
UNGA Disarmament Index 2003: H–R

This is an index of all references made to issues of disarmament, peace, and security, made in the 58th General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly from 23 September–3 October 2003. Included in this index are all references made to arms control, disarmament, multilateralism, nuclear energy, security, proliferation, the arms trade, and nuclear and conventional weapons.

A–G | H–R | S–Z

Haiti | Holy See | Honduras | Hungary
| India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy
Jamaica | Japan | Jordan
| Kenya | Kiribati | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan
| Latvia | Lebanon | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg
Macedonia | Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Mauritius | Mexico | Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique | Myanmar
| Nauru | Nepal | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nicaragua | Niger  | Nigeria | Norway
| Palau | Palestine | Panama | Papua New Guinea | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal
Republic of Korea | Republic of Moldova | Romania | Russian Federation | Rwanda

H.E. Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President
September 26, 2003

Arms Spenditures: “Nombre d'observateurs avaient exprimé leur joie de constater la réduction des dépenses militaires à l'échelon du monde, au cours de la dernière décennie du XX eme siècle. En effet de 1985 à 1998, ces dépenses passaient de 1210,5 milliards à 803,7 milliards de dollars. “

"La réduction des dépenses en armement et l'augmentation des dépenses consacrées au développement humain, croyons-nous, peut favoriser tant la croissance humaine que la, croissance économique…“

H.E. S.E. Ricardo Maduro, President
September 26, 2003

Arms limitation: ”…hemos estado avanzando en una agenda para lograr una adecuada limitación y equilibrio de armas que nos permita invertir los recursos liberados en áreas sociales prioritarias.”

Terrorism: “Sin embargo, un ataque terrorista repudiable, trastocó nuestra agenda común y obligó a todas las naciones del mundo, a realizar ajustes en las prioridades convenidas.”

" La seguridad se convirtió así en el eje primordial, inmediato y perentorio de la acción colectiva.”

" Honduras repudia y condena el terrorismo en todas sus formas y manifestaciones, independientemente del lugar donde esos hechos se produzcan y cualesquiera que sean sus autores materiales e intelectuales.”

" ...Por otra parte, junto con las Repúblicas hermanas de Centroamérica, hemos trabajado arduamente en la construcción de un Plan para Prevenir y Combatir el Terrorismo y otro para Combatir el Crimen Organizado en todas sus manifestaciones.”

H.E. Laszló Kovacs, Minister of Foreign Affairs
October 1, 2003

Biological Weapons Convention: "We view the first follow-up meeting of the States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention /BWC/ in August this year in Geneva as encouraging. The participants have rightly focused on practical actions. We look forward to seeing further progress in strengthening national implementation of the BWC at the next meeting in November."

Non-Proliferation of WMDs: "The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction together with their means of delivery is a growing and serious threat to international peace and security. The danger of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons in the hands of terrorist groups and states, that are a menace to our world, represent new major security challenges, against which we must act together in a resolute manner both regionally and globally.

"Earlier this year, the European Union has adopted a very important and far-reaching Declaration on Arms Proliferation and Weapons of Mass Destruction. Hungary will work hard with its partners in the EU towards the effective implementation of this new instrument as well as of the recently agreed EU Action Plan.

"Under the current security environment worldwide, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons /NPT/ is in need to be reinforced. We call on the States remaining outside the NPT to accede to it unconditionally and accept the nearly universal norms of nuclear nonproliferation.

"Revelations about large-scale nuclear programs and the failure to provide sufficient explanations about their purpose and nature, have given rise to legitimate concerns of the international community. There is a growing recognition, shared by Hungary, that these programs imply serious proliferation risks as well."

H.E. Mr. Halldór Asgrimsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade
September 26, 2003

Terrorism and Human Rights: "We should be especially aware of the implications for human rights of new threats and new policies. In particular, we must ensure that fundamental human rights are not violated in our counter-terrorism efforts as has been underlined by the SecretaryGeneral"

"…On terrorism, renewed efforts must be made to reach an agreement on a universal definition during this General Assembly. Such a definition would make the fight against terrorism more effective."

H.E. Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister
September 25, 2003

Conventional weapons: “We have to sustain the fight against trafficking in narcotic drugs, human beings and small arms; the pandemic of HIV/AIDS; diseases like malaria and tuberculosis that grip developing countries and the degradation of our common environment.”

Proliferation of WMD and terrorism: “We should be particularly concerned at the various recent revelations about clandestine transfers of weapons of mass destruction and their technologies. We face the frightening prospect of these weapons and technologies falling into the hands of terrorists. Surely something needs to be done about the helplessness of international regimes in preventing such transactions, which clearly threaten international security. The same regimes expend considerable energy in imposing a variety of discriminatory technology-denial restrictions on responsible states.”

H.E. Ms. Megawati Soekarnoputri, President
September 23, 2003

Regional Security: “We must strengthen international cooperation and reinforce regional engagement. In Southeast Asia, we continue to enhance the role of ASEAN. Next month, at the ASEAN Summit that Indonesia will host in Bali, we expect to take concrete step towards forming an ASEAN Security Community that will support and complement our efforts at becoming an ASEAN Economic Community. I believe that stable, peaceful and prosperous ASEAN would significantly contribute to the realization of the UN objectives.”

Terrorism: “While we were contending with these difficulties, starting 2002, terrorism has inflicted its brutality upon our homeland. For quite a long time we believed that international terrorism would spare Indonesia because we had a tradition of tolerance for human differences. Now, however, we must face the reality that Indonesia has become a target of terrorism, and as a result, has suffered enormous losses in human lives.

"We have been wondering: why those terrifying acts were carried out? What are their underlying reasons, motives, and arguments? What are their relations to international terrorism networks? What is the course of action to be adopted in order to effectively prevent, deter, and eradicate them?

"We have adopted a series of firm legislations to prevent and eradicate the threats posed by terrorism. Equipped with these stronger legal authorities, we have dismantled terrorist cells in the country and prosecutors have brought their members to justice. Several have already been meted sentences that befit their crimes.

"The people of Indonesia, who are predominantly of the Islamic faith, support this national policy. Large and active Islamic organizations, such as Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama, as well as the Indonesian Ulemas Council and prominent Islamic figures are one in condemning these terrorist acts.

"… We should truly be prudent and sensible in the face of such a long outstanding issue. It is difficult to refute the impression that the policy on conflict resolution in the Middle East is not only unjust but also one-sided. Clearly, the Middle East problem is not a conflict of religions or of religious adherents though there might be some religious nuances in the issue.

"…In order to prevent, deter or eradicate the problem of international terrorism, I should like to propose that the countries, whose citizens become the main target of terrorist groups, should review their conventional anti-terrorism policies, particularly in dealing with the ArabIsraeli conflict. They should adopt a policy that ensures that all involved parties are given just and equal treatment.”

Iran (Islamic Republic of)
H.E. Dr. Kamal Kharrazi, Minister of Foreign Affairs
September 25, 2003

Nuclear energy: “The political pressure against the Islamic Republic of Iran to set aside its inalienable rights to develop peaceful nuclear technology is unfortunately mounting in circumstances that some Nuclear Weapon States are testing and developing advanced tactical nuclear weapons program and Israel, in defiance of international calls to adhere to the NPT, is continuing with impunity its clandestine development of sophisticated nuclear weapons and its delivery systems. The NPT Review and Extension Conferences have all called for the suspension and freezing of the tactical weapons program and the Israeli nuclear program which is the real threats to international peace and security. They are both considered to be in contravention with the letter and spirit of the NonProliferation Treaty.

"Iran's nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes; particularly production of 7000 Mw of electricity that is foreseen in Iran's planned economic development by the year 2020. Iran will vigorously pursue its peaceful nuclear program and will not give in to unreasonable demands that are discriminatory, selective and go beyond the requirements of non-proliferation in accordance with existing IAEA instruments. At the same time, Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program nor does it intend to embark on one. Thus, we have nothing to hide, and in principle have no problem with the additional protocol. We are anxious to ascertain that this step will be solely utilized to enhance confidence and remove all doubts about the peaceful nature of our nuclear program.”

WMD: “Weapons of mass destruction are amongst the most potent threats to peace and security at the regional and global levels. CWC, BWC and the NPT are the results of our collective wisdom to respond to this threat through elimination in the first two cases and non-proliferation in the third. We believe we should do much more. We should do more to make these basic international instruments universal. We should also do more to strengthen verifiability of their implementations. And finally, we should all work collectively, as mandated by the ICJ, to move towards total elimination of nuclear weapons.

"By adhering to all these three legal instruments, as an original party, my country has manifested its determination towards total eradication of weapons of mass destruction from the globe. Our commitment to international regimes on weapons of mass destructions does not merely lie in our contractual obligations but, more importantly, in our religious convictions and historical experience. No country like mine in recent decades may feel so fresh the tragic scars of being victims of such weapons particularly within a complacent international milieu. We are convinced that pursuit of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction not only cannot provide deterrence or enhance one's security and influence, but will only increase vulnerability. Thus, I can state categorically that for all these reasons, weapons of mass destruction have no place in the defensive strategy of my country. We believe the only option is to work actively towards global and regional banning of these weapons and have thus spared no effort in this regard.
However, the efforts to ban or strengthen the ban on the weapons of mass destruction should not provide any excuse for denying the rights of States to develop technology for peaceful purposes.”


