
New publication: The 2015 NPT Action Plan monitoring report.

On Wednesday 11 March, Reaching Critical Will launched its latest and final NPT Action Plan monitoring report. 

NPTAP 2015_CoverAt the 2010 NPT Review Conference, states parties adopted a 64 point action plan in order to further the implementation of the treaty. Reaching Critical Will, in partnership with the Government of Switzerland, has produced comprehensive reports on the implementation of this action plan from 2011 to 2015.

Five years after the adoption of the NPT Action Plan in 2010, Reaching Critical Will's final monitoring report provides a straight forward review and assessment of the Plan's implementation. In addition to actions on nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation, and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the report covers the initiatives related to the Middle East weapons of mass destruction free zone and the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons.

Read the full report here or have a look at the executive summary and the analysis of implementation. 

Our previous monitoring reports can be found here