
UN talks on international cyber security resume this week

After a hiatus of nearly one year, the UN's Open-ended working group (OEWG) on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security will have its third and final substantive session from 8-12 March. The Group was originally intended to conclude its work in July 2020, but had to postpone due to COVID-19. There have been numerous online informal consultations in the interim to take forward the preparation of the final report. Along the way, interested civil society and other stakeholders have convened opportunities to present our views on the different thematic issues under consideration by the Group.

Catch up by reading the most recent edition of the Cyber Peace & Security MonitorWILPF will monitor and report on the OEWG session, and post statements and documents as available. Follow #UNCyberOEWG on Twitter, and subscribe to our Monitor here.