H.E. Mr. Bertie Ahern, Prime Minister
September 25, 2003

Proliferation: "Proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons poses a serious threat to international peace and security. We must recommit ourselves to controlling the spread of such weapons, and working towards their complete elimination. This can only be achieved through a comprehensive and rigorous system of international treaties and obligations that are verifiable and universal.

"Ireland, with its partners in the New Agenda Coalition, will continue its efforts in respect of nuclear disarmament during this year's General Assembly. Ireland calls on all States who are concerned about the issue of weapons of mass destruction to become constructively engaged in the multilateral disarmament and non=proliferation process. There can be no room for double standards."

Terrorism: "We must also remain resolute in our determination to counter the threat of terrorism. We owe it to the victims of September 11, and to all the victims of terrorist atrocities before and since. The measures put in place by the Security Council have made it more difficult for international terrorist networks to organise and to finance their activities. These organisations, however, do not stand- still. We must remain vigilant and redouble our efforts. to make it impossible for the agents of international terror to operate.

"In doing so, however, we must be clear that the need to act against terrorism offers no license for action contrary to the UN Charter, or against the body of international human rights and humanitarian law that we have so painstakingly constructed.

"We must also seek to deal with the causes of terrorism. Terrorism is not some kind of original sin. No child is born a terrorist. At some point in their lives, some people become terrorists. We have to identify how and why."

H.E. Mr. Silvan Shalom, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs
September 25, 2003

Terrorism and WMD: "States - members of this institution - that sponsor terrorists and give them shelter, are accomplices in the acts of terror themselves. They must be held accountable for their crimes. It is no coincidence that states that sponsor terrorism like Iran and Syria, are also striving to acquire Weapons of Mass Destruction. Their hostility to freedom and the rule of law puts the very future of humanity in jeopardy."

Italy (on behalf of the European Union)
H.E. Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister
September 23, 2003

International Peace and Security: "Conflict prevention and crisis management are essential components of the safeguarding of international peace and security. More than 40,000 men and women of the European Union are currently deployed on UN-led or –authorized peace operations in the world. The Union is directly involved in missions in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and until a few days ago was in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the E.U. demonstrated its will to contribute, also through military means, to the international community’s efforts to restore peace and stability in Africa.

"In light of this concrete commitment, the E.U. reaffirms its support for the reform and strengthening of the United Nations’ peace-keeping activities."

Non-proliferation: "The non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is a priority. It requires constant political pressure and, as the first line of defence, every political and diplomatic instrument available. We cannot allow unconventional weapons to end up in the hands of terrorists or regimes that represent a threat to world peace"

"…With regard to non-proliferation, the European Union is firmly committed to supporting the United Nations, particularly the Security Council, in pursuit of the following common objectives: strengthening international agreements; increasing support for the monitoring agencies; and intensifying controls over illegal trafficking. Finally, should all political and diplomatic measures fail, recourse to enforcement measures provided by the United Nations Charter cannot be ruled out.

"It will be possible to avoid recourse to force, however, if all the instruments of international law-including human rights safeguards- come to prevail in all their effects."

NPT: "The European Union reiterates its request to India and Pakistan to adhere to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to act in compliance with UN Security Resolution 1172. We forcefully encourage India and Pakistan to pursue a process of political dialogue that will lead to an agreement that is satisfactory to all the parties on all the controversial points, including Kashmir: a problem that cannot be resolved through violence or terrorism."

Proliferation: "We must show the same commitment to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their carriers. We cannot shirk our responsibilities. The European Union has doubled its efforts to put an end to this threat to international peace and security. After having recently agreed to an Action Plan, we are now busy with its implementation. The universal subscription to the main multilateral agreements is at the heart of the European Union’s policies.

"…The European Union expresses its growing concern over the development of the Iranian nuclear programme and the risks of proliferation that it involves. We reiterate our expectation that Iran will demonstrate accelerated cooperation and full transparency with the International Atomic Energy Agency by acceding to its requests. Urgent and unconditional acceptance, signature and implementation of an IAEA safeguards additional protocol is of the utmost importance. The international community would consider it a sign of Iran’s commitment to the non-proliferation framework and a step toward the desired reforms."

Small Arms: "In this context, another grave danger is represented by the increasing spread of light and portable weapons and by the expansion of armed organized violence, whose toll in human lives has begun to exceed the lives lost in wars."

Terrorism: "The European Union condemns all acts of terrorism, which are threats to democracy, human rights and economic and social development. We must be firm in our determination to destroy this virus and free present and future generations from its aggressions. Efforts to combat terrorism must respect human rights and the fundamental freedoms, rule-of-law and humanitarian law.

"In this struggle we are working in close collaboration with and give our full support to the United Nations. It is a battle that must be conducted for the sake of freedom and democracy- the universal values engraved in the United Nations Charter, which should be deeply rooted in the lives of all the peoples of this globalized world."

Transparency: "The E.U. sends a firm appeal to North Korea to completely dismantle its nuclear programme in a prompt, transparent, verifiable and irreversible manner, in compliance with the obligations deriving from international non-proliferation agreements.

"… We reiterate our expectation that Iran will demonstrate accelerated cooperation and full transparency with the International Atomic Energy Agency by acceding to its requests."

H.E. P.J. Patterson, Prime Minister
September 29, 2003

Nuclear proliferation and multilaterism: "Mankind faces the danger of terrorism, nuclear proliferation and weapons of mass destruction.

"…These are real concerns which underscore the need to strengthen multilateralism, to restore confidence in the United Nations system, to buttress its centrality in decisions which affect us all, and enhance its capacity to enforce.

"…The critical problems facing us concerning war and peace are compounded by the proliferation of weapons of all kinds. Military expenditure globally now amounts to over US $800 billion annually. Experience has shown however, that military power and massive investment in weapons do not bring security and lasting peace.

H.E. Ms. Yoriko Kawaguchi, Minister of Foreign Affairs
September 23, 2003

Disarmament/NPT/CTBT: "The very urgency of these issues reminds us of the importance of the crossroads at which we now stand with regard to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty regime. The horror and devastation caused by nuclear weapons should not be repeated. Japan is redoubling its efforts to maintain and fortify the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime, with this treaty as its core. In this General Assembly session, Japan will submit a draft resolution entitled "Path to the Total-Elimination of Nuclear Weapons" and aim to secure adoption of the resolution by an overwhelming majority of member states. Furthermore, Japan considers the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty to be of extreme importance as a concrete means of strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty regime."

International Peace and Security: "Japan believes that international peace and prosperity can only be achieved through cooperation among the nations, with the United Nations playing an important role. Japan has used all means at its disposal to contribute to United Nations activities, so that the objectives contained in the UN Charter may ultimately be realized. Let me be clear that Japan will continue to be actively engaged in United Nations activities."

Missiles: "From the perspectives of peace and security in Northeast Asia and international non-proliferation, the development and possession of nuclear weapons by North Korea must never be tolerated. Japan once again urges North Korea to immediately and completely dismantle all of its nuclear development programs in a verifiable and irreversible manner. This issue should be resolved peacefully by diplomatic efforts including the Six-Party Talks process. Based on the Pyongyang Declaration between Japan and North Korea, Japan seeks the resolution of various outstanding issues between Japan and North Korea, including the nuclear issue, the missile issue and the abduction issue, which was addressed explicitly by this Assembly last December in the Resolution on the Question of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance. Upon a comprehensive resolution of those issues, Japan is looking to effect the normalization of its diplomatic relations with North Korea."

Terrorism: "Today, we face a situation in which the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the threat of terrorism affect not only particular countries or regions but the world as a whole, presenting a new threat to our lives and our livelihood. It is imperative for each country to regard the issue as its own and to take action in concert with the countries facing such imminent threats."

H.E. Dr. Marwan Muasher, Minister of Foreign Affairs
September 29, 2003

Nuclear terrorism: "In this regard, we would like to set on record our full backing for the efforts aimed at achieving meaningful progress in the current negotiations in the General Assembly to adopt a comprehensive convention on combating terrorism and a convention on combating nuclear terrorism. We hope that these endeavors will prove successful in the establishment of a legal and specific definition of the concept of terrorism which would set it apart from the rights protected under international law and international humanitarian law for States, peoples and individuals."

Terrorism: "Let me assure you, Mr. President, that the Government and people of Jordan are determined in their resolve to confront this epidemic which our citizens and institutions suffered from for several decades. Once again, let me reiterate our firm commitment to cooperate with all countries and multilateral efforts in the joint fight against terrorism."

"…May I commend the Counter Terrorism Committee and the Commission on Sanctions Against Al-Qaeda and Taliban for all their aid to member states in fighting terrorism. Jordan looks forward for further cooperation with these two bodies."

H.E. Mr. Kassymzhomart Tokaev, Minister for Foreign Affairs
September 25, 2003

Counter-Terrorism: "A significant contribution to counter-terrorism efforts and trade and economic cooperation in the Eurasian region could be made by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

"… Kazakhstan supports the adoption, without further delay, of a comprehensive convention against international terrorism."

