
Draft Resolutions, Voting Results, and Explanations of Vote First Committee 2004

A/C.1/59/L.1 (A/RES/59/95)
"Improving the effectiveness of the methods of work of the First Committee"
Lead Sponsor: United States of America
30 September 2004

A/C.1/59/L.2/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/61)
"Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security"
Lead Sponsor: Russian Federation
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/159/L.3 (A/RES/59/96)
"Regional confidence-building measures: activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa"
Lead Sponsors: Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.4/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/97)
"United Nations disarmament fellowship, training and advisory services"
Lead Sponsor: Nigeria
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.5 (A/RES/59/66)
"National legislation on transfer of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology"
Lead Sponsor: Netherlands
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.6/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/67)
Lead Sponsors: Egypt, Indonesia and Iran
Voting result in the First Committee: 98-2-60
Voting result in the General Assembly: 119-4-60
Explanations of vote: EU, Cuba

A/C.1/59/L.7: draft decision
"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia"
Lead Sponsors: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.8 (A/RES/59/63)
"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East"
Lead sponsor: Egypt
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote
Explanations of vote: Israel, United Arab Emirates

A/C.1/59/L.9 (A/RES/59/98)
"United Nations regional centres for peace and disarmament"
Lead sponsor: Malaysia
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.10 (A/RES/59/68)
"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control"
Lead sponsor: Malaysia
Voting result in the First Committee: 165-1-3
Voting result in the General Assembly: 175-2-3
Voting result on OP 2: 169-4-4

A/C.1/59/L.11 (A/RES/59/69)
"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and nonproliferation"
Lead sponsor: Malaysia
Voting result in the First Committee: 109-9-49
Voting result in the General Assembly: 125-9-49
Explanations of vote: EUCanada (on behalf also of Australia and New Zealand)

A/C.1/59/L.12 (A/RES/59/70)
"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol"
Lead sponsor: Malaysia
Voting result in the First Committee: 165-0-3
Voting result in the General Assembly: 179-0-5

A/C.1/59/L.13 (A/RES/59/95)
"Improving the effectiveness of the methods of work of the First Committee"
Lead sponsor: Malaysia

A/C.1/59/L.14 (A/RES/59/71)
"Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament"
Lead sponsor: Malaysia
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.15: draft decision 
"United Nations conference to identify ways of eliminating nuclear dangers in the context of disarmament"
Lead sponsor: Mexico
Voting result in the First Committee: 119-6-41
Voting result in the Genera Assembly: 138-5-38
Explanation of vote: Germany

A/C.1/59/L.16 (A/RES/59/84)
"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction"
Lead sponsor: Poland
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.17 (A/RES/59/110)
"Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction"
Lead sponsor: Hungary
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.18 (A/RES/59/101)
"United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin American and the Caribbean"
Lead sponsor: Mexico
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.19/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/73)
"Mongolia's international security and nuclear-weapon-free status"
Lead sponsor: Mongolia
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote
Explanation of vote: India

A/C.1/59/L.20 (A/RES/59/100)
"United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific"
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.21/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/74)
"Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and collecting them"
Lead sponsors: ECOWAS
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.22 (A/RES/59/75)
"Accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments"
Lead sponsors: NAC
Voting Result in the First Committee: 135-5-25
Voting Result on OP2: 153-4-5
Voting result in the General Assembly: 151-6-24
Explanations of vote: SpainFrance (on behalf also of UK and US), JapanChina, Russia, Colombia, India, Germany, Switzerland, Pakistan, ROK

A/C.1/59/L.23 (A/RES/59/76)
"A path to the total elimination of nuclear weapons"
Lead sponsor: Japan
Voting Result in the First Committee: 151-2-16
Voting result in the General Assembly: 165-3-16
Explanations of vote: NACChina, Iran, India, Germany, Syria, Pakistan, United States

A/C.1/59/L.24 (A/RES/59/101)
"United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa"
Lead sponsor: Nigeria
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.25 (A/RES/59/109)
"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty"
Lead sponsors: Australia, Mexico and New Zealand
Voting Result in the First Committee: 147-1-4
Voting result in the General Assembly: 177-2-4
Explanations of vote: EUPakistanIsraelColombia

A/C.1/59/L.26/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/77)
"Nuclear disarmament"
Co-sponsors: NAM
Voting Result in the First Committee: 93-42-18
Voting result in the General Assembly: 117-43-21
Explanation of vote: ChinaIndia

A/C.1/59/L.27/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/104)
"Report on the Conference on Disarmament"
Lead sponsor: Myanmar
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote
Explanation of vote: Israel

A/C.1/59/L.28 (A/RES/59/78)
"Relationship between disarmament and development"
Lead sponsor: Malaysia, on behalf of the NAM
Voting result in the First Committee: 165-1-2
Explanation of vote: UK
Voting result in the General Assembly: 180-2-2

A/C.1/59/L.29 (A/RES/59/102)
"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"
Lead sponsor: India
Voting result in the First Committee: 111-46-12
Voting result in the General Assembly: 125-48-12

A/C.1/59/L.30 (A/RES/59/79)
"Reducing nuclear danger"
Lead sponsor: India
Voting result in the First Committee: 106-46-16
Voting result in the General Assembly: 116-46-18

A/C.1/59/L.31 (A/RES/59/80)
"Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction"
Lead sponsor: India
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote
Explanation of vote: Pakistan

A/C.1/59/L.32 (A/RES/59/62)
"Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament"
Voting result in the First Committee: 101-49-17
Voting result in the General Assembly: 106-48-21

