
Calendar of events for First Committee 2017

All requests for the use of United Nations premises must be either sponsored by a Permanent or Observer Mission to the United Nations or by departments or offices of the United Nations. To have your event added to this calendar, please email info[at]reachingcriticalwill.org.

Calendar last updated 16 October 2017

When What Where Who
4 October
Nuclear Discussion Forum: The Effect of Emerging Technologies on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-proliferation CR 4 Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan and Office for Disarmament Affairs
5 October
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Legal and political aspects of their interaction CR A Permanent Missions of Austria, Algeria, Thailand, and Guatemala; Arms Control Association
5 October
Autonomous Weapon Systems: Understanding Learning Algorithms and Bias CR 12 UNIDIR
6 October
A draft treaty for a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East: time to envisage the practical CR 9 Permanent Mission of Ireland to the UN, BASIC, American Iranian Council
9 October
Verified Declarations of Fissile Material Stocks CR 12 UNIDIR
11 October
Annual Cyber Stability Conference RSVP for location UNIDIR (r2unidir[at]unog.ch)
12 October
Positive obligations in the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons CR A Mines Action Canada, Article 36, Harvard's Human Rights Clinic, Pace University, FES, and the Permanent Mission of Trinidad and Tobago to the UN
12 October
From vision to measurable change on the ground: Mine action and Sustainable Development Goals CR 8 Permanent Mission of Switzerland
12 October
Joint briefing on the NPT review cycle CR 7 RSVP to Permanent Missions of the Netherlands and Poland (contact: cynthia.lakerveld[at]minbuza.nl)
12 October
Various Aspects of Landmines Destruction and Interconnection between Disarmament and Development CR 8 Permanent Mission of Belarus
13 October
The humanitarian impact of armed drones CR 9 WILPF, Article 36, International Disarmament Institute
13 October
15th Anniversary of the Hague Code of Conduct CR 4 Permanent Mission of Poland
13 October
Nuclear disarmament verification CR 6 Permanent Missions of Chile, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
16 October
Pathways to banning autonomous weapons CR 8 Campaign to Stop Killer Robots and the Permanent Mission of Mexico
16 October
Hibakusha’s Testimony and Call CR A Peace Boat and the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations
16 October
Control Arms ATT Monitor: Annual Report Launch TBC Control Arms
17 October
Everywhere the bombing followed us: forced displacement and the use of explosive weapons in populated areas CR 12 Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations and Handicap International
17 October
Under Stress: The Security of Space in 2017 CR 7 Government of Canada and the Space Security Index
17 October
Arms Trade Treaty German House Auditorium Permanent Mission of Germany (contact: [email protected])
17 October
Scrapping the Surplus: Failures and successes in destroying excess SALW and ammunition CR A Permanent Mission of Ghana with IANSA
18 October
Strengthening the protection of civilians from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas CR A Permanent Mission of Germany (contact: [email protected])
18 October
GIS - Focal Point Africa German House Auditorium Permanent Mission of Austria, International Network on Explosive Weapons
20 October
Addressing Armed UAVs: Next Steps for the International Community CR 7 UNIDIR
20 October
Broader Benefits of the Arms Trade Treaty CR 11 Permanent Mission of Australia and Centre for Armed Violence Reduction
23 October
Practitioners share their experience on promoting disarmament and non-proliferation education CR F Office for Disarmament Affairs
23 October
Building Capacity to Manage Small Arms and Light Weapons in Conflict-affected and Fragile Settings CR A UNIDIR
24 October
Report from the ATT Conference of States Parties 2017 and Prospects for the Conference of States Parties 2018 CR 8 Permanent Missions of Finland and Japan, Control Arms
25 October
CCW-GGE on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS) German House Auditorium Permanent Mission of Germany (contact: [email protected])
26 October
Achieving Peace, Security and Sustainable Development: Practical links between ATT, UNPoA and SDGs CR A Trinidad and Tobago, Control Arms, and SIPRI
26 October
Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) German House Auditorium Permanent Mission of Germany (contact: [email protected])

26 October


Japan and the Ban Treaty New York University, Kimmel Building Room KC406 Global Security Institute, NYU Japan Cultural Association, PEAC Institute, Peaceboat, Peace Action, Gensuikyo, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Ban All Nukes Generation