Multilateralism: "Kazakhstan reaffirms its commitment to the concept of a multipolar world as a political philosophy of modern international relations. At the same time, we do not reject unipolarity if its means joining the efforts of all states in the world to avert global threats."

Nuclear Proliferation: "As a state which voluntarily has renounced its nuclear heritage, Kazakhstan is concerned by the continued proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The desire of a number of countries and some extremist organizations to possess nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction poses a serious threat to global security. Well-known British writer Aldous Huxley made a prophecy when he said: 'Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means of going backwards.' Let's face it: today, the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty do not work in practice. The main reason of this state of affairs is a weakened international control.

" There are already 39 states in the world capable of producing a nuclear bomb or a nuclear device and at least eight countries with a significant nuclear capacity. In addition, there are at least another four countries whose denuclearized status is highly questionable.

"The United Nations and its institutions should have the last word in the solution of the problem of nuclear non-proliferation. There is actually only one way out: to tighten the control and to improve transparency when it comes to weapon development and testing. The existing international agreements in this area should be adapted to new realities. We can no longer accept the fact that the international community lacks effective means to discipline states violating non-proliferation regimes. Here we witness an absence of a single standard: some countries are punished by military force while others are urged to give up their nuclear programmes.

"Kazakhstan has welcomed the initiative of the Big Eight regarding global partnership against the proliferation of nuclear materials and weapons of mass destruction and expresses hope for a fruitful cooperation on the issue with this group of states."

SALW: "Our country considers it important to implement the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons."

H.E. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, Minister of Foreign Affairs
October 1, 2003

Small arms and light weapons: "The proliferation of small arms and light weapons has contributed to conflicts raging in many parts of Africa. Kenya has been actively involved in efforts to address this issue and hosts the Nairobi Secretariat on Small Arms and Light Weapons, a regional initiative involving ten countries of the Great Lakes region and Horn of Africa. In addition, at the Biennial. Conference on small arms and light weapons held in New York in July 2003, Kenya presented a report on the activities of the Nairobi Secretariat as well as the measures undertaken by the Government of Kenya at the national level to curb the menace. In this regard, we call upon the international community to provide requisite resources in our joint effort to fight the proliferation of these arms."


His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Prime Minister
September 23, 2003

Terrorism: "As Kuwait firmly reiterates its stand of categorical rejection of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations as well as its renunciation of all acts of violence and extremism, it condemns the vicious orchestrated campaign being waged against a sister state, namely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, by some American media agencies. Rather, we would commend Saudi Arabia for its concrete and significant contributions to the global campaign against terrorism. In the meantime, let us bear in mind the fact that Saudi Arabia itself has been the target of terrorists and suffered as a result of that. Kuwait fully endorses all measures taken by the Saudi government in its drive to eliminate terrorism and to consolidate regional security and stability.

"In the same context, Kuwait will maintain its efforts in coordination with the regional states and the United Nations to fight terrorism and to further strengthen the measures it has enforced in order to completely fulfill its international obligations, especially those set forth in Security Council resolution 1373."

Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Multilateralism: "Since the last time we convened, the world has gone through major changes and challenges. Although peace, dialogue and cooperation for development continue to prevail today across many regions, we have been bearing witness to a world beset by terror, civil wars, armed conflicts and violence, acts of aggression and interference in the internal affairs of states. In handling these problems, we believe it is contingent upon all of us to show patience, courage and determination and strive to solve them through dialogue, diplomacy and political means. Towards this end, we should continue to seek the multilateral routes through the United Nations."

H.E. Dr. Vaira Vike Freiberga, President
September 23, 2003

Proliferation: "For the moment, however, it appears that any substantial changes within the UN will have to await a renewed climate of consensus, which is not likely to precede the resolution of the crises in the Middle East, the settling of trade disputes and the establishment of greater unity about agricultural subsidies, arms proliferation and environmental issues."

Terrorism: "The establishment of a genuine and lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians would also have an additional benefit. It would remove the Palestinian cause as an excuse for terrorists to justify their actions of murder and destruction. As the events of the last few years so poignantly reveal, terrorism and arms proliferation have become two of the largest threats to world security today."

H.E. Mr. Jean Obeid, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Emigrants
September 24, 2003

Terrorism: "Lebanon was among the first countries to be targeted by terrorism, carried out by fundamentalist groups, and fought it with courage and resolve. At the same time, Lebanon still faces the state terrorism practiced by Israel, which has caused the death, injury, and displacement of thousands of Lebanese and the destruction of vital facilities and infrastructures.

"While we differentiate between terrorism and the right of peoples whose territories are occupied to resist and to liberate their land, within the confines of international resolutions and the United Nations Charter, our country explicitly and firmly condemns all forms of terrorism, since it constitutes a danger that threatens all mankind, without distinction between race, color, or religion. Furthermore, Lebanon reaffirms its commitment to continue to cooperate with the international community to fight this extensively harmful and extremely damaging scourge."

H.E. Mr. Pakalitha B. Mosisili, Prime Minister
September 24, 2003

Terrorism: "We continue to share the grief of those who will forever miss the love and support of their loved ones. We must therefore reaffirm our resolve to partner together to eliminate those elements which threaten to destroy humanity and its way of life. Our best hope for success is, and should be, our collective strength. We owe it to ourselves and future generations of humankind to pool resources and strategies together to annihilate the scourge of terrorism. In doing so, we must simultaneously and genuinely examine and begin to understand what forces and factors drive an inherently good human being to such desperation as to commit such drastic acts of violence, not only against others, but against self in the process. Our preventive measures must address such forces and factors to disarm potential terrorists."

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
H.E. Dr. Ernst Walch, Minister of Foreign Affairs
September 29, 2003

UN reform: "As any other State, in particular small States, Liechtenstein attaches the highest possible priority to the rule of international law, expressed inter alia in our commitment to the International Criminal Court, and international relations that are based on rules derived from international legal standards. The United Nations, as the core body for drafting and adopting those standards, must continue to play its role in defending and upholding them. It is more obvious than ever that the Security Council is facing a particular challenge in this respect. While discussions in the media, in the academic world and in think-tanks after the military action against Iraq invariably have focused on the theme of the need for quick and effective Security Council reform, this sense of urgency was lost on the Open-Ended Working Group of Security Council reform - the very body that has the competence to make decisions on such reform. After ten years of debate on this issue, we all appreciate the difficulties attached to this issue, and they are indeed big. However, these difficulties are no sufficient justification for our failure to resolve an issue that everybody agrees is a major obstacle for the effective functioning of the organization as a whole. It was therefore rather disturbing to see the Open-ended Working Group continue engaging in business as usual, while the world - the world we are supposed to represent after all - unanimously called for effective and comprehensive reform. The composition of the Council is clearly a reflection of a geopolitical reality that has ceased to exist a long time ago and enlargement thus continues to be an indispensable element of a meaningful reform of the Council. At the same time, there is also a clear need to address other issues, such as the mechanisms for decision-making and in particular the implementation on Security Council resolutions - whether adopted under chapter VI or VII - and issues of legality. We hope that the initiative the Secretary-General presented last week will contribute to making the main organ that is at the center of the world's attention a more effective and representative body."

H.E. Antanas Valionis, Minister of Foreign Affairs
October 1, 2003

Anti-personnel mines: "…We feel it increasingly important to facilitate regional dialogue and action that contributes to the abolition of anti-personnel mines and to clearing up old unexploded ordinance. We have already started working with interested parties."

Non-proliferation of WMD: "Regrettably, terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery continues to be on the list of our greatest security concerns. The Thessaloniki European Council declaration on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and EU Basic Principles and Action Plan for countering proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction have been a well-defined response, which Lithuania joins and contributes to its implementation. Let me also recall The Hague Code of Conduct against proliferation of ballistic missiles that is yet another result of multilateral efforts and is worth of global universalisation.

"…We witness the willingness to adopt more effective measures to combat terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Invariably, more conventional challenges can be dealt with by transparency and confidence building activities. As a new state party to the Ottawa Convention, Lithuania is committed to contribute practically to its implementation and promotion…"


H.E. Mr. Oris Trajkovski, President
September 24, 2003

Conventional Disarmament: "On disarmament matters, having in mind our immediate concerns over the problem with small arms and light weapons, the Republic of Macedonia was an advocate of strong international action towards preventing, combating and eradicating illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, since this poses a serious threat not only to the security and stability of my country, but also for the broader region. We welcome the conclusions of the Biennial Meeting on implementing the 2001 UN Programme of Action to combat illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, held in July 2003, that progress had been made worldwide within barely two years of adopting the Programme of Action."

Terrorism: "The most serious contemporary threat for humanity is identified and visible. It is the evil of terrorism. The fight against terrorism was and must remain our highest priority. In this regard, it would be immensely helpful to make a commitment to reach a consensus in relation to the remaining disputed points in the process of drafting Conventions on international and nuclear terrorism."

Arms Spenditures: "We do believe that the greatness of countries is not dependent upon the size of their armies and number of weapons they possess, but upon the commitment and dedication of their citizens in regard to the noble ideas of humanity and legacy of our civilization. In this tremendous task to preserve our common treasury and to create a better world for the generations to come, we are more than willing to participate, because we are all equal to each other, while contributing to the common aim."

