
The impact of Germany's arms transfers on women

This shadow report, prepared with the WILPF human rights programme and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, looks at Germany's extraterritorial obligations under the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) related to arms transfers and their impacts on women.

CEDAW-Germany-coverArms transfers can have serious consequences for the rights and safety of women in the countries that receive them as well as in places where they are not meant to go. The proliferation of small arms and light weapons, both in wartime and non-conflict situations with significant political tensions and systemic gendered discrimination, may disproportionately affect women. Furthermore, the use of explosive weapons in populated areas may have particular implications for women who may be affected by the destruction of infrastructure or the burden of caring for the wounded, particularly in a context of inequality. 

The CEDAW Committee and the Human Rights Council are among the human rights bodies that have expressed concerns about the specific negative consequences of arms transfers on the rights of women and girls.

This report look's at Germany's obligations under the Arms Trade Treaty and CEDAW and explores the impacts of some of its arms transfers on women.

Published in January 2017 by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights

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