
Statements to the 2014 CCW Meeting of Experts

General debate
Technical issues part 1
Technical issues part 2
Ethics and sociology
Legal aspects part 1: International humanitarian law
Legal aspects part 2: Other areas of international law
Operational and military aspects
Wrap up
Concluding session

General debate

Technical issues part 1

Kickoff presentations

  • Mr. Raja Chatila, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France: "The concept of autonomy"
  • Mr. Paul Scharre, Center for a New American Security, United States of America: "Existing systems and technologies: is there a trend towards increasing autonomy?"
  • Debate between Professor Ronald Arkin, Georgia Institute for Technology, United States of America and Professor Noel Sharkey, University of Shefflied, United Kingdom: "The pros and cons of LAWS"

Technical issues part 2

Kickoff presentations

  • Mr. Jean-Paul Laumond, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France: "Humanoid Robotics"
  • Mr. Hajime Wakuda, Director for Defense Industry, Aerospace and Defense Industry Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan: "Robotics and applications"
  • Mr. Youngwoon Park, Director for the Unmanned Technolgy Center at the Agency for Defence Development of the Republic of Korea: "The trend of autonnomous technology for military robots"
  • Dr. Quentin Ladetto, Director, Future Technologies, Research Management and Operation Research, Federal Department of Defence, Switzerland


Ethics and sociology

Kickoff presentations

  • Dr Dominique Lambert, Université de Namur, Belgium: "The ethics of robotics and the human-machine interrelation"
  • Professor Peter Asaro, International Committee for Robots Arms Control: "Ethical questions raised by military applications of robotics"


Legal aspects part 1: International humanitarian law

Kickoff presentations

  • Dr. Nils Melzer, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Switzerland: "Principle of humanity and Martens Clause"
  • Professor Matthew Waxman, Columbia Law University, United States of America: "Implementation of Art. 36 and jus in bello"
  • Professor Marco Sassoli, Geneva Academy, Switzerland: "LAWS advantages and problems compared with other weapon systems from the point of view of international humanitarian law"


Legal aspects part 2: Other areas of international law

Kickoff presentations


Operational and military aspects

Kickoff presentations

Wrap up

Concluding session

  • Chair, Ambassador Jean-Hugues Simon-Michel of France
  • Belarus
  • Poland
  • Chair, Ambassador Jean-Hugues Simon-Michel of France