Madagascar (French Only)
H.E. Mr. Marc Ravalomana, President
September 25, 2003

H.E. The Honourable Henry Chimunthu Banda, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
September 30, 2003

Multilateralism: "Time has demonstrated the cardinal place of multilateral approaches to international issues and problems. The Iraq situation has revealed to us all in the international community the importance of multilateralism under the umbrella of the United Nations whose central role in addressing international conflicts should not be undermined.

"…Malawi has paid close attention to the new international debate presently taking shape advocating a qualitative paradigm shift from policy frameworks and mere commitments in conferences to the concrete implementation of agreed action program, or what has become known as the New Multilateralism which aims at addressing the serious shortcomings of the existing multilateral policy prescriptions. The debate also seeks to effect a move in the right direction."

Terrorism: "I would like to express Malawi's sincere condolences to the families of the victims of the senseless and barbaric attack at the headquarters of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq that resulted into loss of lives, including that of the Special Representative of the Secretary General, Mr. Sergio Viera de Mello. The attack should warn us to remain focused on the fight against terrorism and ensure that the war against the scourge proceeds as a multilateral undertaking. We fully support the call that all those responsible for such attacks should be charged with war crimes."

H.E. Dato Seri Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamed, Prime Minister
September 25, 2003

Terrorism: "The world now lives in fear - the rich from terror attacks and the others from being made targets of suspicions and pre-emptive aggression."

H.E. Fathulla Jameel, Minister of Foreign Affairs
September 29, 2003

Disarmament/arms control: "The international community should maintain the high priority it has accorded to disarmament and arms control efforts, without any discrimination among nations or regions, to make the world a more peaceful place. The international community must strengthen and improve the enforcement of the non-proliferation regime. In this context, we believe that the United Nations must not only be at the centre of the multilateral processes, but should remain the principal player in grappling with important global issues. We believe, with unity of purpose, bilateral, regional and multilateral approaches, with complementarity to each other, can lead to the resolution of these issues."

Mali (French only)
H.E. Mr. Lassana Traoré, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
September 25, 2003

Conventional Arms: "Il est déjà très encourageant de constater que la communauté internationale et singulièrement les Nations Unies font de la lutte contre la prolifération des armes légères une préoccupation majeure. Ceci est d'autant réconfortant que ces dix dernières années, les armes légères ont lourdement pesé sur le destin des peuples africains.

"…La circulation illicite des armes légères, en plus de ses effets désastreux pour l'espèce humaine, est un phénomène qui sape les fondements du développement économique et social. C'est l'occasion pour moi de me féliciter encore une fois de la mise en place par la CEDEAO d'un Mécanisme de prévention, de gestion, de règlement des conflits, de maintien de la paix et de la sécurité.

"L'Union Africaine à travers la Déclaration de Bamako et l'ONU à travers son programme d'actions sur le commerce illicite des armes légères et de petits calibres sous tous ses aspects ont contribué à appuyer la pertinence de ce combat.

"…Le Mali a inscrit comme priorités de son mandat à la tête de ce Réseau les thèmes de l'Education aux droits humains, les Enfants dans les conflits armés, la lutte contre la prolifération des armes légères,… "

Terrorism: "Le terrorisme constitue l'une des menaces les plus graves à la sécurité humaine. La lutte contre ce fléau passe par le renforcement des capacités nationales et régionales, après la phase de la ratification des différents instruments internationaux. Il convient ici de rappeler que le Mali a ratifié tous les instruments juridiques internationaux sur le terrorisme et ceux relatifs à la criminalité transnationale organisée, ainsi que son Protocole additionnel."

" Notre sécurité collective dépendra de notre capacité à régler les problèmes mondiaux. Aussi est-il impérieux de renforcer les capacités nationales et régionales afin de créer les conditions d'une riposte efficace et radicale au fléau du terrorisme."

Transfer of Weapons : "Le Mali qui assure, depuis le 10 mai 2003, la présidence du Réseau de la Sécurité Humaine, invite tous les états à se joindre à lui afin de faire aboutir l'initiative de la « Convention cadre sur les transferts internationaux des armes » en cours d'élaboration, dont la campagne de lancement est prévue en octobre prochain à Bamako. Ceci constituerait un pas significatif dans la mise en oeuvre du mandat donné par les Chefs d'Etat et de Gouvernement de la CEDEAO pour la transformation du Moratoire sur les armes légères en convention internationale."

World Peace: "La paix et la sécurité sont quelques unes des valeurs cardinales que les peuples du monde entier ont en partage et voudront véritablement chérir. Elles sont aussi des conditions sine qua non à l'épanouissement social et au développement économique. Aussi, devrions-nous faire en sorte de les instaurer partout dans le monde, et par tous les moyens. Cela veut dire qu'il nous faut mettre fin aux différents conflits qui attisent le feu de la violence. Mais il est illusoire de vouloir gérer les grands conflits et les questions de sécurité, en général, en dehors du cadre multilatéral."

H.E. Mr. Edward Fenech, Adami, Prime Minister
September 25, 2003

Terrorism and Arms Control: "Among such issues, the question of security in all of its complex dimensions has this year assumed formidable proportions. One of the more disturbing aspects in this regard is the way the different dimensions of terrorism and of arms control have become intertwined. This link has become a factor in the sometimes contrasting perceptions of the sources of the security risks which are faced by states. In turn this has led to differences of emphasis on action priorities, even among states with otherwise very convergent policies and approaches. When such differences find reflection within the Security Council itself, there is a risk of erosion in the still fragile structure of international legitimacy."

Disarmament: "The question of armaments today confronts us at bewildering levels. At one extreme there is the outrageous reality of child soldiers brandishing conventional weapons of major lethal effect. At the other extreme, there is the increasingly credible prospect that terrorist groups will procure and use weapons of mass destruction to sow major tragedy and destruction in the heart of states. These extremes have intruded into the more traditional disarmament process that has itself moved forward hesitantly and intermittently over the years.

"Yet however hesitant and intermittent, the disarmament process has produced some results upon which we can build further. A range of agreements and instruments are already available concerning both weapons of mass destruction as well as conventional weapons. The more immediate challenges in this regard lie in the areas of compliance and verification.

"Over the last months, the European Union has been working on a comprehensive security strategy on the issues of non-proliferation and weapons of mass destruction. One of the key principles underpinning this strategy is the need to uphold and implement the multilateral treaties and agreements that exist in this area. Equally important is the need to support the multilateral institutions charged with the compliance and verification of these agreements. Primary among these institutions is the United Nations."

Counter-Terrorism: "The counter-terrorism measures put into place following the attack here in New York of 11 September 2001 provide tools which can have an effect if applied forcefully, universally and consistently. Our response must remain adamant and clear. At the same time, as the Secretary General reminds us, while there is an unquestionable need to confront terrorist groups with determination, this should never be at the expense of the commitment to human rights."

Marshall Islands
H.E. Mr. Alfred Capelle, Chairman of the Delegation
September 30, 2003

Nuclear Testing: "An ongoing issue of major concern for the Marshall Islands is that of nuclear weapons testing. The people and the environment of the Marshall Islands continue to suffer as a consequence of the nuclear weapons tests that were conducted in our territory between 1946 and 1958.

"As we continue to seek resolution of this issue our people continue to suffer from ongoing health effects, the food chain still contains dangerously high radiation levels, and our development capacity is restrained by an inability to use contaminated islands and atolls."

Terrorism: "At the outset, I wish to take this opportunity to express our deepest condolences to the bereaved families that lost loved ones in the recent bombing attack on the UN Headquarters in Baghdad. This tragic event was also a great loss to the international community. Such horrific acts of terrorism are utterly condemnable, and those responsible should be swiftly brought to justice.

"…One of the most important challenges facing the international community is the need for a comprehensive, unified response to combat acts of international terrorism. I am pleased to be able to say that the Marshall Islands has ratified all twelve of the core Conventions against terrorism. We are continually working to implement the provisions of Security Council resolution 1373, and we have taken many steps at the national level to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. We reiterate our solidarity with all member states that are working to eliminate terrorism in all its forms."

H.E. Mohamed Ould Tolba, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
September 29, 2003

Terrorism: "Mon pays, tout en proclamant son attachement aux résolutions pertinentes du Conseil de sécurité, renouvelle sa ferme condamnation et sa dénonciation de la violence et du terrorisme sous toutes ses formes et réaffirme son appui à tous les efforts et initiatives régionaux et internationaux tendant à combattre ce fléau."

H.E. The Rt. Hon. Sir Anerood Jugnauth, Prime Minister
September 24, 2003

Nuclear Disarmament: "Mauritius views with concern that, despite the stated commitment of the international community to the cause of disarmament, the actions of many countries do not match their rhetoric.

"The new challenges to security and disarmament should compel us to look anew at the potential threat posed by nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction and to pursue more vigorously efforts towards their total elimination.

"We reiterate our appeal to the nuclear powers for the early convening of a conference on nuclear disarmament as a first step towards complete disarmament keeping in mind that such a regime must be comprehensive and non-discriminatory."