A/C.1/59/L.33 (A/RES/59/60)
"Verification in all its aspects, including the role of the United Nations in the field of verification"
Lead sponsor: Canada
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Explanations of vote: PakistanRepublic of KoreaIranIndia
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.34 (A/RES/59/81)
"The Conference on Disarmament decision (CD/1547) of 11 August 1998 to establish, under item 1 of its agenda entitled, 'Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament', an ad hoc committee to negotiate, on the basis of the report of the Special Coordinator (CD/1299) and the mandate contained therein, a non-discriminatory, multilateral and internationally and effectively verifiable treatybanning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices"
Lead sponsor: Canada
Voting result in the First Committee: 147-1-2
Voting result in the General Assembly: 179-2-2
Explanations of vote: Egypt, France, UK, US, Israel

A/C.1/59/L.35 (A/59/464)
"Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region"
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote
Explanation of vote: EU

A/C.1/59/L.36 (A/RES/59/65)
"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"
Lead sponsor: Sri Lanka
Voting result in the First Committee: 167-0-2
Voting result in the General Assembly: 178-0-4

A/C.1/59/L.37 (A/RES/59/462)
"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East"
Lead sponsor: Egypt
Voting result in the First Committee: 157-4-8
Voting result on PP6: 154-3-4
Voting result in the General Assembly: 170-5-9
Voting result on the Sixth preambular paragraph: 169-6-4 
Explanation of vote: IsraelIndia

A/C.1/59/L.38 (A/RES/59/82)
"Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures"
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.39 (A/RES/59/83)
"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons"
Lead sponsor: Malaysia
Voting Result in the First Committee: 118-28-21
Voting Result on OP 1: 156-3-5
Voting result in the General Assembly: 132-29-24
Voting result on OP 1: 170-5-4
Explanations of vote: Japan, Netherlands (on behalf also of Belgium and Luxembourg)

A/C.1/59/L.40/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/84)
"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction"
Voting Result in the First Committee: 140-0-19
Voting result in the General Assembly: 157-0-22
Explanations of vote: Republic of Korea, SingaporeRepublic of CongoMorocco, India

A/C.1/59/L.41 (A/RES/59/85)
"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas"
Lead sponsor: Mexico
Voting Result in the First Committee: 149-3-6
Voting Result on last three words of OP 5: 139-2-9
Voting Result on OP 5: 144-1-8
Voting result in the General Assembly: 171-4-8
Voting result in OP 5: 166-3-7
Voting result in OP 5 "and South Asia": 158-4-7
Explanation of vote: SpainIndia

A/C.1/59/L.42 (A/RES/59/105)
"Report of the Disarmament Commission"
Lead sponsor: Georgia
Explanations of vote: EUCanada, Cuba, Egypt
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote
*Note that the US did not participate in this vote

A/C.1/59/L.43/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/86)
"The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects"
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote
Explanation of vote: Republic of CongoIran

A/C.1/59/L.44 (A/RES/59/64)
"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"
Voting result in the First Committee: 109-0-61
Voting result in the General Assembly: 118-0-63
Explanation of vote: Republic of Korea

A/C.1/59/L.45/Rev.2 (A/RES/59/87)
"Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context"
Lead sponsor: Pakistan
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote
Explanation of vote: India

A/C.1/59/L.46 (A/RES/59/88)
"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional context"
Voting result in the First Committee: 165-1-1
Voting result in the General Assembly: 178-1-1 
Explanation of vote: India

A/C.1/59/L.47 (A/RES/59/89)
"Regional disarmament"
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.48: draft decision
"Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus"
Co-sponsors: Bulgaria, France and Netherlands
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.49/Rev.2 (A/RES/59/90)
"Prevention of the illicit transfer and unauthorized access to and use of man-portable air defence systems"
Lead sponsor: Australia
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.50 (A/RES/59/91)
"Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation"
Lead sponsor: Chile
Voting result in the First Committee: 137-2-16
Voting result in the General Assembly: 161-2-15
Explanations of Vote: PakistanEgyptBrazil, Cuba, India, Mexico, IndonesiaChinaSyriaAlgeria, Sudan, Iran

*Note: Prior to the vote taken on L.50, Iran proposed three oral amendments to the draft, which included revisions to PP7, OP1, and OP4.
Voting result on proposed PP7: 21-103-8
Voting result on proposed OP1: 17-104-10
Voting result on proposed OP4: 23-103-6

A/C.1/59/L.51 (A/RES/59/103)
"United Nations Disarmament Information Programme"
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.52 (A/RES/59/92)
"Information on confidence-building measures in the field of conventional arms"
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.53/Rev.1 (A/RES/59/93)
"United Nations study on disarmament and non-proliferation education"
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote
Explanation of vote: Mexico

A/C.1/59/L.54 (A/RES/59/107)
"Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects" 
Lead sponsor: Sweden
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote 
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.55/Rev.2 (A/RES/59/59)
"Maintenance of international security — good-neighbourliness, stability and development in South-Eastern Europe"
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.56 (A/RES/59/94)
"Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework"
Co-sponsors: Russian Federation and the United States of America
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Explanations of vote: New AgendaIndonesia, Cuba
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote

A/C.1/59/L.60 (A/RES/59/95)
"Improving the effectiveness of the methods of work of the First Committee"
Lead sponsors: Indonesia, United States of America
Adopted in the First Committee without a vote
Adopted in the General Assembly without a vote 
Explanations of vote: Malaysia (on behalf of NAM)


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