed upon — to elaborate a legally binding treaty. This treaty should replace the Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, which expires this December.”

Missile Defence: “I would like to emphasize the objective relationship between strategic offensive and defensive arms. The recently announced adjustments in the US plans of missile defense system development are in our view a constructive step in the right direction that deserved the positive response of the international community. We are prepared to engage in a thorough discussion of the US proposals and relevant Russia’s initiatives regarding cooperation in this area to reach generally acceptable arrangements.”

Missile Defence and Nuclear Disarmament: “The real progress in nuclear disarmament is impossible without addressing such matters of principle as NMD and non-nuclear SOA potential. I expect that the work on a new treaty will be fully consistent with relevant provisions of the joint document endorsed by the US President and me during our meeting in Moscow.”

Nuclear Disarmament: “We believe that other nuclear States should join the disarmament efforts of Russia and the United States. It is not necessary to wait for further progress in the Russian-American disarmament process. We can start elaborating in advance acceptable and practical arrangements that take into account the differences in the size of potentials. For instance, we can use as an example the decisions of the 1921-1922 Washington Conference on the naval armaments when the participants agreed on their maximum size of their fleets without trying to achieve their equal levels. If we use the same approach today based on the actual status of nuclear powers arsenal we will give the rest of the world a necessary signal of certainty that the unaccounted numbers will be added to the ‘equation’ of strategic stability.”

Nuclear Disarmament, Non-Proliferation, and Nuclear Energy: “The 2010 NPT Review Conference will focus on the issues of nuclear disarmament, strengthening of the nuclear non-proliferation regime and peaceful atom. We are looking forward to its success.”

Non-Proliferation: “The Global Nuclear Security Summit scheduled for next April will provide a good opportunity for a more detailed discussion of these issues.”

Nuclear Terrorism and Nuclear Energy: “We have also agreed with the US Administration on joint steps for further progress in such aspects of nuclear security as prevention of nuclear terrorism, and expanding the access for all good faith NPT Members to the achievements of peaceful atom. We call for collective cooperation on these matters.”

Nuclear/WMD Free Zones: “In order to reach a common understanding on such important issues we must engage all nations and influential international organizations into the abovementioned negotiation processes. The international community has at its disposal such well-tested measures for increasing the level of regional and international security as nuclear free zones. In particular, there is an urgent task of establishing a zone free of all types of WMDs and their means of delivery in the Middle East. This is a long-standing issue. And the 1995 NPT Review Conference had adopted a relevant resolution in this regard.

“Russia as a member of the Quartet of international mediators on the Middle East settlement consistently supports the efforts aimed at strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime in the Middle East. Russia has made specific proposals in the framework of the NPT review process to search for generally acceptable ways of implementing the relevant NPT decisions. All countries of the region need to take an active stance on this issue and demonstrate their willingness to ensure a real progress in establishing a nuclear free zone.”

North Korea’s nuclear programme: “We also need to speed up the work towards a mechanism to ensure peace and security in North-East Asia. Russia made its proposals in this regard to the participants in the Six-Party Talks. Under the present circumstances this task becomes even more urgent.”

H.E. Mr. Paul Kagame, President
24 September 2009

Multilateralism: “This is the time to embrace 'true multilateralism'.”

“Multilateralism has always been the key tenet in forging a fairer international community – based on equitable global governance; the United Nations itself is based on this very sound and tested principle and practice.”

“Engaging and embracing the majority world into multilateralism of decision-making, trade and prosperity – these should be our shared vision.”