Small Arms: "Small arms and light weapons have in fact become the weapons of mass destruction on the African Continent. These weapons drain African resources and we appeal to those countries which manufacture and market these weapons of destruction to ensure that Africa does not continue to be their killing fields."

Terrorism: "Terrorism has continued relentlessly on its path of ghastly attacks and indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians. The geographical shift, however, in the terrorist attacks is becoming increasingly a disturbing development.

"…These horrendous terrorist acts have demonstrated anew the crucial need for the international community to tackle the root causes of terrorism.

"As all small islands, we in Mauritius, remain highly vulnerable in respect of our security and terrorist threats. With limited means at our disposal coupled with the multiple demands on our scanty resources we find that it is only through international efforts and cooperation that we can win the war against terrorism.

"We are particularly anxious that there be concerted and sustained action and a commitment to cooperation at international level with a view to eradicating the scourge of terrorism. All countries must cooperate to stem the flow of cross-border infiltration. The Financing of Terrorism and the proceeds of transnational organised crime need to be closely monitored.

"Not winning the war against terrorism as well as that against transnational organized crime is not an option for the world today."

H.E. Vicente Fox Quesada, President of
September 24, 2003

Terrorism: "El compromiso de México contra el terrorismo es inequívoco. Combatirlo eficazmente exige no sólo una mayor y más intensa cooperación internacional, sino también la construcción de una nueva visión de la legalidad internacional.

"El combate al terrorismo no será eficiente sin un nuevo reconocimiento del derecho internacional y un sistema de Naciones Unidas con capacidad suficiente para hacerlo respetar."

WMD: "…Motivo de preocupación especial lo constituye el aumento de las tensiones en Asia, dada la existencia y desarrollo de armas de destrucción masiva."

H.E. Mr. Joseph J. Urusemal, President
September 23, 2003

International Security: "No part of our world is immune to the wide range of fundamental security threats. War and terrorism are only consequences of their deeper root causes, poverty, human injustice, and more recently, environmental degradation. These are most often discussed in the context of the more populous regions of the world, but I ask you not to overlook that they also present themselves to the Small Island Developing States.

"…The time is ripe for a new way of looking at international peace and security. No longer can economic, social and environmental issues exist in a parallel universe, divorced from geopolitical considerations. The linkages are becoming all too clear - as the alarming findings of this year's UNDP report on implementation of the Millennium Declaration confirm."

H.E. Mr. Patrick LeClercq, Minister of State, Chief of the Government, and Director of External Relations
September 25, 2003

Terrorism: "Resolutely committed to participating in the efforts of the international community to rise to the most recent challenges with which it has been confronted, Monaco has ratified the twelve main international instruments relating to terrorism, putting into place the appropriate administrative structures and, furthermore, it has been the first State to ratify the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which will enter into force in the next few days, on 29 September."

H.E. Mr. Natsagiin Bagabandi, President
September 29, 2003

International disarmament regime: "As a state party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, conventions banning chemical and biological weapons and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, Mongolia deems it important to ensure their universality, to address the disarmament issues in a comprehensive manner, to further reduce all types of weapons, to bring the Conference on Disarmament out of its ongoing impasse and to strengthen monitoring mechanisms of the relevant multilateral treaties and agreements.”
Nuclear weapons: “As a nuclear-weapon-free country, Mongolia actively supports the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones in other parts of the world. Mongolia believes that nuclear-weapon states should provide security guarantees to non-nuclear-weapon states and states-parties to the NPT and supports the conclusion of a multilateral treaty to that effect. Mongolia stands for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and a peaceful resolution of the DPRK's nuclear programme issue. In this regard we stand in favor of continuing the relevant multilateral talks."

Proliferation of WMD: "In addition to the traditional threats emanating from proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the spread of missile technology and inter-and-intra-state conflicts, the non-traditional threats, including terrorism, organized crime, illegal drug trafficking, scarcity of drinking water, environmental pollution and global climate change are having adverse effects on regional and international security."


H.E. Joaquim Alberto Chissano, President
September 24, 2003

Conventional Disarmament: "In order to conduct free and fair elections as envisaged in this agreement, all efforts must be exerted to ensure that the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of all Combatants (DDR) is fully accomplished prior to elections. This must include all combatants involved in the conflict in Liberia, including mercenary forces. Without a doubt, based on previous experiences, DDR is the key for a lasting peace and stability in Liberia and the whole of West Africa."

International Security: "I would equally wish to commend the Secretary-General for his relentless efforts in turning the United Nations into an effective instrument for international cooperation in the search and preservation of peace and security, and in dealing with an ever-increasing array of challenges worldwide. I wish to encourage you, Mr. Secretary-General, to continue in this positive path.

"…In Maputo, we have also dealt with the issues of peace and security, for they continue to be the major challenge in Africa. We recognize that conflicts in the continent continue to undermine our efforts towards sustainable development.

"It is for this reason that we have reiterated the importance of the entry into force of the Peace and Security Council, an important organ of the African Union that will deal with issues related to conflict prevention, management and resolution."

Terrorism: "The recent tragic events, which have claimed so many innocent lives, are a painful reminder that international terrorism continues to represent a serious threat to peace and security in the world. They further demonstrated that no country is immune from the scourge of terror, and that it is through concerted action that we can effectively address this issue. The United Nations remains the most appropriate forum for the search of the best ways and means of combating terrorism.

"In Africa, we have adopted the 1999 OAU Convention on Prevention and Combating of Terrorism and other relevant instruments, as valuable tools for strengthening co-operation and provide a platform for effective action to suppress terrorism."

H.E. U Win Aung
September 29, 2003

Terrorism: "It is evident that the use of force alone cannot wipe out terrorism. If we wish to achieve enduring results, we must address such fundamental problems as the persistence of extreme poverty, disparity of income between and within countries, racial and religious prejudice and attempts by some countries to impose their values on small and developing countries.

"Terrorism poses a common threat to mankind. It respects neither borders nor religion nor race. All nations must therefore join hands to meet the challenge posed by terrorists. It is only through increased cooperation at the national, regional and international levels that we can hope to overcome this menace."

H.E. The Honourable Hidipo Hamutenya, Minister for Foreign Affairs
September 30, 2003

Multilateralism: "Yet, at times, as was the case with the war on Iraq, the United Nations was sidelined, and the unique legitimacy of its authority undermined, through unilateral actions. Such actions produced a general feeling of fear and uncertainty, especially among the small and weak nations of the world.

" This is why the central theme, that runs through nearly all the speeches at this Session, is the call for a return to multilateral dialogue, persuasion and collective action, as the only appropriate approach to resolving many conflicts facing the international community. Being a small country, Namibia echoes this call. Multilateralism must be the basis of global security, if smaller countries are not to feel that they are at the mercy of the stronger ones.

"But, as recent events have demonstrated, big powers, too, like the smaller ones, need a multilateral framework, as the more re-assuring environment for the execution of foreign policy."

H.E. Vinci N. Clodumar, Chairman of the Delegation
October 1, 2003

WMDs and terrorism: "…States that feel uniquely vulnerable to terrorist acts see the real possibility of terrorists gaining access to weapons of mass destruction. This scenario has forced these States to develop an antidote of unilateral action primed with a 'pre-emptive' strike policy.

"…The antidote refer to above could be the catalyst in the new wave of proliferation in nuclear weapons, and it is not a coincident that the countries singled out as part of the "axis-of-evil" are being accused of developing nuclear weapons. Nauru joins the call on the concern countries to observe their obligations under the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and to allow the IAEA to inspect and verify that indeed nuclear weapons are not being developed."

H.E. Dr. Bhekh B. Thapa, Ambassador
September 29, 2003

Disarmament: "Nepal supports the regional centers for peace and disarmament as significant tools for building confidence among nations. We are eagerly looking forward to hosting the Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament for Asia and the Pacific in Kathmandu. We have asked the Secretariat to revise the draft host country agreements so they are consistent with diplomatic practices and with provisions of other two centers."

Nuclear weapons: "Disarmament and confidence building measure are critical to build a culture of peace. Nuclear weapons are the greatest threat to humanity and must be eliminated with their delivery vehicles, in a timebound manner. Nuclear weapon states should steadily reduce their nuclear arsenals and the Conference on Disarmament must draw strategy to eradicate these arms."

Nuclear Weapon Free Zones: "As a nation committed to peace, Nepal welcomes the proposals to establish nuclear weapons free zones and to keep outer space free of weapons. We also stress the necessity to reinforce the chemical and biological weapons ban regimes and to strengthen measures to prevent the access of non-state actors to small arms and light weapons."

H.E. Mr. Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, Minister for Foreign Affairs
September 26, 2003

Multilateralism: "We must act and we must act together. We need clear rules and strong institutions. Institutions that ensure that the rules of the multilateral game are respected, strengthened and enforced. We need a multilateral system with teeth, we need a multilateral system that works."

Nonproliferation: "I therefore welcome President Bush's proposal for a binding Security Council resolution, tightening up the non-proliferation rules. I suggest that we build on existing export control regimes and make them universal and legally binding. This approach would be in line with the successful example of UN Security Council Resolution 1373, containing binding obligations for states to take action against terrorism. Other elements in a more forceful multilateral system are: greater attention to conflict prevention, better use of sanctions ("smart sanctions"), an upgrading of the International Atomic Energy Agency's inspections regime and, as suggested by President Chirac, a permanent instrument for inspections at the disposal of the Security Council."

"…The European Union's new emphasis on countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in its common foreign and security policy is an example of how we want to be in the vanguard of our common efforts.

Nuclear Proliferation: "Take the growing danger of the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Can we allow a few countries to reject the rules agreed to by 187 other countries? Can we run the risk of countries turning into suppliers of nuclear arms to terrorist organizations? No, we cannot. And if today's rules cannot avert states putting humanity at risk, we must tighten those rules. And we must be ready to collectively enforce them."

Terrorism: "This atrocity and the other murderous attacks we have seen in the past two years are chilling evidence that terrorists are ruthlessly targeting the civilized world. Terrorism is a direct threat to us all, to humanity as a whole.

"…And speaking of human rights: there is no doubt that terrorism itself ranks as one of the most serious threats to democracy and the enjoyment of human rights. Terrorists seek to destroy democracy, freedom and tolerance. If we sacrifice those universal values in the struggle against terrorists, we play into their hands."

WMD: :Weapons of mass destruction are the other direct threat: an even worse threat if such weapons were to fall into the hands of terrorists."

New Zealand
H.E. The Honourable Phil Goff, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
September 26, 2003

International Disarmament Regime: “New Zealand calls on all countries to commit and adhere to multilateral disarmament and arms control treaties.

"…The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is equally about nuclear disarmament. The commitment given by the nuclear weapons states, reaffirmed unequivocally at the NPT Review Conference in 2000, to give up their nuclear weapons must be honoured.

"The nuclear powers have a particular responsibility in this respect. They must lead by example against proliferation. Meaningful steps toward permanent disarmament would add to their moral authority in demanding that others must not develop nuclear weapons capacity."

Non-Nuclear Weapons States: “North Korea’s proclaimed nuclear weapons programme is a major concern. We urge North Korea to resume its cooperation with the IAEA and its commitment to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The current multilateral dialogue process is a positive way forward. We commend China for facilitating this.

"Iran too must heed the strong message of the international community and take the urgent steps required to restore confidence that its nuclear intentions are peaceful.

Terrorism: “Mr President, over the last year we have witnessed ongoing terrorist attacks including Casablanca, Riyadh and Jakarta, as well as in Baghdad.

"Next month is the first anniversary of the terrorist attack in Bali, in which more than 200 people lost their lives. And this city itself was victim of the 9/11 attacks which cost 3,000 lives. International terrorism remains a primary threat to the safety and wellbeing of people across the world.

"If we are to defeat terrorism regional cooperation is imperative. In the Asia Pacific region a concerted response to terrorism is now at the centre of the ASEAN Regional Forum agenda and becoming increasingly important in APEC.

"The Pacific Islands Forum is responding collectively to security challenges including terrorism, transnational crimes, and challenges to national integrity and independence.
An effective campaign against terrorism requires international collaboration on intelligence, military, social and economic measures.

"New Zealand is aware that while we focus on the symptoms of terrorism, the international community must work together to tackle the conditions that foster it. We welcome the Norwegian initiative to strengthen our analysis of the causes of terrorism.

"There are no ends that can justify the death and maiming of vulnerable and innocent people.
New Zealand has since 1972 supported the development of a comprehensive international regime to outlaw terrorism. I hope that the General Assembly will be able to move forward on this issue and conclude the comprehensive and nuclear terrorism conventions.

"In combating terrorism, however, we should avoid undermining the very values we are seeking to uphold. The fight against terrorism should not become an excuse to justify actions that do not conform to international standards of humanity.

"…In failed or weak states, governments often lack the capacity or will to exercise territorial control. This can create a power vacuum for terrorist organisations and criminals to exploit to maintain safe havens, training facilities, and bases for launching terrorist operations.

"…We are engaged in a number of activities including establishing border security systems and drafting model legislation to address terrorism and transnational organised crime."

WMD: “Mr. President, the shared nightmare of all states is that weapons of mass destruction or the materials from which they can be constructed will find their way into the terrorist arsenal. The possibility of nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists is a worst case scenario with horrific implications. We must do everything we can to prevent this from happening.
The possible acquisition of nuclear weapons by terrorist groups increases as the numbers and types of these weapons, and the states which possess them, continue to expand.

"For these and other reasons the elimination of these weapons is vital."


H.E. Mr. Enrique Bolanos Geyer, President
September 24, 2003

International Security: "My country's commitment to democratic security is consistent with the struggle for peace and the establishment of a just international order.

"Who can make a more effective contribution to preventing war than those who have known it?

"We Nicaraguans have suffered the horrors and aftermath of war. The candidacy of Nicaragua will contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security."

Landmines: "Joint cooperation by the international community has been particularly meaningful for mine clearance activities in my country, where substantial progress has been made thanks to the fine work of national and international institutions participating in this humanitarian endeavour, and the professionalism of the Army sappers.

"As a token of the gratitude of the Nicaraguan people, we have decided to participate in the purely humanitarian mission involving mine clearance and the provision of medical support to the civilian population in Iraq as a way of repaying the generosity with which many countries came to our aid in the past in our hour of greatest need."

Multilateralism: "Nicaragua comes before this General Assembly to propose that we forge a new era in the world order and cooperate actively within the multilateral system to combat (among other scourges) terrorism, corruption, drug trafficking, trafficking in arms and persons and transnational crime, which are harmful to the consolidation of democracy and progress."

Small Arms: "On 17 July, at the meeting of Central American Presidents in Guatemala, I submitted a proposal for a 'Programme for Arms Limitation and Control in Central America in order to Achieve a Reasonable Balance of Power and to Foster Stability, Mutual Trust and Transparency'.

"The idea behind my Government's proposal is to establish the necessary controls and a reasonable balance of power and implement modern policies for defence and regional public security by strengthening mechanisms for the peaceful settlement of disputes, an issue which was subsequently espoused by the Central American Presidents gathered in Belize earlier this month, and on which technical teams area already working.

"In the current situation, international trafficking in small arms and light weapons is equally worthy of our attention. Nicaragua will soon be the headquarters for a major project to achieve progress in this area as well."

Terrorism: "Last month, we were all shocked by the terrorist attack on United Nations headquarters in Baghdad.

"…The world must not be intimidated by terrorism. The role of the United Nations as a guarantor of collective security is irreplaceable."


H.E. Mr. Olusegun Obsanjo, President
September 23, 2003

International Peace and Security: "The changes that are being made in the Council's working method to make it more open to non-members are appreciated; however, these are no more than marginal. I wish again to re-iterate Nigeria's long held conviction that what is required is a more fundamental reform, which will democratise and thus reposition the Security Council to enable it respond to issues of international peace and security in a more comprehensive, objective and effective manner. The overwhelming membership of our organisation demand no less in the interest of its continued relevance.

"…Neither the Bretton Woods institutions nor the Paris and London Clubs alone, can provide lasting solution and relief. l, therefore, believe that this issue is of such significance for the peace and development of a large portion of the world community, that we need to create a mechanism within the United Nations to address the problem in its full scope and based on the principle of joint responsibility of debtors and creditors alike."

Small Arms: "The proliferation of small arms and light weapons has been identified as one of the major factors that fuel conflicts. An effective strategy in dealing with this proliferation is the control of the illicit trade in this category of weapons from the countries of origin and their transfer to intermediaries and arms merchants. We therefore call for early conclusion of negotiations of a legally binding international instrument to control the indiscriminate supply of small arms and light weapons, especially to non-state actors. In keeping with our commitment to the eradication of these weapons, ECOWAS has already established and renewed a Moratorium on the importation of small arms and light weapons. To make the Moratorium as effective as intended, we call for effective cooperation of all producer countries."

Terrorism: "The issue of terrorism has been of great preoccupation to our organisation in the past few years. Several instances of terrorist attack continue to surface in different parts of the world involving the loss of innocent lives and vast destruction of properties. Nigeria reiterates its condemnation of terrorism in all its manifestations, and joins other Member States in the global determination to combat this veritable threat to national as well as international security. We support the work of the Counter Terrorism Committee, and reaffirm our conviction that a comprehensive convention on international terrorism will constitute an important instrument for the protection of individual and collective rights to life."

H.E. Mr. Jan Petersen, Minister for Foreign Affairs
September 30, 2003

Multilateralism, Disarmament, and Nonproliferation: "We need to strengthen the role of the United Nations in multilateral disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation.

"…We are confident that strengthening and making full use of this multilateral framework is the way to go.

"…Multilateralism has come under pressure from those who continue to question the primacy of the United Nations - and therefore look elsewhere for solutions.

"The answer to this challenge is to make the United Nations more effective and thus more relevant in dealing with issues at the top of the international agenda. By increasing the relevance of the United Nations we can increase its authority and legitimacy."

Terrorism: "Terrorism is a dark force, which targets the very values and norms upon which the United Nations Charter is based. An overwhelming majority of Member States have joined forces to fight it - and we have taken some important steps together.

"...Fighting terrorism, strengthening human security, working for development and preventing conflict are challenges that are closely related."

WMD: "We need to agree on strong and effective regimes that can provide reliable protection against weapons of mass destruction."

H.E. Yousef Bin Alawi Bin Abdullah, Minister Responsible of Foreign Affairs
October 1, 2003

Disarmament: "There is no doubt that the United Nations' efforts in the field of disarmament are leading nowhere. These efforts may become a cry in the wilderness that hears only its own echo, so long as member states of the United Nations, cannot count on an effective system of collective guarantees to safeguard their security. Without such a system private assessments of the level and quality of weapons needed would become a purely individual responsibility of every elite and every Government. This would open the door wide for a vicious armament circle, and not for progress towards disarmament or the reduction of armaments."

Small and light weapons (illicit trade): "Here, we would like to state the applicable laws in the Sultanate of Oman, which prohibits illegal circulation of small arms, and regulate their acquisition by groups allowed to carry arm, in accordance with rigid conditions and criteria, for the safety and security of citizens."

Small Arms and Light Weapons (reduction): "Moreover, my countries thinks that it is essential to have co-operation and exchange of information among states to reduce the illegal trafficking of small arms and light weapons."

H.E. General Pervez Musharraf, President
September 24, 2003

Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: "Apart from addressing Kashmir, sustainable security in South Asia requires India and Pakistan to institute measures to ensure mutual nuclear restraint and a conventional arms balance. Unfortunately, India is embarked on a massive build-up of its conventional and non-conventional military capabilities - advanced offensive aircraft, ballistic and cruise missiles, ABM systems, nuclear submarines and an aircraft carrier. This will destabilize South Asia and erode strategic deterrence. Those powers which desire peace, stability find security in South Asia - and oppose the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction - must review their decisions to offer such major strategic weapons systems to India. They must contribute to maintaining arms restraint and a military balance in South Asia."

Terrorism: "The terrible terrorist atrocity of 9/11 jolted the foundations of the international system. The response has weakened Al-Qaeda. But, it has not eliminated its associates. Terrorists have struck repeatedly around the world - in Indonesia, Tunisia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Kenya - and in Pakistan.

"The tragedy of 9/11 transformed security policies and changed geopolitical calculations. Pakistan took a strategic decision, based on the principles of humanity and our national interest, to support the war on terrorism. Our intentions should be in no doubt. Our actions speak louder than words. Our capabilities were limited but have been progressively improved. We are acting against Al-Qaeda and its associates effectively. We have also acted against other organizations or groups involved in any form of terrorism. Pakistan will remain in the forefront of the war on terrorism.

"The war against terrorism must be fought comprehensively, on a global front, with vision and understanding. It should not erode the moral values of our societies. It must not be hijacked by those who seek to use it as an excuse to suppress other peoples. It must not be allowed to engender a clash of civilizations - a clash between Islam and the West."

H.E. Mrs. Sandra Pierantozzi, Vice-President and Minister of Health
September 30, 2003

International Security: "To be effective at ensuring international peace and security, all nations, large and small, must be represented in the United Nations."

Terrorism: "To this end, the Republic of Palau reaffirms its unwavering support of the war, led by the United States, against terrorism. We all benefit when nations come together to deter aggression and terrorism, to resolve conflicts, to prevent the spread of diseases, to prevent the spread of dangerous weapons, to promote democracy and human rights, to open markets and create economic and financial stability, to raise standards of living, to protect the environment-to face this myriad of challenges that no nation can meet alone.

"…And so with these, I ask the world here today, at the United Nations 58th General Assembly, to study and discuss the roots of terrorism and possible solutions including inter-religious intervention, to promote conservation standards to protect our earth environment, to promote world public health, to protect the human dignity by banning the cloning of human embryos, and to continue our quest for peace and security for all peoples of the world."

WMD and Terrorism: "Weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, drug trafficking, and other international crimes are global concerns that transcend national borders."

H.E. Harmodio Arias Cerjack, Minister of Foreign Affairs
September 29, 2003

Small Arms and Light Weapons: "In July of this year we celebrated here the First Biennial Meeting to assess implementation of the Program of Action adopted in 2001 by the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.

"During that 2001 conference, the delegation of Panama urged, among other things, that attention be focused on the following needs, as expressed by many participants:
- To eliminate the culture of violence.
- To broaden the field of action in terms of disarmament, maintaining or consolidating peace, and combating criminal organizations.
- To establish proper controls for intermediaries.
- To design markings, reliable registries and proper mechanisms for tracking weapons.
- To strengthen the regional exchange of information; and
- To establish a monitoring mechanism under the United Nations General Assembly.

"We are yet some distance from achieving these objectives, both nationally and internationally, but we believe that the biennial meeting that we have just held has injected new vigor into the efforts that we must all make to keep our commitments.

"We repeat the proposal that we made at that conference, to the effect that the purposes and the code of conduct that the first two articles of the United Nations Charter demand of member states must be taken as indispensable steps for securing peace and understanding among the nations of the world."

Trafficking and trade of small and light weapons: "We would also stress that the massive clandestine trafficking in small arms and light weapons, which fuels internal conflicts, dictatorships, guerrilla movements and international terrorism, can only be blocked through close international cooperation. With equal determination, we must pursue the networks of traffickers in narcotics and diamonds that take advantage of bogus firms and banks, that thrive by corrupting public officials, and that are working constantly for the destruction of our societies.

"We are pleased to announce here our support for the proposal made at the Biennial Meeting of the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects by the distinguished Permanent Representative of Costa Rica, to the effect that the Program of Action must not ignore the violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law committed by those States that engage in this nefarious trade.

"In effect, Mr. President, the Report of the Sub-Commission of the Human Rights Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, at its 44th session, highlights the undeniable impact that the availability and misuse of these weapons has in these areas. Moreover, we share the conclusions of the third report on small arms prepared by the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, which showed that such trafficking can have a direct impact on the development prospects of our countries, not only through the terror that it sows among the public, but also through the deaths and injuries for which it is responsible, the creation of concentrations of refugees, and the consequent collapse of essential services."

Papua New Guinea
H.E. Sir Rabbie L. Namaliu, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration
October 1, 2003

Proliferation of small and light weapons: "Whilst issues of greater political and security risks are of concern to us, the real threat at this stage is the proliferation of small arms and light weapons.

"Small arms and light weapons have not only destabilized regions, sparked, fueled and prolonged conflicts but also obstructed relief programmes, undermined peace initiatives, exacerbated human rights abuses, hampered development, and fostered a 'culture of violence.'

"There are no international treaties or other legal instruments for dealing effectively with this category of weapons.

"In this context, Papua New Guinea welcomes the call for the immediate and full implementation of the Plan of Action to curb and eradicate the flow of small arms and light weapons."

Paraguay (Spanish only)
H.E. Don Nicanor Duarte Frutos, President of
September 23, 2003

Terrorism: "Y con la misma fuerza con quo abogamos por la paz ecum6nica, condenamos el terrorismo en todas sus manifestaciones y procedencias. En el Paraguay nos hemos comprometido, y to estamos cumpliendo decididamente, a combatir sus nidos de incubaci6n y su brazo financiero, el narcotrdfico…."

World Peace/UN Reform: "Lastimosamente, mientras en este recinto sagrado de la paz mundial forjamos un horizonte de ideales y utopias, no sabemos c6mo terminar con las guerras, puesto que en varios puntos de la geografia mundial la carrera armamentista no cesa.

"Como lideres de nuestras respectivas naciones, reitero, estamos obligados a terminar con la vieja dialktica amigo-enemigo, que desgasta y debilita, y utilizar esa energia y esos recursos para garantizar un desarrollo social sim6trico en los países econ6micamente menos favorecidos.

"…En ese contexto, el Paraguay apoya la aspiraci6n de Amdrica Latina y otros continentes de tener una representaci6n más amplia en el Consejo de Seguridad, donde la presencia de Brasil como Miembro Permanente materializarii los grandes y legitimos intereses de nuestra regi6n."


H.E. Mr. Alejandro Toledo, President of
September 23, 2003

International Security: "Peru has no doubt that multilateralism is the best instrument to confront global challenges, as well as to guarantee peace and international security. For that reason, the United Nations is indispensable. All Member States must have the conviction to strengthen it, and the courage to reform it, in order to face the new agenda of international security; to emphasize the fight against poverty; to maintain the development agenda; to assure democracy and to fight decisively against drug trafficking and international terrorism."

H.E. Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
September 26, 2003

International Security: "The principle of collective security established under the UN Charter should be observed.

"…Observance of the rule of law is of paramount importance in the maintenance of international peace and security.

"…International security-which in recent experience is mostly threatened by imploding and failed states-must be animated by the need to protect individuals and communities from violence."

Terrorism: "Meanwhile, the challenges posed by the global threat of terrorism are being effectively addressed through growing international coordination and cooperation, particularly in the exchange of information, best practices and lessons learned.

"We are actively assisting the work of the UN Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee in fighting the specter of global terrorism, and is in the process of ratifying the important international conventions on terrorism. At the same time, I am working with other heads of state to ensure continued cooperation in our battle to rid Southeast Asia of the threat of terrorism"

H.E. Dr. Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Minister for Foreign Affairs
September 25, 2003

International Security/UN Reform: "Believe that the best way to create proper conditions for-unconstrained debate on the future of the UN is to engage outstanding public figures of international stature in an informal setting. I suggested at the time that a Group of Eminent Personalities be charged with the task of producing an outline of the document, which would then be submitted for assessment by Member States. The composition of the Group should, on the one hand, ensure its independence, appropriate intellectual format and knowledge of international affairs, and on the other, excellent moral standing and political weight to guarantee the highest rank of the document designed to serve as an inspiration to member states. Thus, an essentially intellectual exercise initiated outside the institutional framework of the United Nations could be transformed into a political process, culminating in the adoption of the New Act by the General Assembly.

"…I wholeheartedly support his views on the need for review and possibly a radical reform of the international security architecture, as reflected in his latest report on the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration, as well as his timely proposals voiced at the outset of our debate. Indeed, we can no longer safely assume that our current multilateral rules and institutions have a sufficient capacity to confront the array of old and new threats to peace and security.

" Since I presented my proposal last September, we have consulted the idea extensively with government representatives of a number of countries. A rich volume of suggestions and comments has been collected, invaluable in developing the initiative. In the consultation process we were encouraged by the shared view of many countries on the need to adapt the United Nations to current challenges."

Proliferation: "We are confronted with terrorism of global reach, motivated by extremist ideology and unconstrained in its readiness to inflict massive casualties. We are facing growing risks of proliferation of deadly weapons and spread of organized crime often accompanying state failure."

H.E. Jose Manuel Durão Barroso, Prime Minister
September 23, 2003

Disarmament: "I am referring to the need for the establishment of a real preventive culture by the United Nations in matters of armed conflicts. In this context, we agree with the relevance the Secretary-General attributes to preventive diplomacy, to disarmament and non-proliferation measures, to peace building, to respect for human rights, to good government and to the development agenda."

International Peace and Security: "Portugal believes that the United Nations should have a central role in the definition of a global strategy for fighting terrorism, largely because maintaining international peace and security depends on the outcome of this fight. It is a fight we must undertake without losing our souls, that is to say, the values on which this Organisation is built. And it is for this reason that more security is necessary but also more democracy, more dialogue between cultures and civilizations, more development, more and better environmental protection measures and a drastic reduction in poverty."

Terrorism: "We are also 'condemned' to understand, sooner or later, that we are facing common threats which require common responses. At the forefront of these threats is terrorism. In fact, a new type of terrorism, the terrorism of mass destruction that configures a crime against humanity. The terrorism which kills blindly and indiscriminately in New York, in Bali, in Casablanca and in Nairobi, in the name of "non-values" presented as "values" on ideological and religious grounds.

"…Portugal believes that the United Nations should have a central role in the definition of a global strategy for fighting terrorism, largely because maintaining international peace and security depends on the outcome of this fight. It is a fight we must undertake without losing our souls, that is to say, the values on which this Organisation is built. And it is for this reason that more security is necessary but also more democracy, more dialogue between cultures and civilizations, more development, more and better environmental protection measures and a drastic reduction in poverty.

"It is also vital that this fight be undertaken in the name of, and with respect for, our law - International Law. The concept of "rule of law" should have real global resonance. This is why we defend the improvement of the laws in force, namely through the negotiation of a Global Convention on International Terrorism. But we must also bear in mind that International Law will be irrelevant without the imposition, if necessary by force, of its norms."

H.E. Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, First Deputy Prime Minister
September 26, 2003

Terrorism: "The phenomenon of terrorism and extremism has constituted and still constitutes one of the most important challenges facing the world. While expressing our total rejection for and condemnation of this subversive phenomenon, regardless of its source and motives, and in all its forms and manifestations, we affirm our stand by the international community and our support for whatever steps and measures that it takes to eliminate terrorism and consolidate the underpinnings of security and stability."

Republic of Korea
H.E. Mr. Yoon Young-kwan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
September 25, 2003

International Security/Non-Proliferation/Missiles/CTBT: "On the global security front, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and its potentially devastating linkage to terrorism loom as a grave and perilous threat. The global nuclear non-proliferation regime based on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) currently faces unprecedented challenges.

"How we deal with these challenges will have a decisive bearing on the future of not only the non-proliferation regime, but also on the international security environment as a whole. Recent cases have proven that the existing nuclear non-proliferation regime has inherent limitations when it comes to dealing with determined proliferators.

"While reiterating the importance of achieving the universality of the NPT and strengthening the safeguards system through universal adherence to the Additional Protocol to the IAEA Safeguards Agreements, we underscore the need to close the loopholes in the current regime.
In this regard, we stress the vital role of bilateral, multilateral and regional approaches among countries sharing common security interests to reinforce and supplement the NPT. Also imperative is the role of export control arrangements among potential suppliers of relevant components and technologies for WMD.

"To this end, my Government hosted the Plenary Meeting of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) last May and will also host a Plenary Meeting of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) next year.

"We further believe that the nuclear weapons states can do a great service to the cause of non-proliferation by complying with their share of the nuclear disarmament obligations under the NPT and working harder to achieve the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty."

Republic of Moldova
H.E. Mr. Vladimir Voronin, President
September 23, 2003

International Peace and Security: "Peace and security on our planet may constitute the surety for adopting by all states a joint stand towards the acknowledgement of modem social, economic, political and legal standards."

Terrorism: "International community undertook enormous efforts to provide that such phenomena alien to the spirit and aspirations of the contemporary world as poverty, oppression, terrorism, danger of an ecological disaster are perceived as motives for general concern that led, in its turn, to mobilisation of all nations' forces. We notice how international community goes further than adopting emotive humanitarian declarations to establishing institutions and organisations which do not only most actively analyses this or that problem, but also corrects the economic, social and political developments wherever they take place.

"…It is more than sure that there is no other way. Nowadays, the humankind is more vulnerable as never before to the crises and disasters of any scope and degree. That is why present civilisation does not have and should not have local problems, does not have and should not have dark corners where, like in an orangery, there may bloom the terrorism, repression and defiant disdain to the opinion of international community."

H.E. Mr. Mircea Geoana, Minister of Foreign Affairs
September 24, 2003

Multilateralism and Terrorism: "As befits a state that will soon be a member of both the European Union and NATO, we believe in the multilateral approach to tackling terrorism, the proliferation of WMD, organized crime, and violation of human rights."

Non-proliferation: "International non-proliferation legal regimes should be strengthened in order to prevent determined proliferators from breaching their international obligations. And countries of proliferation concern, could be subjected to diplomatic and economic pressure, which is most effective, when applied multilaterally."

Terrorism and WMD: "Terrorism; the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; the rising number of failing states; global disparities: these are some of the most worrying hallmarks of our times. The speed and unevenness of global processes intensify the complexity and pervasive nature of these threats to our security and prosperity.

"We already possess an important range of tools to tackle threats like terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. These should now be implemented in a more responsible and effective manner. For example, the Counter-Terrorism Committee should be given more professional resources in order to be more effectively acting to streamline national legislation on uprooting the financial sources of terrorism and monitoring its implementation."

Russian Federation
H.E. Mr. Vladimir V. Putin, President
September 25, 2003

PAROS: "Today, Russia announces its obligation not to be the first to deploy offensive strike weapons in outer space. We stand for developing a comprehensive agreement on this issue and invite all countries possessing space potential to join our initiative. The Russian initiative on building, under the auspices of the United Nations, a global system to counter new threats has already been supported by the General Assembly. We propose adopting a new resolution in the course of this session that would specify further steps in this direction."

Non-Proliferation/Terrorism/Nuclear Energy: "The ways of eradicating these threats are well-known. These include further universilization of the existing non-proliferation regimes, the strengthening of international verification instruments, and the introduction of safe technology in nuclear production and energy. By and large, it is renunciation by States of excessive arsenals and military programmemes capable of undermining the politico-military balance and trigger an arms race."

Terrorism: "I would especially note the role of the Counter-Terrorism Committee of the UN Security Council. Terrorism is a challenge to the security and economic future of the planet. That is why this Committee must become a real and practical instrument of effective struggle against the terrorist threat."

Rwanda (French only)
H.E. Mr. Bernard Makusa, Prime Minister
September 25, 2003

Disarmement/Peace Initiatives: "Le Rwanda se réjouit (de la conclusion) du processus de paix en République Démocratique du Congo ayant conduit à la formation d'un Gouvernement inclusif de transition et à la réunification de ce pays.

"Nous sommes disposés à travailler avec ce nouveau gouvernement ainsi que la MONUC pour arriver au désarmement, à la démobilisation et aux rapatriement effectifs, comme prévu dans les accords de Lusaka et Pretoria, des ex-FAR et les milices Interahamwe dont les activités belliqueuses sont à l'origine même des deux regretables entre nos deux pays.

" Quant à la situation au Burundi, elle exige encore une attention soutenue de la part de la communauté internationale.

"Le Rwanda en appelle, à ce titre, à toutes les parties (de faire preuve d'intérêts supérieurs des burundais) pour rallier les initiatives de paix en cours et fortement appuyées par les pays de la région afin de mettre un terme aux innommables souffrances de la population burundaise."